
Sunday, 15 September 2019

If ownership is possession, what can we really hope to possess after we are dead?

Ownership is possession. In terms of empire and nation, it is possession of territory and resources but all empires fall and countries get invaded. In terms of the individual, it is the possession of property, but this is ephemeral. What can an individual possess other than real property and chattels which he will cease to possess upon death? The answer is of course his reputation, which survives posthumously. That is why Jews and Muslims obsess about the world to come, for death crystalises our lifetime achievement. As for Christians, one wonders if there are really any Christians left now that it is no longer blasphemy to deny the Trinity. After all, who in his right mind really believes that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God? Only someone who is too credulous or who wishes to enter a corruptible and now corrupt priesthood.

1:17:00  If we believe in the Abrahamic God, we would have to logically and necessarily obey His laws, thereby making us the Slaves of God.

1:17:00  If we believe in the Abrahamic God, we would have to logically and necessarily obey His laws, thereby making us the Slaves of God.

1:24:00  The efficacy of a religion can be measured by how easy it is to believe and how long it has managed to maintain a stable existence by having its morals principles enforced as legislation. In effect, every ideology is its own deity - as I understand Church of Entropy to assert - even if it is explicitly atheist eg Buddhism, Communism, Socialism, Liberalism. The test is how long it is recognisably itself without breaking its own rules.

1:36:00  R and K selection

R selection - breeding like rats and other vermin ie randomly having sex with anyone who will have sex with you
K selection - KAREFULLY choosing your sex partner who must also be your spouse with the explicit purpose of bringing up legitimate children together in a loving relationship in the hope that they will be a credit to you and your choice of spouse

1:40:00  Julius Evola

1:43:00  "Right-wing principles" = patriarchal moral values found in the Bible and the Koran

1:44:00  "Secular society'" = modernity = feminism =  the rejection of theocracy as a form of government 

Theocracy - a society governed by the laws of God

1:59:00  The England that Monty Python mocked is now extinct.

2:06:00  The Difference Between a Psychopath and Sociopath
Moreover, while a sociopath would feel no guilt about hurting a stranger, they may feel guilt and remorse over hurting someone with which they share a bond. The psychopath is keenly aware that what he or she is doing is wrong, but does not care.

Sounds like Western politicians are psychopaths.

A sociopath is someone who has no principles and is not ashamed that he has none, but would probably not go out of his way to hurt people, but a psychopath would, for the self-aggrandising fun of it. Was Churchill a psychopath?

2:13:00  Quantum Scientific Theocracy
2:20:00  Atheists tend to be degenerate hedonists while God-believing people postpone their pleasure to protect their posthumous reputation.
2:22:00  Extramarital sex
2:28:00  "Put someone like me in charge and we'll make sure all of our men are pair-bonded with the appropriate female breeders."  State-sponsored-dating? Or the rape of the Sabine Women?

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