
Sunday 17 March 2019

Jennifer Scharf is very rude to me but I maintain the calm of a kindly psychiatric nurse

From 1:24:00  I explain the nature of a theocracy under Secular Koranism and how it would not be an ecclesiocracy. The group closest to being a priesthood would be the judiciary tasked to interpret and apply the law under this theocracy.

1:30:00  Jenn starts talking nonsense and refers to

1:32:00  Maintenance

1:32:30  Why are there "outflows" from Muslim countries to Western countries?

1:33:00  Western imperialists complaining about Islamic imperialism is the pot calling the kettle black.

1:36:00  The poison pill of the Sykes-Picot Agreement

1:37:00  Any country that uses democracy allows their politics to be manipulated by foreign forces.

1:38:00  Intellectual property - if you understand an idea, you can apply it and it becomes yours.

1:40:00 "The personality of God"

1:43:00  Jenn accuses me of misrepresenting her ideas.

1:45:00  Jenn's story about Krishna and his universal mouth

1:47:00  Jenn's dig at white nationalists

1:47:45  My proposal to define and measure wisdom

1:48:00  Jenn is angry at me for not seeing how her Unified Field Theory is a contribution to the definition and measurement of wisdom.

1:50:00  Jenn accuses me of not honouring her teachings.

1:55:00  I am the thirsty horse who wants to shame sluts, apparently.

1:57:00  Jenn complains about my unsolicited advice which I had imagined was a display of compassion towards her and intended to be constructive.

The story of Monkey and the Buddha

2:08:00  The peace that surpasses all understanding

2:11:00  Jenn accuses me of treating Jews better than her.

2:16:00 Spirituality is one of the subjects of my study.

2:17:00  Jenn quotes me on the 3 Ps of the alt-right.

2:19:00  Jenn insists on turning the spotlight back on me and my alleged behaviour and motivations rather than discussing the issues of spirituality Elliott's story raised.

2:35:00  My position on drugs has shifted over the years.

2:43:00  Western philosophy is nothing in wisdom compared to Judaism and Islam.

2:43:30  I am accused of feminine privilege by Jenn.

2:44:00  Kant

2:46:00  I point out Jenn's categorical mistake.

2:46:00  I point out that is the most advanced feature of Islam, not present in either the Old or New Testaments.

The First Amendment was derived from the Koran

2:51:00  Jenn says freedom of belief is "retarded".

2:52:00  The rule of law in the Koran is the greatest contribution of Islam to gentile humanity.

2:54:00  The penalty for apostasy is not death.

2:55:00  The punishment for lewd acts between men

2:57:00  Philosophical insights of the Koran

2:58:00  Jenn agrees with  me that Western philosophy is not great.

2:58:00  Jenn calls the scripture of the Abrahamic faiths "dogshit".

2:59:00  Jenn cannot even define a philosophical insight when I ask for an example. She is saved by Brundle joining the hangout.

3:00:00  The rule of law is necessary for morality.

3:02:00  Prosperity Gospel

3:13:00  Adam and Eve was set up by God because He was looking for an excuse to kick them out and kickstart the human race.

3:18:00  I say freedom of belief guaranteed by is crucial to protecting people from laws like Jenn's saying she would "ban people from spreading false ideology".

3:19:00  I point out that her proposal to ban people from spreading false ideology is suspiciously similar to Curt Doolittle's proposal of suing anyone deemed to be alienating the national interest which is regarded as the common property of the citizens of a nation, hence Propertarianism.

3:22:00  The philosophical superiority of Secular Koranism explained.

3:23:00  What is justice? It is what is fair enough.

3:25:00  Most problems in time solve themselves.

3:26:00  The Koran is more liberal than the Bible.

3:27:00  The universal nature of the Koran

3:28:00  Will complains about my comments on his videos in particular at

3:32:00  Kafir and Dhimi  - under Secular Koranism there would be no dhimis, because everyone would have the same legal status.


3:42:00 Jenn sees it as her "jihad"to suppress my ideas.

3:43:00 Will complains about me speculating in a comment he subsequently deleted under his video that he "wants nothing more than to retire from politics and live on a deserted island with Jenn for ever more" which he calls it "absurd" and that I see the world through my "burkha slits".

3:45:00  Jenn says I am "good at rhetoric".

3:46:00  Jenn complains that my maternal concern for her wellbeing undermines her leadership of her cult. Of what though?

3:47:00  Will says I am arguing for totalitarianism (even though I have repeatedly emphasised that Secular Koranism would emphasise the importance of and am using the Koran as a Trojan Horse. I am also old and sowing the seeds of my beanstalk which I plan to climb to power.

3:49:00  Agnostics can enjoy spirituality too. My agnosticism is discussed.

3:54:00  Jenn says "Claire has her own logic."

3:57:00  Elliott says he is not into Will's abstractions and sees the point of stories as a better way of expressing human wisdom.

4:33:00  I am "dangerous" because I can "ride the wave of social malaise to power".

4:42:00  Jenn and I are one and the same to OV.

4:47:00  1:58:00 at it was being said that Jenn is "full of shit" but OV tells Jenn he thinks she is more coherent than me.

4:52:00  I am charmed by a discussion of how tall I sound.

5:05:00 Jenn gives her assessment of how the debate went. OV mentions Aaron Amihud's resistance to my idea of Jews promoting Secular Koranism as God's Chosen People. He is after all an Israeli Zionist.

5:09:00  "Every stream is either about Doooovid or about Claire at the end."

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