
Tuesday, 13 August 2019

The theocratic difference between Church of Entropy and me

The God debate between Church and Entropy and me was really about whether worshipping an impersonal God would encourage more morality. is a transcript of the stream Church of Entropy displayed, made private, displayed and made private again. She is a woman of two minds! You should read it if you really care about whether she managed to prove her point or not.

At no time did Jen convince anyone at all that an impersonal God would encourage more morality than an impersonal God. This is because morality itself was not defined. A failed attempt was made to get her to define morality in the post-debate stream.

Morality as I see it is a system of rules designed to keep a group together and apart from others. Judaism is an exemplar of morality because of its rules, because Jews are the world's most ancient and powerful tribe.

The obsession with Jews by Western gentiles in a declining empire and a government indifferent to those it governs is evidence that they are envied. Jews are envied because of their identity.

Jews have the identity of being God's Chosen People, chosen to shine the light of God unto other nations. This is the highest possible honour if you believe in the narrative of the Abrahamic God, and predictably resented by those not similarly chosen.

Are gentiles right to resent the fact that Jews are God's Chosen People while they were not? Of course not, because Envy, Anger and Pride are Deadly Sins. I for one do not envy Jews their restrictions. If they really believed in God, they would have been told that God moves in mysterious ways whose intentions are not easily and quickly discernible. 

Whatever you think of Jews as a Christian or Muslim, the fact remains that they have been assigned the role of God's Chosen People and this means they have a higher status in God's eyes. Deal with it.

My answer on why God if He exists chose the Jews is that He had to choose a group - any group - to kickstart the whole idea of worshipping the most powerful God conceivable. Imagine God going eenie, meenie, mynie, mo ....

The idea, I imagine, is to start with Judaism and end in Islam, with Christianity as the rough draft/bridge/boat between Judaism and Islam ie to be discarded after the crossover has been made.

The Koran acknowledges the status of Jews as God's Chosen People and the right of Jews to live in Israel.

The importance of the Abrahamic faiths to humanity is that they brought with it the rule of law - an undeniably civilising influence. When the rules are being broken, it is a sign of entropy.

If Church of Entropy and I had the same definition of morality, our conclusion would be the same. She thinks the purpose of morality is "to prevent supremacism, imperialism and hatred of God". Not so. The real purpose of morality is to keep your group together and apart from others. You start as a tribe, progress to nationhood and then empire.

So God if He exists would have a plan, which is to globalise the worship of Himself which He must first kickstart through a tribe that would become a nation but never an empire, which is for gentiles.

God has a problem with unobservant Jews who break their own rules but still claim to be "chosen". My Register and Registrar of Jews would deal with that problem and under this system most would eventually be assimilated.

Our main area of disagreement is that Church of Entropy thinks she has a direct line to God which would tell her which are God's laws and which are not and doubtless how to interpret and apply them. I merely promise to go by the book ie the Koran.

It has to be the Koran because Judaism is for Jews only and Christianity is kaput. The New Testament is not even divinely sourced, but the Koran is believed to be the directly revealed Word of God.

As for Hinduism and Buddhism, neither scripture to these religions are divinely sourced. Out of all the five world religions, the Koran as scripture is conceptually and legalistically supreme. 

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