
Wednesday 13 March 2019

Proposed joint letter from Jews and Muslims to Christians warning them of the abomination of idolatry


Dear Christians

We Jews and Muslims see it as our Judaic and Islamic duty to put you on notice that you have been practising idolatry for 2000 years and demand that you henceforth cease this abominable practice before God zaps us all in the global village that you have now turned into Sodom and Gomorrah with your satanic laws and degenerate culture.

Cursed by God because of your idolatrous and now failed religion - for what is the priesthood but the fattened maggots feasting on the corpse of idolatry? - you are now suffering from the double whammy of a failed religion and a failed political system.

You have now become a matriarchy of immoral unmarried mothers bringing up the next generation of sex offenders and violent murderous criminals. Your milquetoast men are now too spineless to stand up for a principle because in a matriarchy, all men are lower than unmarried mothers. Indeed, you now no longer know what a principle is.

You must henceforth cease and desist this practice of promoting sexual liberation as a distraction to your degenerate people, or someone much worse and more powerful than us will come to destroy your civilisation.

Our advice to you is that you repent and immediately adopt Claire Khaw's slut-shaming Secular Koranism in its entirety to commence the process of moral and social regeneration.

Yours faithfully
Jews and Muslims

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