
Tuesday, 16 April 2019

The sin of idolatry discussed with Church of Entropy

17:45  I was referring to this tweet at

19:00  OV's birdcall to Jen at is mentioned.

22:00  Who do you find scary, Jen?

23:00  Jen claims Faustian has not won a debate against her.

24:00  Jen says she learned how to debate in a past life because she has learned nothing in this life.

26:00  Jen says her audience are "smart people". I ask if she also thinks I am also smart but she only says I am "persistent, idealistic and nagging" as well as "an occupational hazard".

28:00 Do Jen and I have a bond as Sisters in Theocracy even if disagree on the meaning of words?

She confuses the Rule of Law with theocracy because she says even secular France is a "theocracy". Obviously, the correct understanding of theocracy is a society governed by the laws of God, and the best theocracy we can have should be one even better than the official religion the West has ie Christianity, which is unfortunately kaput. The most successful religion in the world is Judaism because the world's most powerful and successful tribe are the Jews and it is well known that Christianity and Islam are derived from Judaism. Since Christianity is clearly kaput, the only rational and moral choice remaining must be Islam. I have created Secular Koranism to ease the transition of Western Man from globohomo to an Islamic theocracy. It is my gift to Western Man and I do wish he would hurry up and accept it.

31:00  We would both go to public executions and the games if they existed, and bring along any children or grandchildren we have.

32:00  The men of the alt-right would trust me more than Jen to rule over them, I  bet. This is because my ideas are coherent, and I can be seen to behave in a principled and consistent way.

33:00 I am trusted because of my principled and consistent behaviour taking great care not to say anything inconsistent with truth, logic and morality. I have also been called the "Granny of the alt-right".

34:00  Jen says she would beat me in a physical fight and claims she is stronger than most men.
38:00  Idolatry

39:00  Jen says Muslims "worship a cube".

41:00  Does Jen even see the harm of idolatry?

43:00  Jen refuses to explain the harm of idolatry.

44:00  Jen says worshipping the Abrahamic God is idolatry.

45:00  Jen says she is a pantheist.



47:00  God moves in a mysterious way.



52:00  Physical laws determine moral laws, according to Jen.

55:00  Will interviews someone who seemed gay to me.

56:00  Brundlefly's garden video
Jen complains about being bullied by Brundle and me.

57:00  Jen sees it as her role to protect others from me.

58:00  According to Jen, liberal democracy is in fact theocracy.

1:02:00  Jen confuses the rule of law with theocracy.

1:03:00  Hinduism is associated with a failed civilisation that has been colonised and dominated.
Jews are the most powerful and successful tribe in the world.

1:05:00  Jen has never been to India.

1:09:00  Jen cannot think of a more powerful God than the Abrahamic God.

1:09:30  Degeneracy is caused by condoning extramarital sex and not practising slut-shaming as prescribes.

1:10:00  Cousin marriage

1:12:00  The atheism problem

1:13:00  Jen does not believe in written authority.

1:14:00  Jen says Abraham means killing Brahmins.


1:16:00  Jen says Muslims have been cursed by Hindus.

1:17:00  Apparently, I don't even conform to "basic protocols of human decency"


1:19:00  "Non-noble wars"


1:22:00  All great civilisations are empires.


1:24:00  To disobey the laws of God is punishment in itself.

1:26:00  Jen repeats her rejectionism of the Abrahamic faiths because they are all "Jewish".

1:27:00  Christianity and Islam are different reasons. Not even Christians don't believe in the Trinity. The only people who claim to believe in the Trinity are the priesthood.

1:28:00 The Archbishop of Canterbury didn't even know he was supposed to believe in the Trinity.

1:29:00  Jen denies the existence of Christ and Muhammad. She hates them so much because they are "Jewish" she wishes them out of existence, including their prophets.

1:29:30  Christians have been practising usury for centuries since John Calvin.

1:41:00  How can Jen predict something that happened in the past?

1:46:00  Comparing Jews and Muslims - which has the better banking system?

1:48:00  Aryans
1:50:00  Notre Dame

1:54:00 All great civilisations are empires, all empires are built on war after becoming great nations. Only under a patriarchy would enough good strong men be produced to defend the national interest. All empires rise in patriarchy and decline in matriarchy.

Empire is an objective measure of human achievement.

1:55:00  Rules are made to be broken, and this includes the Ten Commandments.

Rules should be written down and the rules most important to Man should be in scripture because rules said to be divine should be written in scripture.

Man is more likely to obey for longer divine laws from a divine source clearly stated by the most powerful God conceivable ie the Abrahamic God for the widest group of people. The Koran Is for all of mankind.
1:55:00  The punishment for idolatry and ceteris paribus

2:01:00  "The eternal religion does not condone idolatry."

2:05:00  Rules are made to be broken. God expects people to break the Ten Commandments.

2:07:00  Secular Koranism would only be interested in the commandments of the Koran and only deal with verses framed in the imperative.

2:08:00  Dayananda's points

2:15:00 Jen accuses me of having "a condescending cosmopolitan attitude" and of hating Europeans because I didn't enjoy a degenerate novel called Trainspotting or the movie which started with being a man inside a toilet, I seem to remember.

2:18:00 Jen says she likes Luke Ford and I point out that she likes degenerates for some reason.

2:22:00  The Bhagavad Gita. Jen calls me a "bigoted colonialist supremacist imperialist" to my surprise.

2:23:00 My mission is to choose a rational and moral religion for a civilisation suffering from dementia whose infantilised men no longer have the courage to act on principle because their dementia is so advanced they can no longer even recognise a principle, let alone stick to it.

2:24:00 The purpose of religion is to keep your group together and apart from other groups.

2:27:00 Western Man has been feminised and Infatilised and is now helpless.

2:29:00 Western men are unprincipled nihilists who don't believe in anything and see no point in believing in anything. Therefore they only behave like cattle responsive only to threats and bribes, unmoved by truth, logic or morality, unable to solve the simplest problems because they have been emasculated and feminised by immoral women above them whom they dare not criticise. In a matriarchy, all men are lower in status than the unmarried mother, including the US President.

2:29:30 Jen accuses me of lying again and seems to be saying that anyone who doesn't believe in reincarnation or disagrees with her is lying.

2:33:00  Jon Vance

2:34:00 Vincent Bruno

2:36:00 Jen talks of her friendship with me!

2:38:00  What made the West great? War and imperialism.

2:41:30  Infantilised Western men see their role as uncooperative children deliberately upsetting their immoral unmarried mother to punish her for conceiving and parenting them so casually.

2:42:00  Jen's intellectual achievements

2:43:00 Feminine beauty  You do have a lovely smile, Jen!
2:53:00  Jen says she has been around for 1000 years.
2:54:00  The rule of law made humanity great and following the laws of God.
2:54:30  I just know Jen already possesses a copy of the Koran. So just pick it up and start reading!

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