
Friday, 23 August 2019

Why Church of Entropy must be prepared to be challenged on her views without falsely accusing me and others of harassment

Church of Entropy
Jay: "it's a mistake to acknowledge accusations of racism because it's a losing game"
Jay 20 min later: "culture bearer is a racist"
I unironically think Jay is the stupidest person I've ever met online and that is saying a lot.

Claire Khaw
Fancy doing a stream?

Church of Entropy
@Claire Khaw i fancy you never speaking to or of me again. can you do that for me dear? that'd be great thanks.

Claire Khaw
@Church of Entropy You know I am too weak for that.

Church of Entropy
@Claire Khaw perhaps you should seek professional help.

Claire Khaw
@Church of Entropy I enjoy it though. Because I enjoy myself, I am grateful to you. Because I am grateful to my Muse, I feel love and affection. Because I feel love and affection, my work on the economic, moral, political and social reform of the West feels easier. It doesn't feel wrong to me. You already acknowledge my feelings. We should see where it leads us - hopefully somewhere good!

Church of Entropy
@Claire Khaw i dont, please respect that

Claire Khaw
@Church of Entropy It is important that you know I neither hope nor expect for reciprocity. I am after all dealing with a representative of an oppressor class and regard you as a microcosm of this oppression with regard to the way you deny the existence of free speech while simultaneously demanding its protection. I am dealing with you on behalf of men who dare not deal with you because they do not trust themselves not to get confused and angry. I believe only I can deal with you honourably, effectively and publicly.

I am basically saying that if any woman wishes to make any controversial statement on matters religious or political, she should also be required to defend her position rather than hide behind a shield of false accusations against men for harassment when she refuses to answer legitimate questions. She wants the first and last word and then claims to be the the world's best debater while getting the backing of a Jew like Doooovid who is bent on inciting antisemitism with the consequence of making calls for ever more draconian measures to suppress the hatred he generates seem irresistible.

He is actually prepared to lie in order to back you up when he said my proposition was illogical, unstructured and nobody followed what I was saying from 51:30 at  Don't you dare private that stream, Jen.

You, Renee and Dooovid are the perfect representation of the women and minorities of white men ganging up to always marginalise and censor them. It is time they woke up to this fact.  Don't you dare private this one either.

Church of Entropy
@Claire Khaw so in short, you're going to continue harassing me then

Claire Khaw
@Church of Entropy You are the one posting your comments here under my video.

You were the one who joined us in my stream on my channel.

I have the right to ask legitimate questions on your political and religious positions and you know the views you have expressed could easily be interpreted to be racist, antisemitic and Islamophobic.

I hope you are not thinking of going down the route of reporting my channel in order to silence me.

If you henceforth refrain from expressing political and religious views that you refuse to be challenged on, or publicly renounce them, you will cease to be of interest to the Dissident Right.

It should be widely known that neither you nor Doooovid know the difference between a sound and a valid  argument, which should be the only way to settle any debate.

For the avoidance of doubt, I want you to continue expressing your views while being prepared to be challenged on them.

6:00  Valid and sound arguments
7:00  Can you find a sound argument in this proposition by Church of Entropy?
Are the three arguments I believe to be sound in agreement with your idea of a sound argument?
9:00  Usury
10:00  Rules are made to be broken.
11:00  The criminal law is the price of committing criminal acts.
13:00  The punishment should fit the crime.
14:00  Idolatry
15:00  Jews are forbidden empire.
16:00  Personal God
17:00  False equivalence
18:00  Only the Abrahamic God forbids idolatry.
19:00  Dayanda Saraswati
21:00  Pantheism
22:00  Truth, Logic and Morality
23:00  Jen calls herself Queen of Logic
25:00  History is written by the victor.
27:00  Debate = Reason; Propaganda = Emotion
28:00  Arguing in bad faith
30:00  Noahide laws
31:00  The Talmud
32:00  The borders of Israel
33:00  Reform Jews
35:00  The idolatry of Christianity
36:00  Jen's sophistry
37:00  God's Chosen People are protected by God.
38:00  Tribe, Nation and Empire
49:00  The Koran should be regarded as the primary source of God trumping the Hadith when they contradict each other.
50:00  Is your hatred now your substitute for your religion and identity?
51:00  We have to choose from a religion already in existence because we have no time to start one up ourselves. 5 - 4 = 1
55:00  God is generic.
1:07:00  Are the three arguments I believe to be sound in agreement with your idea of a sound argument?

1:36:00  JAY joins.
1:37:00  My conception of God
1:41:00  Secular Koranism
1:42:00  Too cool for rules

1:53:00  Narcissism and Brundlefly
1:56:00  The elites push Islam, according to Jen.
1:58:00  Statues and idols
1:58:30  Mogul Empire
2:01:00  Race-mixing
2:09:00  Jews come in four colours. Jen accuses me of being "spiritually Jewish".
2:11:00  FGM
2:14:00  Is preferring the Hadith a form of idolatry?
2:15:00  Jews should be reminding us of the Noahide laws
2:16:00  Reform Jews
2:17:00  My answer to the Jewish Question
2:19:00  Antisemitism
2:23:00  Jews should be shining their light unto the nations
2:23:00  Muslims should enjoin good and forbid evil.
2:24:00  Slavery is an institution like marriage and prostitution.
2:25:00  Modern Slavery Act 2015
2:28:00  Shame
2:29:00  Usury
2:33:00  Fiscal parasitism
2:39:00  "Cult Prestige" and the deadly sin of Wrath.
"There's always gonna be a vacuum for people like you."
"The reason i know this is because I've never not known it."
Muh Authorita Redux
Wait, Wut?
2:40:00  Religion
2:42:00  Jen's scientific theocracy
2:43:00  Why should we believe in Jen's impersonal God?
2:44:00  Usury
2:45:00  Secular Koranism
2:47:00  The Koran has moral authority
2:48:00  My definitions of patriarchy, matriarchy, morality, good and evil
2:50:00  Religion is a unifying force.
2:51:00  The satanic laws of the West
2:52:00  There is nothing to challenge the existence of God if you accept the narrative of the Abrahamic God.
2:53:00  Suffering
2:54:00  Big Bang
2:55:00  The Big Bang violates Quantum State Exclusion.
3:00:00 from 22:00
3:03:00  Free speech
3:04:00  Male co-operation
3:09:00  Jen's friends who all defer to her
3:10:00  Moral authority
3:14:00  Why I want Jen to stream with me
3:16:00  Racist
3:18:00  The burden of proof
3:24:00  Unsolicited advice
3:25:00  Aryan invasion theory
3:29:00  Historically illiterate
3:34:00  Idolatry
3:35:00  Persecution, ostracism, social disapproval
3:53:00  Martyrdom
3:54:00  Anti-English sentiment of the North Americans
3:55:00  Identity crisis in White Americans who long to be more than just white
4:00:00  Jews
4:01:00  Transgenderism and gay marriage is not an identity most heterosexual white men would want to embrace.
4:05:00  Men don't want women competing with them.
4:11:00  Nixon
4:34:00  Charles Manson
4:35:00  Race-mixing
4:39:00  Richard Braine UKIP leader

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What is Claire Khaw's position on the Noahide laws?

Claire Khaw, a British blogger and YouTuber known for promoting her ideology called "Secular Koranism," has expressed a complex st...