
Saturday, 12 January 2019

Questions on the Jewish Question for Avialae Horton

Questions asked:

"Is there such a thing as a good Jew?"

"Is this programme [of introducing the gender neutral pronoun] an intentional programme to destroy everyone except them?"

"Of course it is."

"So how does it work?"

"Essentially, when there is an infiltration to another society, you have those influences that they maintain and begin to subtly integrating into their society and in the name of progress, in the name of benevolence, in the name of political correctness and love and acceptance and tolerance and all of these frequently utilised terms the left loves to use in order to mask and create a facade of the actual agenda that they possess which is I think, to put it bluntly, the destruction of all other cultures that could actually point out the contradictions of their own culture."

"It has been said that the only good Injun is a dead Injun. Is there no good Jew but a dead Jew?" [or words to that effect].

Avialae Horton:

I am a 21 year old Nationalist Conservative. A lot of my views are alternative right philosophies, paganism, identitarianism, race and a lot of the biological realities that surround that concept. I am a bit different I think in a lot of my approaches in political philosophy because I don't think simply adhere to the Republican Conservative notions but I also have a lot of disagreements with the alternative right. I have developed a sense of my own political identity for myself and the cruz of my political philosophy and the most important endeavour that I have is racial awareness and the appreciation of our demographic identity and cultural identity and ultimately that is the most important cornerstone of what I do. I write a lot of philosophical essays pertaining to psychology, religion and philosophy. 

Charles Edward Lincoln:

Who are you spiritually? 
Spiritually, I identify with paganism of the old gods, the Graeco-Roman pantheon, which is something that sets me apart because the predominant religious faith is Christianity, but within pagan circles my path is considered rather obscure.

Charles Edward Lincoln:

What is your spiritual evaluation of Judaism and Islam?

Avialae Horton:

The gods represent archetypes, they represent the primordial motivations, the inclinations and insights of  the human mind and for that reason the gods we adhere to and believe in coincide with a lot of those inclinations and emotions and experiences that we relate to on a physical level. For myself, I embrace the goddess Athena because of my profound appreciation of wisdom and the aspect of wisdom in this physical existence that is most important to me in my personal life and that is why I adhere to the Goddess of Wisdom. 
With Islam and Judaism, I find them both to emphasise the most degrading aspects of human existence and for that reason I reject them entirely and find them to be nothing short of abhorrent because I think they embrace the most dark and frankly malicious and evil intentions in all of human history, and I know that sounds terrible but that is how I perceive it and I will never embrace the notions of totalitarian disgusting nature of both of them because they both approach that in different ways. They have a cultural parasitical element in Judaism. It's much more subtle in Islam though of course though nevertheless it has that same intention of infiltrating a culture and creating this internal influence in that culture and transforming it into a means of advantage to perpetuate the Zionist agenda and of course with Islam you have a very blatant and explicit demonstration of the same intention and endeavour to conquer, to destroy, to convert, to enslave, and I will never change my mind about that, I don't think because it is simply how I perceive those faiths and referring to them as faiths is an abomination so I shouldn't even call them faiths because I don't consider them worthy of the title. They emphasise and exalt the most disgusting behaviours in all of human existence and history and I truly believe that and for that reason I reject them and will always aggressively oppose them. 


  1. Is neoconservatism another word for American imperialism?
  2. Are Jews to blame for neoconservatism AKA American imperialism?
  3. If the answer is yes, how and why are Jews to blame for the adverse consequences neoconservatism AKA American imperialism on the American gentile?
  4. You say Jews infiltrate a society in order to cause it to collapse. What is your evidence of this?
  5. Have you heard of the post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy?
  6. Can you give two examples of the most degrading aspects of human existence?
  7. How does Judaism emphasise this "degrading aspect of human existence", as you claim?
  8. How does Islam emphasise this "degrading aspect of human existence", as you claim?
  9. What are "the darkest and most malicious and evil intentions of all of human history"? 
  10. How is Judaism "totalitarian"?
  11. How is Islam "totalitarian"?
  12. What is the "cultural parasitical element" of Judaism?
  13. What is the "cultural parasitical element" of Islam?
  14. Is Christianity totalitarian?
  15. Is Liberalism totalitarian?
  16. What do you mean by "totalitarian"?
  17. What is "the Zionist agenda"?
  18. What does Judaism destroy?
  19. What does Islam destroy?
  20. Whom has Judaism enslaved?
  21. Whom has Islam enslaved?
  22. Is your perception always correct? 
  23. How would you define a faith?
  24. Do you perceive Christianity to be a faith?
  25. Do you perceive Hinduism to be a faith?
  26. Do you perceive Buddhism to be a faith?
  27. If you perceive Christianity to be an Abrahamic faith, why do you not perceive Judaism and Islam to be also faiths as they are also Abrahamic faiths?  
  28. What is "the most disgusting behaviour in all of human existence" that you believe Judaism to emphasise and exalt?
  29. What is "the most disgusting behaviour in all of human existence" that you believe Islam to emphasise and exalt? 

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