
Monday, 8 July 2019

Three consecutive streams with and about Church of Entropy

5:40:00  Jen genuinely believes Gandalf represents European men.  What adjectives come to mind when you hear how Gandalf reacts to me in this stream? I will do everything in my power to defend the honour of European men against this shameful apprehension. Surely there is no possibility that Jen is correct in her understanding of European men and I the one in error?

Is it really fair to blame Gandalf on Jews?

The question you asked about why Gandalf loves you and why he hates me is answered in

I represent the father figure with my emphasis on masculine virtues and my demonstration and practice of them while you represent the mother with your thwarted maternal instincts. Because he is emotionally retarded and represents arrested adolescence, he of course prefers you. Because you are afraid of me and my ideas, you sic him on me at the expense of civilised and rational discourse that you claim to represent and don't even care how badly this reflects on you, if indeed you are aware of it. Emotionally, you are no more than an adolescent too immature to wield the power you have over men wisely.    

You now use your husband as an excuse to avoid a one-to-one dialogue with me because you are afraid of being exposed for what you are: immature, ignorant, irrational and prideful. I don't mind if your husband chaperones you next time we "meet".

4:16:00   Claire Khaw joins to discuss the nature of practical political activism.  

4:20:00   Doooovid gets narked by Gandalf and then cancels the debate. Jen should give up her self-sabotage in allowing what amounts to an incontinent dog to follow her around.

4:26:00  Doooovid questions whether anyone is interested in debating the existence of God. 

4:27:00  Yes, Jen darling, we have all fallen in love with your personality. I believe I speak even for Gandalf in this regard. Please don't exploit our feelings for you, will you? It seems that only I can maintain my objectivity in the face of the tidal waves of quantum entanglement that respects no intervening continents or oceans between you and ourselves and only I can prevent myself from being overwhelmed .... 

5:02:00  I ask to hear Jen's week in review.  

5:04:00  Jen's big event was her interview with Mitchell Porter. 

5:05:00  Spacepan interview

5:06:00  Jen suggests that I may be having a mental breakdown because I stream so much about her. While I do not deny that my streams do discuss her, a fair mix of other important topics are also included.  

5:07:00  My most viewed stream this week was the one with Jen and Controlled Opposition at

5:08:00  I also drew attention to my conversation with Jon Vance in the prairies of Canada.

5:09:00  Doooovid mentions an antisemitic Dutch rapper who uses the avatar of Controlled Opposition whose character is analysed. 

5:10:00  Who is a good debater in our circles?

5:13:00  Doooovid declines to debate with me.

5:23:00  Jen claims to have been killed for her beliefs in a previous life.  

5:24:00  Doooovid hints that Jen should kick the rabid antisemites and the incontinent dogs of her circle if she wants to interact with quality people.   

5:26:00  I view Doooovid's refusal to debate with me as an affirmation of my superb debating skills. 

5:27:00  Is Gandalf Jen's chaperone because she is afraid to be alone with me in a Hangout?

5:30:00  Jen gloats that Gandalf's outburst is evidence that people do care about the existence of God. Does this mean she will discuss her religion with me in a hangout, alone, without Gandalf her chaperone? 

5:31:00  Jen understands and explains my position to Gandalf. 

5:32:00  Jen talks about our "axiomatic divergence".

5:34:00  I ask Jen to tell me why worst offence.

5:35:00  Jen says that the title of a stream "Wasting young men's time should be a criminal offence, Church of Entropy" is interpreted by her as a threat to her physical well-being. 

5:35:30  Jen uses an ad hominem fallacy against me and calls me narcissistic.  

5:36:00  Gandalf shares his feelings with us and tells us about the kind of world he would like to live in. 

5:38:00  Jen denies that she hates the Abrahamic faiths because they are Jewish says "fuck you" to me and calls me "a lying piece of filth". She has said more than once to me and others that all the Abrahamic faiths are Jewish invented by Jews to corner the market in usury. Apparently, these allegations have put her at "personal risk" and result in "very serious personal harm" to her. Apparently, calling someone an antisemite is "computationally equivalent to a fucking death threat" and I am "plain stupid". How many ad hominem fallacies can you count in this outburst? 

How many antisemites have been killed in the last 100 years, she asks? "Over 100 fucking million." I am afraid I did not get the chance to question these figures.  

5:39:00 After calling Gandalf her chaperone back specially to interrupt me, she tells me that I have work on my interruptions. 

5:40:00 To be fair to European men, Gandalf does not represent them, as Jen claims. 

5:42:00 The men flock to Jen because they want to have sex with her because she is a passably attractive woman of their race but not with me because I am not of their race and they find my truths uncomfortable. 

5:43:00 Gandalf and Jen clearly hate Secular Koranism.

5:44:00  Gandalf talks about the axioms of him being pissed off. 

5:45:00  Jen pretends that her ganging up with Gandalf to deny everything I say by talking over me and interrupting me is my karma.  

5:46:00  Why does Jen worship an impersonal god? Because she is the world's greatest physicist alive right now. I will keep my promise to her to never question her mental health, but I know others are not similarly constrained.  

5:47:00  Jen calls the Abrahamic God "the African volcano personal god" and says adherents of the Abrahamic faiths are the victims of an "existential delusion". 

5:48:00  Gandalf cannot explain why Jen thinks God is impersonal when I ask him but witters on about things being axiomatic. 

5:49:00  Jen says the reason why she thinks God is impersonal is because, according to her "eternal religion":

1)  there is no scientific evidence for His being a personal God;
2)  belief in a personal God is idolatry.

5:49:30  I fail to see the relevance of water molecules in this debate. Perhaps, one day, I will be able to get Jen to explain this to me without Gandalf straining at his leash to tear out my throat.  

5:50:00 I fail to see how it is obvious that Jen has a good religious practice. Her explanation does not make sense for she claims never to have lost a debate.  

5:51:00 Jen objects to my utilitarian approach because it is slave morality requiring the unquestioning following of rules.  
5:53:00  The Koran and the Hadith

6:00  Idolatry
18:00  Children and parenting
19:00  Gandalf
20:00 Bad parenting, autism
23:00  Josh Neal of No Apologies
30:00  My "fixation" on Church of Entropy
32:00  We see ourselves in each other, apparently.
42:00  Jon Vance
58:00  Terrorism
1:02:00  Ethnic areas, harems
1:07:00  Free will
1:10:00  Agnosticism
1:13:00  Seeking common ground with Church of Entropy
1:15:00  Shared values
1:16:00  Richard Spencer, Steve Bannon
1:18:00  What I have to offer and the dialectical
1:19:00  Why I joined the BNP with Controlled Opposition at
1:29:00  I am quizzed about the ideas of Church of Entropy.
1:36:00  Church of Entropy's qualities - being kind to the distressed and vulnerable?
1:37:00  What Jen might like about me - my boldness of thought and action?
2:14:00  Church of Entropy talks about "her" minimum moral standards.

1 comment:

Hijab Backlasher said...

The stream with Jay is by far the best. He seems to have an intelligence way beyond what he portrays and some would say that Claire should be grateful for his wisdom.
Why does Jen surround herself with these types of single male canon fodder?? I know that we attract what we are to some degree . Idi Amin used to surround himself with mediocrity and if anyone started to get popular he would have them shot, which leads me onto this Gandolf character who is atr best,, challenged.
What does it say for any person or organisation when the supporters clearly suffer from what appears to be the same illness. Dooovid, Gandolf and now Jon Vance seem incapable of tying their own shoe laces yet will froth at the mouth at the prospect of talking about astrophysics.

Discussing Noahides, the Noahide laws and Hinduism with @vincentbruno2514

Wrongthink 1:00  Moral imperative Another interview with a Hindu Noahide -  @MilkTriceps  on X