
Tuesday, 10 September 2019

Doooovid to Church of Entropy: "Most of your streams are pure crap and horrible negative energy content." 1:26:00

51:00  I join.

52:00  Doooovid discusses Jen's theory that Christianity and Islam were created by Jews to prevent gentiles from practising usury so they could dominate money-lending themselves.

53:00  I discuss valid and sound arguments as well as the post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy to which Church of Entropy responded "We wuz merchants and shit."

1:09:00  Doooovid:

The first major society to forbid usury was Ancient Israel.

1:10:00  Doooovid:

Jennifer appears to be historically inaccurate and appears not to have done the research.

Church of Entropy:

There is no actual evidence to suggest that Jesus and Muhammad existed. We could just as easily say that these were invented fantasies to justify the monopoly on usury that the Jews already had. 

1:11:00  Muhammad is buried in Mecca.  The Green Dome is a green-coloured dome built above the tomb of the Islamic prophet Muhammad and early Muslim Caliphs, Abu Bakr and Umar.

1:18:00  Abraham was not a Jew.

1:24:00  Doooovid:

Jennifer is assuming some kind of conspiracy to explain the facts. 


[The conspiracy theory that Jews invented Christianity and Islam to keep gentiles out of usury] is one of the best ideas of your streams. Most of your streams are pure crap and horrible negative energy content, and those seem to be the only positive ideas that have emerged from your tens of hours of streaming. 

Jen and I have spoken on this and we have both agreed that Doooovid was referring to the streams Jen and I did together.  I actually thought they were great fun and miss them. Perhaps I can persuade Jen to stream with me again, alone - just the two of us again ...

Church of Entropy and I did not get round to discussing our relationship with God
Secular Koranism is challenged by Church of Entropy and a National Socialist
Church of Entropy speculates on the reason for my attitude towards Western Men
I fail to get Church of Entropy to explain reincarnation
The Jenn and Claire Best Friends Stream
Secular Koranism will not punish idolaters because truth stands clear from error (Koran 2:256)
Theology, Patriarchy and Nationalism with Church of Entropy
The sin of idolatry discussed with Church of Entropy
Church of Entropy says the laws of physics are the same as the laws of morality
Church of Entropy speculates on the reason for my attitude towards Western Men
Church of Entropy on morality and how Christianity and Islam work for usurious Jews
Church of Entropy finds my promotion of the Noahide laws objectionable
Etiquette, morality and the rules of debate discussed with Church of Entropy
Church of Entropy says white men will reject the religion I have chosen for their moral regeneration
Church of Entropy threatens to punish me with retributive justice
Church of Entropy on evolution, usury, the components of religion and the British East India Company
Is Church of Entropy the incarnation of Dayanand Saraswati?
Church of Entropy refuses to speculate on American Chinaman's rage
I discuss leadership qualities and cult prestige with Church of Entropy
Church of Entropy on sexual mores, the Talmudic Mind, the Noahide laws and the corruptible judiciary
Have Church of Entropy and I reached thermodynamic equilibrium and maximal entropy state?
Religion, reincarnation and science with Church of Entropy
I am admonished by Church of Entropy. Which of us is more the victim of the other?
Church of Entropy who is supposed to be against idolatry promotes idolatry and European paganism
Deals I could broker between Jews, dissenters and the political classes of the West
Church of Entropy and her mnemonic devices
To my surprise and dismay, Church of Entropy turns on me at the end, suddenly and viciously

Doooovid clarifies what he means at from 5:37:00 


Church of Entropy:
I have a question from Week In Review, Doooovid. Sorry to change the subject, but Claire made a tabloid shit blog post alleging that most of my streams were pure negative energy and garbage except for that idea about the Christianity Usury Islam thing. Were you talking about my streams or Claire's streams?

I don't remember making that comment. I doubt I did. I can't even think of a comment that I made that would have been close to that.

Yeah, I listened to Week In Review myself and I don't remember a comment like that.

Unfortunately, you can't trust people to act ...  I almost never trust anybody in these circles unfortunately when they convey information on behalf of somebody else and if I wanted to tell you something about your streams, I would have told you directly. I mean it is possible that I say a lot of things or someone enticed me to get something really controversial out of me but I can't even think of saying anything close to that although Claire should work on her ability to accurately quote people. I listen to Brundle or the Luke Ford cast and the only thing they remember is me like threatening to kill Brundle or something like that and God forbid they don't remember me threatening to kill Brundle's kid or something. That was definitely not what happened and definitely not what I said but you know people somehow say nonsense and it gets repeated. Claire should be careful not to become an untrustworthy person to whom no one would give over accurate information ....

I just transcribed it and posted it in the link.

Church of Entropy:
He is clearly referring to your stream, Claire, which is a toxic sewer, not my stream which is awesome and full of knowledge.

[LAUGHS]  I hope people will have a listen. I have posted it in the chat so I hope people will listen, OK? That's what it sounded like to me because I remember hearing it while it was going and ....

I may have been referring to a specific stream. It's possible Jennifer had a stream that I said that about that one of her streams was pure negative energy being hyperbolic ... that maybe she had one disastrous stream that turned into a shit stream of negative energy. It's possible I said that in the past and I don't know that even Jennifer would disagree that she has had shit streams that have been unsuccessful and I have certainly had streams on my channel that were unsuccessful that were negative energy that basically had nothing positive gained out of it and it was hours of wasted time of people spouting their griefs and negative energy.

Church of Entropy:
This is the quote:
"Most of your streams are pure crap and horrible negative energy content, and those seem to be the only positive ideas that have emerged from your tens of hours of streaming."
That was the obviously a reference to Claire's tens of hours of streaming ...

I was talking about Claire's given stream where the only positive thing to come out of the stream on Claire's channel was Jennifer's idea about Christianity and Islam being a cover-up for Jewish money-lending. That was in reference to Claire's stream ...

Church of Entropy:
Claire is so crazy that she said you were referring to my stream when she said that. This is the level of insanity, Claire's on.

Well, it seemed obvious that he was saying to me and to the world in general that the best thing that came out of our exchanges was that you have the world's biggest Jewish Conspiracy Theory ...

Church of Entropy:
Your streams are crap, the only good is it cos of me coming on ...

Then why aren't you the one people go on?

I just want to add that your ten hours of streaming was basically name calling and nonsense and elementary school grade teasing matches and the only idea - because Doooovid is generally a man of ideas  even though I disagree with Jennifer's idea - the only idea that someone could have learned something from was that idea that she proposed. The rest of the stream was pure negative energy. So yeah, that was basically what I said. Unfortunately, this stream might fall into that tier category also. Anyone who has been unfortunate to sit through this I doubt has learned anything from it aside from witnessing a bunch of negative energy.

I would certainly agree that the last few ideas has certainly been very negative energy indeed, but I suppose you can't always have the guests that you want but it hasn't been too much of a shit show.

Church of Entropy:
How delusional can you be? Don't you understand what gets covered on my shows? Like, I cover awesome subjects all the time. All you do is bitch about me.

Streams which you delete ...

Church of Entropy:
Oh God, shut up, I didn't want you ranting about crap that has nothing to do with anything. You don't understand logic at all. It was a terrible stream. Let it go.

That was a really good one and you decided to ...

Church of Entropy:
It was really bad in my view ....

Why don't you just let people decide? It just means you're afraid.

Church of Entropy:
I'm not afraid, I  just don't want junk clogging up my channel. 

I've got a transcript of it so we can prove that it's not junk.  It discussed the difference between a sound and a valid argument which you got wrong so that's something you wish to hide.

Church of Entropy:
I totally understand the difference between a logically consistent argument and a true argument, OK?

So what's a valid argument?

Church of Entropy:
Oh my God. It's fucking logically consistent, duh!

Just review the tape, Claire!

She got it wrong again afterwards.

I just have to say that I don't feel negative energy at all for the last few hours. This is great - al my friends are on one stream together. 

But I think it is important that Jen ...

Church of Entropy:
Claire, I just told you! I just gave you the definition. One is logically consistent.

Which is the one that is logically consistent?

Church of Entropy:
Valid! Valid!

So which is more powerful? The valid argument?

Church of Entropy:
The sound argument! It's stupid! To focus on this is irrelevant meta-analysis. What matters is how to make the fucking argument in the first place!

What matters, Claire, is what is true.

Of course, and what matters also is that you get it the right way round.

Church of Entropy:
It's not relevant to make logically valid arguments, it's just ... Give me a break.

Well, I think it is very important to know the difference  between the two and you obviously didn't and our debate was basically ...

Church of Entropy:
Why do we need to know the difference between two types of arguments when one of them is wholly irrelevant?

Why would it be wholly irrelevant?

Church of Entropy:
Because if an argument is logically consistent but not true, it's not relevant.

I'm saying that my argument had more sound arguments while yours had none at all. I only wish people were in a position to go through your arguments and mine and ...

Are the three arguments I believe to be sound in agreement with your idea of a sound argument?
Can you find a sound argument in this proposition by Church of Entropy?

Church of Entropy:
Your arguments are all circular. They are only valid if you accept ... 

Give an example of a circular argument then. 

Church of Entropy:
Your arguments are all circular because they rely on ...

Which of my arguments are circular?

Church of Entropy:
They're all circular. 

You have to give an example!

Church of Entropy:
I am, I am about to give you a fucking example! Literally all your arguments rely on the Abrahamic God for their validity.

No! Just give an example of a circular argument, just describe what a circular argument is without referring to any of my arguments and then argue that my arguments are circular but, please, explain for people who don't know what a circular argument is.

Church of Entropy:
A circular argument is when you ...

Claire, Brundle is backstage. Let him on will ya.

Church of Entropy:
He's such a shitbag. I'm really glad we have all this on record because it shows how immoral Christians are. Christians have been disgracing themselves lately, especially you, Jay, but also Butterflyflewaway and Blundertry. You guys are disgusting and totally immoral condescending pricks.

Hey, I just wanted to say I listened to that stream and in that context, Jen definitely took it as Doooovid talking about her since she immediately followed: "I guess you two are butthurt because you're not chillin' on the chillstream!"

Church of Entropy:
That was not what happened at all.

That's exactly what happened and the idea that ... Look, your show is a bunch of nitwits navel-gazing about pretentious subjects that you contribute no original knowledge, just rehashing other people's ideas in a mediocre way, restreaming your opponents imagining you are BTFO-ing them when you are just amplifying my message.

5:50:00  The Luke Ford stream is dead. This is where it's at. The Entropists are filled with beta rage. Jen is criticising Claire because she's upset that she has more subs, more views, more friends. Entropism is strictly for weirdos, for creeps.

Is this heaven, or is this a Claire Khaw stream? I can't tell the difference.

Dooovid is going to talk to 18 people on Sunday nights about subjects neither him nor Jen really understand and they'll also gossip about other people and call it meta-analysis. "We don't gossip, we're meta-analysing!"

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