
Thursday, 25 July 2019

Survey: who do you think won the argument and why?

1:23:00  "Women don't have any principles: they're not like Claire. Jen acts more like a woman, I guess."

1:22:00  Jon Vance and Controlled Opposition (CONOPS) lock horns on MGTOW. Jon says me avoid marriage because they don't want to be shafted in the divorce courts and most women are unprincipled, unlike men. 

1:23:00  Conops says men cheat more than women and does not address the issue of marriage not being a good bargain for men.

1:24:00  Jon says the laws of the land do not encourage women to act modestly or stick with a marriage. Conops says women will not listen to Jon because he is either at home masturbating or womanising. 

1:25:00  Jon says even the women he likes have their minds filled with the trash of supporting gay pride because they know a gay man who has not offended them. 

Jon says feminism has led to men acting like women in order to get sex from women and women not accepting male authority. 

Conops dismisses this as "complete nonsense". 

1:26:00  Conops says alpha males are not hostile feminism implying that he is an alpha male. However, he is fundamentally mistaken because there are no alpha males in a matriarchy because all men in a matriarchy are lower in status than the unmarried mother, including POTUS, supposedly the most powerful man in the world. 

1:26:30  Jon asks "What is the point of women having lots of recreational sex if they never marry or are bad mothers and how does it benefit the community or advance their status in the long term?"

Conops says irrelevantly that it depends on which community he is talking about when it is clear Jon means his own white community. Conops also says he cannot see anything wrong in fornication which he does not think will cause the collapse of society, denying the decline of the West caused by feminism since the 1970s.

1:27:00  Jon accuses Conops of wanting to "pathologise marriage" ie desecrate it as an institution. If men have the right to have premarital sex, why would they become fathers of legitimate children and parent them properly if laws do not support married fathers and political parties pander to the preferences of female voters who condone unmarried motherhood?

Wrong is wrong, right is right.

1:28:00  Conops has no answer to this and weakly complains that Jon is talking over him. He tries to distract Jon by raising the subject of child marriage as if condoning fornication and approving of child marriage were the same thing in a failed attempt to discredit Jon.

1:28:00  Jon confirms that he wants to ban the pill which Conops says would lead to a totalitarian state. Conops does not address the issue and says sex is better than drugs confusing an authoritarian state with a totalitarian state. An authoritarian state is a state that enforces laws that you are think are unnecessary and unfair while a totalitarian state is a state does not allow you freedom of expression or b belief. Secular Koranism guarantees freedom of belief with and would withhold the pill from unmarried women but allow them to married mothers who have completed their families and registered prostitutes. 

1:29:00  Jon says the term "incel" came about when it no longer became necessary to marry in order to have sex.

1:30:00  Jon says slut-shaming would solve the problem of incels but Conops is horrified at the prospect of the shaming of sluts and slut-fuckers because sluts are his only source of sex since he has no intention of becoming a father and husband.

1:31:00  Conops calls this proposal "draconian" and says university debt prevents men from being able to afford to marry.  

1:32:00  Conops sneers at angry incels who feel cheated by the system who don't know how to sweet talk sluts into having sex with them because they are "lonely gamers".

Jon points out that while Muslims are having children, white atheist feminist women won't be marrying or having children. If Jon and I were in charge, this wouldn't happen.  

Conops objects to this because it would lead to Westerners becoming Muslim. 

1:33:00  Conops: "What's wrong with a bit of fucking around?" and asks Jon if he intends to seek guidance from the Old Testament. Jon answers in the affirmative. 

1:34:00  Jon says Conops does not even want the law enforced.

1:36:00  Jon says the law punishes people who try to defend their property.

1:37:00  Contops uses 1968 revolution as an excuse for nihilists not enforcing laws.

1:38:00  The Koran has clear and specific punishments because it supports corporal and capital punishment as well as manual amputation for violent robbers, but Conops pretends that wouldn't solve the problem probably because he confuses the viability of a proposal with the likelihood of it being accepted. 

1:39:00  Conops the liberal pretends that supporting Secular Koranism means wishing manual amputation on yourself.

1:40:00  Conops pretends "all-encompassing" means "totalitarian".

1:41:00  Conops pretends supporting Secular Koranism means wanting to gouge up someone's eyes and says he is an atheist and a cultural Christian.

On being asked where he gets his morality from, Conops says reason. 

1:43:00  Jon wonders what Conops was before his father ejaculated and fertilised his mother's ovum and asks where our morals come from.

1:46:00  Controlled Opposition says he is "quite impressed" with Jesus in Matthew and Luke but isn't impressed by Muhammad.

1:47:00  Controlled Opposition says he doesn't like the Koran saying "Kill the idolaters [ie the Meccans who were attacking them] where you find them and chop off their fingers." He and I have argued over this point many times before. These are of course battle orders for the followers of Muhammad who did not have the benefit of military training. He chooses to "forget" about this.
1:48:00  Anything in the Hadith that contradicts the Koran should be disregarded.

1:49:00  Jon Vance points out that there is already an Islamic Party in Canada.



2:31:30  Amalekites

2:37:00  Controlled Opposition is controlled by his lust for fornicating immoral women.

2:38:00  Controlled Opposition tries to imply that Jon Vance does not have access to women when he shows that he can say no to women better than Controlled Opposition can.


2:44:00  Christ on homosexuality;Matthew+15:19/

2:48:00  Homosexuality and transgenderism

2:52:00  Controlled Opposition is OK about gay marriage.

2:53:00  In desperation, Controlled Opposition uses irrelevant arguments to try to undermine Jon Vance eg that he hasn't had sex with a woman rencenty, that he was mocked on another stream for his views and most pathetically of all, that he doesn't care about gay marriage.

2:56:00  Controlled Opposition doesn't grasp the concept of sin.

2:57:00  Childishly, Controlled Opposition calls Jon Vance "boring".

2:58:00  Controlled Opposition doesn't care about the sexualisation of children through sex education in primary school, gay marriage and transgenderism. That is because he has no intention of becoming a married father and couldn't care less about the parenting of the next generation.

2:59:00  Rather hysterically, Controlled Opposition claims that those who are guided by scripture are those who enable paedophilia.

3:00:00  Controlled Opposition speculates that the last time Jon Vance had sex was 6 years ago, as if it were relevant to any of his arguments.

3:01:00  Controlled Opposition quotes irrelevant statistics about the sodomites in Netherlands having fewer sex partners than those in North America.

1 comment:

CW said...

I would say overall I think Jon won that argument. I've only seen an over sexualized society with pretty much no restrictions lead to increasingly worse behavior and it can clearly be seen by everyone now. I think you have to try hard not to see the connection. I'm not ready to cut hands off over people having sex outside of marriage though. Everyone is quick to jump to extremes. If we can agree offering financial incentives to people who want to build families is a good idea why can't we agree doing the opposite and issuing fines on people who engage in destructive behavior is also a good idea? One would almost pay for the other the way things are today. They covered more than this but that's my short opinion.

AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #9 Proposed revolutionary change of calendar

AI fun with Secular Koranism and @RealVinBruno #9 — Cyborg of Secular Koranism (@Book_of_Rules) March 9, 2025 1:00 ...