
Wednesday, 17 April 2019

Church of Entropy says the Periodic Table has three dimensions just like a real table with four legs

20:00 CK: You seem to be claiming you're more authoritative than even the corrupt universities.  I suppose people might instinctively pull back.

Jen: How much authority should I command? I proved reincarnation. I proved the periodic

CK:  You haven't. You only think you have and that's why so many people think you're some crazy lady.

Jen: Oh well, I think it's a little bit crazy that you keep asserting negatives when that's
a bad debate tactic.

31:00  Jen: I am not going to talk to you about my past life until you recant all the times you said I had mental problems, vow to defend me against anyone who says I have mental problems for the rest of your life and vow never to defy me again for the rest of your life.

In return for all this, I asked if she would become a Secular Koranist, but Jen said "This is not a bargain."

37:00  Jen: Because of all that knowledge I have that proves how perfect my mind is.

39:00  Jen: Don't you understand that I only want legitimate followers?

39:15  Jen: I want them to ask the right questions.

39:30  Jen: I would really like you to know yourself really well and ask questions in that direction to address your emotional baggage because that is holding you back from being free from the emotional trauma you suffered ascribing all these nefarious motivations to people. It just pushes people away. There's no place for ad homs in proper debate and I'm trying to create a positive debate culture so that the truths that are self-evident to me becomes self-evident to everyone else. That's all I am working on.

CK: Don't you think, Jen, that your problem was that you didn't explain anything particularly well and you ended upsetting the Batten Gang?

Jen: I explained them perfectly well. They chose not to listen.

CK:  Don't you ever accept responsibility when you fail to explain your message?

Jen:  In this case that was entirely his fault there may have been some times where I didn't go the exact perfect route from a propaganda perspective but if somebody can tell that my knowledge is good quality ...

CK: They haven't heard of you and you are not particularly famous for physics or Hinduism.

Jen: Periodic table!

CK: What about it?

Jen: It's three dimensional!

CK: But nobody cares.

Jen: That proves I know science better than all the Europeans.

53:00  Jen to me: Your failure to acknowledge my authority exposes you as fool.

59:00  The laws of physics and moral laws

1:09:00  Jen:  I told you that Islam was designed by Jews to keep the goyim out of usury.

I point out that there are verses that forbid usury eg, but she says "the written word is not authoritative".

After I tell Jen that I do worry about her, she says I am lying, accuses me of mental illness and then sings a song at 1:13:00

CK: Are you saying that your your authority is more authoritative than anyone else's?

Jen: When did I say that?

CK:  Well, you implied it. You were saying anybody who disagrees with you will be cursed.

Jen: I didn't say that: I said that if you call me crazy, you will go crazy.

CK: My position is simply this Jews are not supposed to practice usually on each other. Muslims are not supposed to practice usually on each other. If the world were still divided between Jew and Gentile then neither the Jew nor Gentile will be practising usury at all. Obviously, they'd have to follow their rules and it would be moral and intellectual corruption that stops them from following their rules so we we have to concentrate on religion and obviously make people use truth, logic and morality in making decisions. We have to go back to basics the basics are to be found in scripture scripture can be found and referred to and I think you're the dangerous one in saying that people are to ignore all scripture but just listen to you ...

Jen:  You're knowledge is shit. It's shit, just like that Brutus idiot, his knowledge is shit and I exposed the fact. You guys don't really know all that much and you want to come in here and tell people what to think and how to act. Guys, I have more authority in my pinky finger.

CK: So you're saying that you have more authority and you you have better standards of behavior while you swear, don't accept written authority and when you don't explain things properly, you tell people are stupid ...

Jen: Claire, stop lying. Just say you don't understand.

CK: I do say I don't understand.

Jen: Then stop saying I haven't explained them because you sound like a lunatic.

CK: Well, I'm the one who is calm and I think scripture will back me up when I say that the Torah forbids usury and scripture will also back me up when I say the Koran ban usry.

Jen: Well, thank you very much for showing us that the written word is not authoritative.

CK: It is authoritative in the sense that it is recorded but obviously it cannot make us follow it if we are corrupt people who can't follow anything or can't make ourselves follow any principle. I fear that you are one of those people who just ignore all the rules of logic and truth. You're saying your scientific and then you just ignore logic.

Jen: I ignore false logic.

CK: So you're saying that rules do matter or don't matter?

Jen: What I'm saying is that God's laws can't be broken.

CK: What about the Commandments?

Jen: Can they be broken?

CK: Yes.

Jen: Oh, there you go there's your answer.

CK: You're saying that physical laws are the same as moral laws. There would be people who disagree with you on that because as I said earlier, you can choose to respond to somebody else's provocation or you can choose not to but if two objects collide these objects have no choice but to obey the laws of physics, but there's nothing inevitable about what we humans choose to do about responding to stimuli offered by other humans so we can choose to respond to provocation proportionately question, so we have a choice. My point is that moral laws are different to physical laws because human agency dictates that we have the ability to choose whether to respond to provocation or not, respond or respond proportionately or disproportionately. You have a choice
while that insect hitting the windscreen of the bus didn't have a choice. So I think you have to admit that there are different laws: one is physical laws and the other is moral laws.

1:20:00  Jen says that because we have physical bodies, it means moral laws are the same as physical laws.

I propose rules that say do and don't.

Jen's response is that she does not follow rules because that would be slave morality. She then made some strange noises.

1:27:00  Jen tries to explain why she wants to butter up degenerates like Chris Cantwell and Luke Ford.

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