
Friday, 24 May 2019

Church of Entropy has broken up with me

El Jim:

A part of me thinks it is quite sad how Jen can't see that the dynamic, diametrical relationship between you two is both entertaining and intellectually stimulating. As a self-proclaimed teacher she sets herself up for failure by moving to the back of the class and hanging out with the special ed crowd; especially since she quite obviously is a sensitive normie, can't handle the bants and responds with psychotic measures like hexes and numerous rage quits. It is only a matter of time before these people turn against her and like Brundlefly & co will start exhibiting abusive behavior that far surpasses our playful tongue in cheek and wordplay. I would say that our crowd at least has a certain amount of love and affection for her eccentric and quirky behavior. Or, I know I do, I suppose I can't speak for anyone else, but that's my take on the situation.    

  There's another part of me that thinks it's utterly hilarious though and takes gleeful delight in watching her lay her mental weakness bare though. Here's this great leader that can't deal with a few sarcastic comments in the chat. A fool who keeps digging her hole deeper and deeper despite hitting solid rock. A liberator of the spiritually downtrodden who has to resort to virtual burkas and digital whips, censorship and abuse. It's all so, so amusing and poetic in a way. We've reduced the great swami to a crying little girl who's grabbed her Barbie and ran off to her room to mope. And here's Aunty Claire, knocking on her door like: "Jen..? Jen..? I've made dinner for you, Jen. Wont you come out, please, sweetie?" Jen predictably responding: "GO AWAY! I HATE YOOOOUUU! YOU'RE NOT MY AUNT!!" Like, I know I'm an asshole, but I can't help myself, I have to point and laugh at the absurdity of the situation. And most of all at the absurdity that is Jen. I suppose I am a bit of a bully at heart. And I suppose Jen lends herself to bullying. Not everyone is suited to sit at the cool kids' table. Not everyone can hang with sharp intellectuals that ruthlessly questions your axioms. For these people, it is understandably more comfortable to be in a setting where ideas and hierarchies are defined by the mindless scribbles on desks. No one ever said it was easy to be elite and apparently Jen didn't get the memo. Loooooooooser...      

   As for the show itself I find that there's a good chemistry with Jay and Con op that's worth exploring.

El Jim:

1:33:17 Jen's comedic timing is impeccable. But tomfoolery aside it actually pontificates an important conundrum that I wish Jen would consider. Ie, "Who would win in a streetfight, COE or Islam? Ideology or pragmatism?" And this is where we use some good ol' male rationality to weigh the options:  

Virgin COE: "Behold the 3D periodic table!"Chad Islam: *crushes 3D periodic table* 

Virgin COE: "People will gravitate towards my magnetic truth!"Chad Islam: *arrests followers, burns magnetic truth, 100 lashes per liar/infidel*  

Virgin COE: "Muh womynism! Sisters assemble!"Chad Islam: "Happy to see you all assembled ladies, here's your burkas."

Virgin COE: *activates the spirits*Chad Islam: *exorcises the demons, stones the witches*
  Virgin COE: *reincarnates behind you*Chad Islam: "There is no set limit to the amount of heads we can decapitate or the amount of lives we chose to decapitate them in, Inshallah."

It is blatantly obvious to any unbiased observer that we via some mouth-breathing reductionism can deduce that COE can not win in this lifetime and even if all of these nasty naysayers who opposes her cotton fist were to be turned into goats and pigs, it would still take many, many lifetimes to transform all of these people into farm animals. If ever, considering the consistent growth rate of Islam (1,1% per year globally). In fact at this rate it seems likely that only Jen aka Dayanand Saraswati and her/his/hir/their/pers/xyr/vis ~100 followers/horny Indian virgins would be left; surrounded by billions of very angry, radicalized goats and pigs. Even less than that, when Jen's horny Indian virgins starts chain-graping her from the pent-up sexual frustration and subsequently shape-shiftcarnating into female goats and pigs.  
  And when push comes to shove, even Jen will acknowledge the limitations of her political/ideological model. Hence why so many people are being banned and abused by her -- this is Jen's way of using her digital whip and adorning us with virtual burkas. So she sees the pragmatic merit of a strong pimp-hand, she'd just rather be the pimp than the hoe, as all feminists do. However, her inherent lack of reason, pragmatism and measured restraint only serves to underline why the pimp-hand is and should be a male phenomenon: we can't just indiscriminately pimp-hand each other at random like a bunch of overly sensitive women. And Jen is, indeed, an overly sensitive woman. Armchair psychology aside, this is what it boils down to.  

I suggested a few streams ago that the seed of Jen's idea was fundamentally that of a male's, but that it was severely distorted and crippled from her exceptionally irrational female brain. At this point, I see no need to adjust that opinion. Painted pink clay balls that are to be worshipped because "they are pretty", regretfully isn't going to sway me... 

Dayanand Saraswati

Jen seemed to take issue with and get very mad at my choice of incarnation. I would just like to point out that: a) I went through the trouble of registering an account and adding an avatar, so I've basically copyrighted this life. b) My periodic table is 4D rather than 3D. Jen accused me of imitation but my fourth dimension is time, ie I invented this in my former life and a degenerate version of it trickled down to Jen in this one. c) I am a man. Jen's already stated that people can't regress into bugs so following that line of logic men can't regress into women. d) I fundamentally reject the idea that Dayanand would be an angry, megalomanic bore crippled with autism and a vagina. He's clearly a cool and sexy dude in proud possession of a penis, like myself.

I hereby also release everyone from their pig and goat curses and I have called off the evil spirits. So, e) I'm a just and merciful ruler who doesn't inappropriately use my powers against my subjugates to feed my ego (see; "c" and "d").

El Jim:

What we've learned about the wonderful enigma that is Jen so far:  

- She is the reincarnation of Dayanand Saraswati, born exactly 100 years after his death. His writings are indeed hers. 

- She can read and control minds. She doesn't and wouldn't do it but it's been established she's done it at least once in order to acquire the skill.   

- She controls the spirits, albeit mind-bogglingly there are actually one or two people on the planet who are more proficient than she is at this task. These spirits are mean or "mean spirited" entities that lusts for vengeance and have rejected a physical form because it's so retarded. Jen too, is such a spirit. Albeit, in a physical form. Or is it..?  

- She can turn you into a goat and make you live out eternity in the hellish existence that is goat life. It has not yet been established why goats in particular are vessels of eternal suffering but apparently Jen does not like them very much.   

- She once popularized the pejorative SJW meme; ~five years after historical internet records suggests it was incepted, ~four years after it was widely used on imageboards and ~three years after an entry was added to Urban Dictionary.  

- She thinks reincarnation is scientifically proven because psychic/spiritual personality bubbles seeks out fetuses and jump starts their hearts. This follows from quantum mechanics but she wont reveal exactly how because she doesn't want "bugmen" to steal her great discovery. This great discovery will permeate the cosmos and change the world, however. 

- She's made a 3D model of the periodic table from painted clay balls (or, we hope it's clay) that could be said to be "God". Her foremost proof of this is: "aesthetics", or in plebian terms: "because it's pretty".

- She claims European peoples hail from the advanced nation of India. She rejects genetic and archaeological evidence as these have been manipulated by a certain tribe into fooling Europeans they are not of the same stock as the Indian master race. 

- She also believes the moon landing is a hoax.   

- She's got numerous followers. Some of them will grow to consider her a deity of sorts and while she regrets this her vast humility cannot prevent it. 

- She is convinced critique of any of the above equals hate. Or you've unwittingly sought her out for guidance. Or she's laid a mind-control trap. Or she doesn't care. Or you're an idiot. Fuck you. Get on her level. Retard.   

- She's got tiny titties. She does yoga or some form of weird contortionism/kung-fu she's branded "mindful stretching". 

- She once held a mindful stretching class in uni that got cancelled because some reason or another. Naturally, none of the reasons above. 

- She is not a fan of the burka or the institutional oppression of womyn. Nor "slut-shaming". Men who reject her enlightened leadership are simply insecure. Do you even get laid, bro? 

- She's destroyed everyone she's ever debated. They, and we, just don't know it yet. This is how great her mastery of the cosmos is.

- If you read this and smuckle, and further down the road ten years from now find yourself getting a paper cut, then Jen did it. Or the spirits did. Or did you do it to yourself..? Get on her level. Dunce. Goat hell awaits you.

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