
Sunday, 23 June 2019

Why Secular Koranism is the only moral and rational choice left for truthful, rational and moral Westerners

It doesn't matter who created whom, whether God created Man or whether Man created God. All we need to do is agree the following axioms:

1. All societies need a religion capable of imposing minimum standards of sexual morality to keep a people together and apart from others to maintain group identity.

2. Morality is a system of rules individuals of a society are supposed to follow to regulate their relations with each other.

3. Morality comes from religion.

4. There are five world religions.

5. Christianity is kaput, which explains the decline of the West.

6. Judaism is for Jews only.

7. Jews are the most ancient and powerful tribe in the world.

8. Islam is Judaism Lite.

9. Secular Koranism - a new school of sharia - is Islam Lite.

10. Christianity failed because its doctrine of the Trinity by which it has been historically defined is in fact idolatrous.

11. The Abrahamic God has specifically and explicitly forbidden idolatry.

12. Jews guilty of idolatry are prescribed the death penalty by the Torah.

13. Jews are forbidden to enter churches because they are places where the abomination of idolatry is practised while permitted to enter mosques.

14. Islam has been declared to be in conformity with the Noahide laws because it does not offend against the prohibition on idolatry.

15. Hinduism and Buddhism are in practice idolatrous and even more alien than Islam.

16. It would add to our dignity as humans capable of sound reasoning to submit to the Truth, Logic and Morality of choosing a religion capable of keeping our society, nation and civilisation in existence and governed by sound principles without being idolatrous while affirming and enriching the Judeo-Christian heritage of the West.

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