
Monday, 21 January 2019

Why Secular Koranism is the only honest, rational and moral choice for the early 21st century West

If there was a Creation, then there must have been a Creator, and that Creator was the Abrahamic God.

Sceptics will claim that God has died.

Even if He has died or just temporarily left the building, He would have left instructions. The Torah was said to have been handed by God to Moses on Mount Sinai and the Koran was said to be the directly revealed Word of God addressing mankind in Arabic through the Prophet Muhammad.

The New Testament on the other hand was a mish-mash ragtag by different people who never even met each other with differing accounts produced decades after Christ's execution.  To make up for the unreliability of this corrupted scripture, Christians declared Christ to be the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God. In other words, they made Christ divine to compensate for the inferiority of their scripture, therefore breaking the rule against idolatry in the Noahide laws.

In view of the strict monotheism of Islam, Muslims were considered as Noachides whereas the status of Christians was a matter of debate. 

For 2000 years, Christians worshipped God through Christ. In other words, they worshipped God as if He were Christ, which is undeniably idolatry. During this time, anyone who questioned the Trinity would be executed or ruthlessly persecuted until they stopped doing so.

Imagine if for 2000 years every single might you announced to your flatmates you would go out but always stayed in.  If they questioned you, you would burn them at the stake or punish them horribly in some way. After 2000 years, you can imagine they would get tired of asking the same question and being punished for it, until you have become too old and feeble to punish your flatmates any more, and they just want to quietly forget about you.

What I have described above is what Christianity has become. Western nations no longer practise any Christian principle but instead practise satanism and by this I mean doing the exact opposite of God's commands by promoting no fault divorce, fornication, underage sex, gay marriage and transgenderism. It is no surprise that such degenerates would find that their governments no longer care about them and instead prefer illegal immigrants whom they bribe with passports to vote for them for at least a generation.

If you care about America, you ought to oppose the exploitation of Americans, whether it’s happening in the inner city or on Wall Street.

And by the way, if you really loved your fellow Americans, as our leaders should, if it would break your heart to see them high all the time. Which they are. A huge number of our kids, especially our boys, are smoking weed constantly. You may not realize that, because new technology has made it odorless. But it’s everywhere.

And that’s not an accident. Once our leaders understood they could get rich from marijuana, marijuana became ubiquitous. In many places, tax-hungry politicians have legalized or decriminalized it. Former Speaker of the House John Boehner now lobbies for the marijuana industry. His fellow Republicans seem fine with that. “Oh, but it’s better for you than alcohol,” they tell us.

Maybe. Who cares? Talk about missing the point. Try having dinner with a 19-year-old who’s been smoking weed. The life is gone. Passive, flat, trapped in their own heads. Do you want that for your kids? Of course not. Then why are our leaders pushing it on us? You know the reason. Because they don’t care about us.

When you care about people, you do your best to treat them fairly. Our leaders don’t even try. They hand out jobs and contracts and scholarships and slots at prestigious universities based purely on how we look. 

Female voters do not care about the wrongness or rightness of these policies because they do not perceive them as directly affecting them as long as they continue to get benefits from their welfare state.  The average age in the UK is 40, which means the average voter is female and 40. A woman of this age would be a single mother with a string of failed relationships, bitter and angry with the men who have embittered, angered and disappointed her. She won't care about men at all, and if she had any maternal instincts, they would be directed at foreign men and foreign children or animal rights and environmentalism.

The preference of the male voter is completely ignored because the operation of democracy dictates that the female voter is always pandered to because the female bloc vote is crucial to getting a party elected into office.

If liberal democracy continues, then nothing will be done to address the longstanding problems of society and in the meantime everything will become worse and harder to fix, including rising crime and deepening degeneracy.

The perfect patriarchy - 100% married parents

The perfect matriarchy - 100% unmarried parents

London violent crime could take 'a generation' to solve

If the problem is Matriarchy, then Patriarchy must be the solution.

If Patriarchy is the destination, then Theocracy must be the vehicle.

A one-party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism to restore the patriarchy is what I propose.

It was Judaism that kept Jews in existence for 5000 years; it is a tried and tested religion.

Christianity and Islam are derived from Judaism representing two attempts to adopt Judaism for gentiles. Since Christianity is kaput and Judaism is for Jews only, it can only be Islam, because it cannot be Hinduism and Buddhism which are even more alien to Western traditions than Islam.

If Islam is "Judaism Lite", then Secular Koranism is "Islam Lite". Or does anyone else have any better ideas?

When I discovered that all the things I felt were needed to solve longstanding social and political problems were allowed by the Koran, the answer became clear. Secular Koranism was first conceived of by me in 2009 when I posted You would have thought someone would have thought of a better idea after all this time if a better idea could be thought of, but they have not, for all we have now is Pogrom, Propertarianism and Periodic Tablism.  This means that my idea must be unbeatable and it is time to adopt it, or at least talk about adopting it.

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