
Monday, 5 August 2019

WiR w Doooovid - Episode 18 - 04-08-2019

9:00  My analytics are weighted toward the older group.

80% male, 20% female

25-34 age group - 34%
35-44 age group - 32%
45-54 age group - 35%

I think this is pretty balanced.

28:00 Jen complains about me putting her in a state of "defensive arousal" and will not stream with me on a one to one basis because of that. I believe this is because Jen is afraid to be seen to be losing the argument. I think it is OK to lose the argument against Truth, Logic and Morality.

41:00  I don't really hate anyone. Just because I am critical of people does not mean I hate them.

48:00  According to Jen, I am like a child. At other times, she calls me a disobedient pet.

1:01:00  Aaron Amihud and I talk about the God debate I had with Jen.

Transcript of the stream Jen deleted between her and me looking for a sound argument in her proposition that God is impersonal For some reaosn Jen wouldn't apply those principles to my proposition. Is it because my proposition contains more sound arguments than hers?

1:02:00 Gandalf refers to my stream about Jen deleting her "chill stream" at

1:03:00  The complaint is that Jen is intellectually dishonest, I believe.

1:04:00  Jay Walker being perplexed about the concept of honour. He says honour is not something that can be demanded eg by Jen because that is pulling rank, but voluntarily given eg to me.

1:18:00  Jen deleting her streams

1:26:00  The Claire and Jen Shows

1:27:00  Jen's "chill streams" are really blood sports though.

1:34:00  Superchat - superb analysis about Google censorship and advertising policy by Doooovid.

1:51:00  Domingo explains why he did what he did on the stream Jen deleted at from 18:00

2:00:00  The guru love from Jen I shall never experience ....

2:12:00  Gandalf says again and again and again that it ain't fair

2:14:00  So Jen made the video for the intermission.

2:29:00  Aaron Amihud

2:37:00  Jen addresses Domingo. The difference between Jen and me is that I have a forgiving nature and can take it as well as dish it out. Domingo says he has been much harder on me than he ever was on you. Jen, you don't want to be one of those people who can dish it out but can't take it when the boot is on the other foot because it undermines your credibility as leader.

2:42:00  I am not afraid to say I love you, Jen!  Now, can we be streaming buddies and try out my ideas?

2:48:00  Stream discipline on topic is very important, Jen. Listen to Doooovid. You mustn't expect your cult prestige to carry everything. It has to be more than just you alone or it becomes an exercise in narcissism. Doooovid is right about controlling your streams, which you don't do that well because your ego is so easily bruised.

2:56:00  Jay Walker defending feminism.

2:57:00  If you really want to foster an environment for debate, do it like I do it on my longer streams. I had a good one on Secular Koranism with Roofuscat at from 1:30:00. That is far more engaging than the formal debates that you are so keen on.

3:01:00  Jen is often guilty of attributing negative qualities to a group as a whole.

3:05:00 Because of bad parenting and Western degeneracy, more people do not even have a best behaviour mode.

3:11:00  What a shame Domingo's posts in the live chat have been deleted.

3:12:00   "Shitty pilpul" between Aaron Amihud and me about the God debate can be found at

Transcript of the stream Jen deleted between her and me looking for a sound argument in her proposition that God is impersonal For some reason Jen wouldn't apply those principles to my proposition.

I was pleased I managed to get Jen to compress her ideas into 7 minutes of speech.

3:14:00  Brundlefly

3:17:00 OV

3:20:00  Don't surround yourself with yes men, Jen!

3:29:00  "We are a bunch of clouds colliding with each other."

3:30:00  Tovia Singer is the one who repeatedly points out Christian idolatry.  He has a terrible speaking style though.

3:49:00  Luke Ford's announcement that Kyle Rowland is his illegitimate son

3:56:00  Dooooovid is not debating Culture Bearer is like me not debating with Spacepan.

4:00:00 This is something we should be discussing, Jen!

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