
Monday, 20 May 2019

My week with Church of Entropy in review - a summary of our engagements and disagreements - 19-05-2019 is probably the best link for an explanation on what Jen's is always going on about. As you can see, even amongst physicists, this subject is controversial.  

Fockn challenges the behaviour of 
Church of Entropy on Brutus the British

Fockn was basically saying that you didn't care about Brutus and his gang when you offended them. I think that was why he won the argument, because you said mean things about them and basically showed you didn't care even when you said you cared about European men. That was my interpretation of what was said anyway.

I now know why you are so angry with me: because they don't hate me even though I promote Secular Koranism as a non-white, but hate you even though you are white: because they perceive you as not caring about them and don't really understand your ideas. But since they already hate you because of the things you have said about them, they will not further trouble themselves to understand your ideas.

Fockn will think he has investigated your ideas to his own satisfaction and will believe that he has demonstrated that what you demand ie complete submission ab initio to your authority (over unspecified people you refuse to name whose numbers you refuse to reveal) and tradition (unspecified) is a bad bargain for white men.

Indeed, white men who are honest with themselves will acknowledge that my idea seems a better bargain than yours even if it is a bargain they are not inclined to enter into at the moment.

Secular Koranism v Periodic Tablism

30:00 The strongest argument for reincarnation is its unfalsifiability.

The strongest argument against reincarnation is its unprovability and the incomprehensibility of your explanation.

I see the utility of reincarnation as an unfalsifiable post mortem justice system, along with heaven and hell. 

I am basically saying a theocracy in this life will prevent much evil and cause most people to enjoy a better afterlife, if such a thing exists.

I am basically saying Secular Koranism is the most comprehensive and holistic approach and should be tried as soon as possible.

As for your Periodic Tablism, it lacks comprehensibility and detail, in my view.

Church of Entropy
i did prove reincarnation, you just dont care about the proof. bc you dont care about logic & truth. heaven/hell doesnt work to scare ppl bc if it did, it would and it doesn't, mostly because it isn't true.

Claire Khaw
@Church of Entropy You seem to have entirely discounted the fact that Christianity has failed in the West and most Westerners are atheist. My idea of using the Abrahamic God as a tool of moral reasoning is more useful than compulsory belief in reincarnation. I have pointed out again and again that Jews are allowed to believe in both reincarnation as well as heaven and hell. They are allowed to do either or even both because it is enough that they believe in an afterlife where good is rewarded and evil punished.

Church of Entropy on Halsey

I see Doooovid mentioned your mention on Halsey on Luke Ford. Halsey said at 32:00 "We need to take a lesson from Islam."

You are mentioned at 43:00.  Luke says you will "definitely be back". Halsey said he does not subscribe to any of your stuff about the mind being a quantum computer.  

I don't mind taking credit for prompting Halsey into mentioning it on that video and for also mentioning it on Will's. A better publicist than me you will not get even though I sense you will just throw it in my face because it is your intention not to concede any of my points and to be avoidant on a certain matter.

The matriarchy will only produce social parasites

2:35:00  The current matriarchal system actually produces parasites that will eventually overwhelm its host. Civil war will be when the parasites have killed the host and are reduced to killing each other to cannibalise each other.

Are Jews to blame for the Hart-Cellar Act 1965?

2:41:00  The Hart-Cellar Act 1965 is blamed on Jews. Don't gentiles have moral agency?

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