
Monday, 1 April 2019

An archetypical leader

23:00  I am mentioned. Doooovid gives you good advice, Jenn. I perform a valuable service for those following our discussions, do I not? You find the detail with which I recorded exchanges both disturbing and helpful.

28:00  I am "subversive about my intentions but open about my proclivities", according to Jenn.  What are my "proclivities", exactly?  If you have any questions about my message and methods, all you have to do is stream with me again, but you seem to be avoiding me. Blocking me on Twitter does not exactly help our communications.

30:00 Jenn thinks she is living "rent free" in my mind. Is Jenn perhaps projecting? Jenn thinks she is "Queen of Claire" because she thinks I think of her, but equally is she thinking of me and I too live rent free in her mind. I am now lounging on her sofa having kicked off my shoes ....

32:00  There are NPCs who could be subscribing to either Periodic Tablism or Secular Koranism whose behaviour will not change from remaining passive bystanders. Let us hope people more active than the NPCs passively watching us will take an interest in our exchanges and find my ideas more practicable! Oh, but you have already acknowledged this. And that is why you should come over to me.

45:00  "There is no religion higher than truth." That would be part of my principles of Truth, Logic and Morality.

1:06:00  I did not "silence" Pat Ashley. Why on earth would I? Am I the only person here with a wrench?

1:17:00  Jenn says I am debating in bad faith. Really? I could say the same thing  about her.

1:18:00  Doooovid says Brundlefly could more usefully allow Ecce, Ken, me and others to debate people like Richard Spencer than always to be using him. And leave out Vivian Veritas who has nothing to add because she is only a Jewess who knows more about Christianity and has a greater affection for it than Judaism.

1:50:00  I think there is a modicum of refinement and good behaviour on our streams, though this cannot always be guaranteed!

1:54:00  Stalin: "One death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic."

!:56:00  What are the archetypes we can think of? It would be entertaining to assign an archetype to everyone we know in our streaming circles. 

I am the archetype of the Secular Koranist Revolutionary admired for my wisdom and leadership skills. 

Babs and Elliott are archetypes of the charming Jew.

Control Opp is the archetype of the liberal flirting with the alt-right.

Ecce is the archetype of a gun nut.

Luke Ford is the archetype of the tortured Jewish convert who cannot escape his past.

Will is the archetype of a young man tortured by an identity crisis common to those of his age.

2:06:00  Which of us is closest to the archetype of leader?

Wisdom, charisma, charm, principled behaviour, reliability, predictability, impartiality, vision, imagination, coolness under pressure. excellent communication skills both verbal and non-verbal and a readiness to take accurately calculated risks are the indispensable ingredients of good leadership, all of which I embody, wouldn't you agree, Jenn? 

Women are not really meant to be leaders, but I am the mind of a man happily inhabiting the body of a woman, conscious of my feminine privilege who can be trusted not to abuse it. The alt-right are very lucky to have me.

Ego type: The Hero
Soul type: The Creator
Self type: The Sage

2:36:00  My favourite vampire movie: Salem's Lot.

2:44:00  Traditional Chinese Medicine

2:52:00  Monsieur's voice is nasal. If I had to assign Otto a humour, I would say he was melancholic. I think I am sanguine or possibly choleric.

Driving needs
Each of the four corner temperaments has a driving need that energizes its behavior.

For the Melancholic, the motivation is fear of rejection and/or the unknown. They have a low self-esteem and, figuring that others do not do like how they would do the work like them (melancholic people are perfectionists) and would say that they had done it 'good enough',it wouldn't be good for them and strive for perfection.

The Supine also has low self-esteem, but is driven to try to gain acceptance by liking and serving others.

The Sanguine is driven by the need for attention, and tries to sell themselves through their charm, and accepts others before those others can reject them. Their self-esteem crashes if they are nevertheless rejected. Yet, they will regain the confidence to keep trying to impress others.

The Choleric is motivated by their goals, in which other people are tools to be used.

The Phlegmatic's lack of a motivation becomes their driving need: to protect their low energy reserve.

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Failures of communication and comprehension

1:00  Speakers Corner 2:00  Hatun Tash 4:00  Posie Parker 7:00  Trump's foreign policy 8:00  Zelensky 9:00  Neocons 12:00  Starmer 13:00...