
Friday, 30 August 2019

Church of Entropy and I talk about love from 36:00

At 2:48:00 Jen, not for the first time, tells me to wish in one hand and shit in the other and see which one gets filled first.

She never answered my question: "Why would you do such a thing anyway?"

25:00  The indispensable ingredient of self-consciousness is the ability to feel pain and pleasure.

36:00   I don't think Jen really understands love. 

She says:

Love doesn't have a quantifiable thing right it can't be measured. It could probably be measured to some extent through various correlates of consciousness like oxytocin and things like that but in terms of actually isolating it as a cause, I don't think you can really do that.


Agape is universal love, such as the love for strangers, nature, or God. Unlike storge, it does not depend on filiation or familiarity. Also called charity by Christian thinkers, agape can be said to encompass the modern concept of altruism, defined as unselfish concern for the welfare of others. Recent studies link altruism with a number of benefits. In the short term, altruism leaves us with a euphoric feeling—the so-called ‘helper’s high’. In the longer term, it is associated with better mental and physical health, as well as longevity. At a social level, altruism serves as a signal of cooperative intentions, and also of resource availability and so of mating or partnering potential. It also opens up a debt account, encouraging beneficiaries to reciprocate with gifts and favours that may be of much greater value to us than those with which we feel able to part. More generally, altruism, or agape, helps to build and maintain the psychological, social, and, indeed, environmental fabric that shields, sustains, and enriches us. Given the increasing anger and division in our society, and the state of our planet, we could all do with quite a bit more agape.

44:00  Slut-shaming

46:00  Lowering unmarried parents to raise the status of married parents

47:00  A reasonable level of disagreement in a marriage of equals

48:00  Stigmatising divorce

49:00  Bad partner selection and bad parenting leads to degeneracy

50:00  Will thinks love exists.

56:00  Jen's mother says we shouldn't marry for each other, but for the sake of our respective families. This means the families of both parties to the marriage should approve of the choice of the couple.

1:00:00  A spiritual community

1:07:00  No fault divorce

1:10:00  Legal brothels

1:11:00  The link between illegitimacy and criminality

1:21:00  Frankfurt School

1:23:00  Deceiving men into falling in love with infertile women through artificial means and also depriving them of their reproductive opportunities

1:25:00  The right laws will encourage desirable behaviour and discourage undesirable behaviour

1:26:00  The role of deterrence in the criminal law

1:28:00  Marriage is eugenic.

1:43:00  Church of Entropy is suggesting that the rot started 2000 years ago when Christianity was introduced into Europe. My view is that the scourge of bastardy began in the Swinging Sixties, Flower Power and the Sex Revolution.

1:44:00  Revolution can be peaceful eg the Glorious Revolution, the Sex Revolution, the Thatcher Revolution.

1:45:00  The illegitimacy rate and the Liberal Revolutions eg the French and American Revolutions

1:50:00  Nationalism is government in the national interest.

1:54:00  "equal if not greater sovereignty"

1:55:00  Putin says liberalism is now "obsolete".

1:57:00  Liberalism v Populism

1:58:00  Trump supporters are not liberals.

1:59:00  Anne McElvoy on British Conservaliberalism
In Australia, Conservatives are Liberals.

2:03:00  Is independence also revolution? 

2:04:00  "The more licentious revolutions last longer."

traditionally dated to 509 BC, and ending in 27 BC with the establishment of the Roman Empire (482)
From 27 BC to 476 AD (449)

2:07:00  The meaning of "totalitarian" - a government with thoughtcrime

2:08:00  Facebook hate speech totalitarianism

2:12:00  Secular Koranism is definitely not totalitarian because it guarantees freedom of belief with and is only mildly authoritarian.

2:13:00  Legal brothels

2:14:00  Porn would be banned under

2:19:00  The whore should have a higher status than the unmarried mother.

2:20:00  Once the laws of God are in place, belief would follow.

2:22:00  Who are the people who don't want to restore the patriarchy? Unmarriageable men and women, men who can't afford to hire prostitutes, unmarried parents and bastards, probably. Why should Western civilisation be put on hold for such people at the expense of the marriageable, married parents and those whose parents were married? 

2:24:00  Social attitudes towards illegitimacy

2:25:00  Girl, you really got me was actually by The Kinks

2:27:00  Marriage needs to be a good bargain for men again.

2:29:00  Men want a sex object and women want a meal ticket. 

2:30:00  Gender roles are ancient wisdom. The fair division of labour keeps the sexes apart and together. Feminism undermines the harmony of specialised gender roles enabling women to compete with men unfairly in the workplace armed with harassment laws and the right to sue their employers for sex discrimination. 

2:31:00 The Gold Rush in Australia and the consequences of female suffrage.

2:32:00  How to measure national success with something other than GDP that would be more environmentally friendly

2:33:00  Materialistic measurements of success would only lead to environmental and moral degradation. 

2:34:00  The liberalism of Cobden and Bright was really about free trade and globalism which the British Empire facilitated.

2:37:00  Liberalism has no scripture and no official handbook, but Islam comes with an instruction manual and a guarantee from the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God. 

2:41:00  The Rule of Law of Republican Rome is contained in the Twelve Tables.

2:45:00  Otto Pohl's idea of a redemption narrative

I assume the formalism Will mentioned is was the video he recommended.

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