
Friday, 19 April 2019

My answer to Church of Entropy on Quantum Psychology

Morality comes from religion and religion comes from the Latin "religare" to bind [society].

Morality is therefore a set of rules we obey in order to keep our group together and apart from others that do not obey our rules.

If morality comes from religion and religion is about the worship of God through obeying His laws, then we should measure the efficacy of world religions available.

For the purposes of Westerners, only the Abrahamic faiths should be discussed. There is no point Westerners embracing a non-Abrahamic faith since no Eastern country has amounted to anything because of its religion. Hinduism has not exactly made India successful and the Chinese disdain to use Buddhism because nothing in abstract Buddhist scripture could form the basis of any legal system.

Judaism has the most ancient lineage and Jews are the most powerful and successful tribe in the world.

Christianity and Islam are derived from Judaism.

Christianity has failed because the West is now Post-Christian. We know this is so because you will not be able to find a single person calling himself Christian who says he really believes that worshipping an executed revolutionary as the co-equal of God is the way to go about restoring the patriarchy. Very few men in the morally rotten West are even prepared to discuss the subject honestly and rationally. In the matriarchy that is the West, all men are lower in status than the irresponsible unmarried mother including the President of the United States, supposedly the most powerful man in the world.

Islam therefore must be the answer because there is nothing else around, especially as the Koran prescribes slut-shaming and would treat unmarried parents - the undeniable cause of Western degeneracy - as sex offenders.

Laws are the algorithms of humans and shaming sluts and slut-fuckers is the only way to discourage extramarital sex, widespread illegitimacy and restore the patriarchy.

Patriarchy is a society that prioritises the preferences of married fathers wishing to properly parent their offspring, matriarchy a society that prioritises the preferences of unmarried mothers indifferent to the parenting of their usually variously fathered illegitimate offspring.

Those who do not wish to restore the patriarchy would be men with no intention or prospect of becoming married fathers. It is surely unimaginable that marriageable men could be defeated by unmarriageable men unless they really are such an insignificant minority that they could not hope to defeat the overwhelming majority of pozzed unmarriageable men.

If marriageable men in the West are indeed such an insignificant minority in the West that they have no hope of defeating unmarriageable men, then Western civilisation as we know it deserves to die.

The Koran offers Western men hope with these verses:

Do you have to be married or marriageable to agree that children are better off with two married parents living together?

Even gay men can say this since even gay men were conceived by their mother and father.

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