
Sunday, 29 September 2019

A conversation about white and Jewish identity. Church of Entropy rebukes then abandons me

4:12:00  Church of Entropy: 

You're fucking psychotic, Claire. Why would I want to stream with you?
I'm not afraid to stream with you, you fucking lying bitch.

3:16:00  Reinterpreting history
3:17:00  A pinch of salt
3:18:00  100 lashes per illegitimate offspring
3:19:00  UK politics
3:20:00  Another American Revolution and another English Civil War
3:21:00  France and its Yellow Vests
3:22:00  One party state
3:23:00  UK Supreme Court and its liberal pro-EU judiciary
3:24:00  Lady Hale, more leavers than there are remainers who still want to leave
3:25:00  Not rocking the vote
3:26:00  The sexually sated male thinks like a risk-averse woman.
3:27:00  Effeminate inaction
3:28:00  Globohomo
3:29:00  Guilt by association
3:30:00  Con Opps wins every debate by saying to his opponent that he has more sex than him and by implication his argument is superior.
3:31:00  No one else is proposing a solution between pogrom and accepting the status quo apart from Church of Entropy and me.
3:32:00  Culturally alienating Secular Koranism
3:33:00  Elizabeth Warren
3:34:00  Secular Koranism would restore the patriarchy and make government prioritise the preferences of married fathers who would not be voting for more immigration in a one party theocracy that has narrowed the franchise to taxpayers only and will have relieved the low-waged of the burden of paying taxes and that of voting.
3:35:00  Secular Koranism is a bridge from atheism to theocracy.
3:36:00  More non-Christian tourists visit cathedrals in Europe than actual indigenous Christian worshippers.
3:37:00  Bali, Java, Lombok
3:38:00  The form-fitting nature of the Sarong Kebaya, the uniform of the air hostesses of Singapore Airlines
3:39:00  Culture changes organically.
3:40:00  Wahhabis mosques are sponsored by oil-rich Arab states.
3:41:00  What does it mean to be Dutch these days
3:42:00  One party state
3:43:00  Globohomo
3:44:00  Leave or remain the EU?
3:45:00  EU foreign policy
3:46:00  Local hetero and globohomo
3:47:00  Regulating the supply of the pill to only married women who have completed their families and licensed prostitutes
3:48:00  Banning usury and repealing anti-discrimination thoughtcrime legislation
3:49:00  Cottage industries
3:53:00  A persistent dry cough could be a sign of cancer.
3:54:00  Change happens anyway.
3:55:00  Matriarchy prevents men from organising themselves to deal with their internal and external enemies.
3:56:00 Islam
3:57:00 Culture is downstream from religion and law.
3:58:00 Greek philosophers had the leisure to philosophise because their slaves gave them the leisure.
3:59:00 How much would I fetch if I sold myself into slavery and who would buy me? Could I become a Civil Slave at the Ministry of Truth or Love?
4:01:00  Church of Entropy wants me to host bloodsports on my channel.
4:02:00  You can't trust men to slut-shame.
4:03:00  Malign encouragement
4:04:00  Corporal punishment for sex offenders in Aceh Province, Indonesia.
4:05:00  Church of Entropy demands a chaperone when streaming with me.
4:06:00  I should already be Grand Inquisitrix with my own TV show.
4:07:00  Patriotic Alternative Conference with Laura Towler
4:09:00  Brutus and I discuss Secular Koranism again at
4:10:00  Nationalists on both sides of the herring pond envying each other.
4:11:00  Wignats just want to rape and pillage like Vikings.
4:11:30  CHURCH OF ENTROPY joins.
4:12:00  Gandalf
4:13:00  Con Opps just loves the Claire and Jen Shows.
4:14:00  Cult prestige
4:15:00  I beg Church of Entropy not to go, but in vain.

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AI with Secular Koranism II with Vincent Bruno #7

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