
Friday, 17 May 2019

I try to give Church of Entropy well-meant advice on her streaming career which she will probably ignore, but at least I get it off my chest

From Persian Drum:

To my 'co-equal' favourite ladies of the Streamosphere:

Dear Jen and Claire, as to be expected your discussions just get more and more interesting.  These streams have an air of 'National Public Radio' to them, in their presentation, professionalism, style and intellect.  The only difference is that the subject matter you cover is far and away more intriguing and fresh.  The quality of discourse is seriously top-notch, and Claire your warm, dulcet tones only adds to the listenability, so congrats to both.

If I might throw in my take on the divinity of Christ.  Rocking MrE is mostly right.  I am ex-Catholic myself, and agree with him that 'the Trinity' simply isn't biblical, and finds its origins in the religion of Christianity, rather than the scripture itself.  The 'Trinitarian' apologia appears to have started around the time of Constantine, when the Roman emperor declared 'Christianity' the state religion, for utilitarian reasons of social cohesiveness, rather than any sense of personal conviction.

With that said, the messiah is surely presented in both the Old and New Testaments as God.  In the Old Testament the coming messiah is called Emanuel (Hebrew: God with us) -- see Isaiah's prophecy in chapter 7, verse 14), the 'Arm of the Lord' and 'the Wisdom of God'.  Inseparable from YHWH, the word of God tabernacles in the flesh (according to the opening of John's gospel), and is 'the visible expression of the invisible God', as he is called in Paul's letter to the Colossians.  God's 'word' or 'expression' is eternal from beginning to end, as there was never a time when God lacked his word, or expression, or wisdom.

Claire, although you maintain to adhere to scriptural authority,  actually Jen (even though she doesn't subscribe to the authority of the written word) does have a better grasp of these concepts than your lovely self.  The only matter I would want to bring to Jen's attention is that the term 'godhead' has actually been used for many centuries by theologians, and isn't new or borrowed terminology.  She may be right though, these 'church doctors' could have borrowed the term 'godhead' from Eastern wirings.  Lord knows that the Catholic Church has borrowed all sorts of religious concepts from many religions, including Talmudist Judaism!)

Also Claire, I think you might be shocked were you to ever closely read the Tanakh / Old Testament.  On many occasions God 'appears' as a man, or as 'the Word' incarnate, or as tangible persons in the presence of the patriarchs.  Note that in Genesis 32,  Jacob is said to not only see God face to face, but wrestles with Him!  Samson's parents were terrified that they would drop dead when they 'saw God face to face' (Genesis 13:22).  In Genesis 18 Abraham hosts three men / angels, said in that passage of scripture to be the manifestation of God!  Even at the beginning of Genesis, Adam and Eve are said to walk with God in the Garden.

While I understand the difficulty you have in accepting the person of the Messiah as being God incarnate, nevertheless the Bible (both old and New) testify to it.  Jen, while not accepting the trust-worthiness of the Hebrew Scriptures, is nevertheless more consistent and knowledgable in her critique, whereas, with much love and respect to you Claire, you are a little foot-lose with your interpretation of God's word.

Still, both of you have been a blessing to me.  You both keep me company as I go about my day in isolated rural England, and I learn much from both of you, particularly in the art of communication!

If you are willing could you please pass on this message to your co-host Jen?

Persian Drum:

@Claire Khaw Interesting take Claire, thank you for replying.  Could I request this one thing the next time you and Jen have another of your stimulating talks... could you ask Jen what her understanding is, regarding those of us who feel as though we were 'born in to the wrong family'.  She has stated that in her tradition, souls are normally attracted to the parents that they have most in common.  In her view, what goes wrong in the universe when there is a 'mis-match'.   I'm curious, purely on a theoretical level.

By the way I think you have brought out a warmer side to Jen, because you have shown concern and an eagerness to understand her, even if it is difficult to grasp her positions.  It's a pity that she wasn't received as warmly by some of the other streamers, because at he end of the day we're all just trying to find answers.  Good on you for compassion and persistence --  in this regard you are more Christ-like than those of us who call ourselves Christian.

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