
Wednesday, 2 October 2019

Jon Vance is ashamed I talk to Church of Entropy and all the other alt-right losers



Church of Entropy:
Atheists sometimes tend towards utopian thinking. That's why they are sometimes sympathetic to communism, like, "Let's make the government God and then create heaven on earth, like, cos they don't believe in God. Atheism is cancer.

Jon Vance:
Yeah, well, atheism is a form of Christianity. It's a type of liberalism that believes in human rights
for all. It flows from is the same doctrine of Christianity as well so they are not exempt from religion whatsoever. It's just a different strain of Christianity.

Claire Khaw:
So political ideologies all have the same effect as religion.

Church of Entropy:
They have some of the same effects but religion can be said to be the most transcendent canonizer. Politics is usually a subset of religion. You don't want them to be equal. Religion should be more more than just politics.

Jon Vance:
Yeah, but I think religion is most important. We need more than ever is principled people as leaders as opposed to unprincipled people who contradict the values they espouse like Justin Trudeau. We have the media that bat for these far leftists now. They will do whatever is necessary to enslave
humanity. They will espouse ideas that look clean on the outside but on the inside are absolutely filthy when you examine their contradictions.

Church of Entropy:
Well, you're on the right track, Jon, I'm sure that in time you'll see me as a very principled person even though maybe my principles aren't always easily understandable. I'm sure you'll find me
very consistent.

Jon Vance:
How do you derive your principles from physical matter?

Church of Entropy:
Well, I don't. I arrived at them from religion but because everyone's atheist, I thought it would be
easier to prove it using physics than religion because I don't want to have to justify a religion in order to justify the underlying facts.

Jon Vance:
So you're compromising your principles in order to please a demographic?

Church of Entropy:
It's not a compromise of principles: adapting strategy to fit the circumstances is part of our principles. Jon, there's one universal set of knowledge - can you imagine that?

Jon Vance:
How do you verify that?

Church of Entropy:
We verify that it exists. It's just a conceptual tool. You visualise it as a big castle made of light.

Jon Vance:
These conceptions - do they have morality built in within themselves? Do they have any moral principles whatsoever? Are they just scientific?

Church of Entropy:
Well, they teach us about reality which then teaches us about what morality even is in the first place.

Jon Vance:
How does how does studying physics teach you morality?

Church of Entropy
Well, it doesn't. What I'm doing is using physics to prove that religion must be scientific in order to work and then deriving morality from the religion that was the thing that taught me the science that is the thing that I'm using to convince people of the value of the religion.

Jon Vance:
Yeah, but you say things that you can't prove like reincarnation and then you go on about how God's
impersonal. It's a waste of time listening to you. I'm ashamed that Claire talks to you all the time and all the other alt-right losers.

Church of Entropy:
Well, you're saying I can't prove reincarnation ...

Jon Vance:
No, it's just a waste of time talking to you.

Church of Entropy:
Okay, well then why are you talking to me?

Jon Vance:
I wish you'd study the occult more as opposed to the weird physics theory you have.

Church of Entropy:
So it it's my job to explain the occult to lay people even though lay people getting their hands on occult knowledge is what led to this disaster in the first place. Does that about sum it up, Jon?

Jon Vance:
No, people don't know this stuff whatsoever. Occult means hidden. I don't think you know what occult means.

Church of Entropy:
Yeah, you're talking about hidden mind control techniques, yes, I'm very well aware of what these are. You're the one who doesn't know.

Jon Vance:
They don't know it, that's the thing.

Church of Entropy:
And you're saying I should stream about how to do occult mind control, basically.

Jon Vance:
Yeah, maybe that would give you more credibility.

Church of Entropy:
Yeah, then I'd be betraying tradition.

Jon Vance:
I just don't even know what your tradition is. Are you too bigoted to study anything that's involved with Abrahamism? Was that your whole spiel?

Church of Entropy:
I already have a religion. It's complete and transcendent and it doesn't have room for false belief system.

Jon Vance:
God damn. Alright, I think I'm done here. This is a waste of time. I don't want to waste my time anymore I have things to do.

Are the three arguments I believe to be sound in agreement with your idea of a sound argument?
33:00  The childhood Catholicism Jen remembers.
43:00  Church of Entropy derails the discussion by talking about usury as a display of her "rhetorical skills". I let her get away with it because it was late and I tired.
46:00  My axioms make no sense, apparently.
47:00  Church of Entropy expects to believed when she says the Universe was uncreated. When I challenge this, she breaks off to talk about the Moon.
54:00  "Walk-ups"
58:00  Church of Entropy refers to her theory that Christianity and Islam are Jewish conspiracies. 
1:01:00  Church of Entropy says the Ten Commandments are "clearly not God's laws".
1:03:00  You don't have to believe in God to agree with one or some or all of the Ten Commandments.
1:04:00  Church of Entropy cannot address my point that the Vedas do not mention the rule of law.
1:06:00  Rule of law not known in Hinduism.
1:08:00  Church of Entropy is happy to let the priesthood make laws.
1:09:00  Law enforcement
1:10:00  Laws should conform to morality.
1:13:00  There is no need to legislate for the laws of physics, but we need to regulate our behaviour towards each other.
1:15:00  80/20 rule
1:16:00  The law of the jungle
1:17:00  Survival of the fittest,
1:18:00  "the habits of nature" - the criminal law
1:19:00  Property rights
1:20:00  Golden rule
1:23:00  Inexplicably, Church of Entropy brings up usury again.
1:27:00  Smut-peddling and malign encouragement
1:31:00  Enforcing the rules
1:33:00  I doubt that Mitchell Porter agrees with Church of Entropy that Christianity and Islam were Jewish conspiracies.
1:34:00  What would it take for Church of Entropy to read the Koran?
1:36:00  Following the recipe
1:37:00  The Abrahamic faiths are flawed, Church of Entropy claims, and hers is better.
1:42:00  A religion can only be judged by its longevity.
1:44:00  Church of Entropy seems to be saying that Jews are so cunning they caused European nations to fight two World Wars with each other in order to make the British give up Palestine afterwards so the State of Israel could be established.
1:46:00  Controlled opposition
1:47:00  Weimar Germany
1:49:00  Controlled antisemitism and Sermon on the Mount
1:53:00  Church of Entropy says she doesn't have to read the Koran because Dayananda Saraswati has already done so and she is the incarnation of him.
1:56:00  How is influence measured?
2:02:00  Unified Field Model
2:04:00  Big Bang
2:09:00  Maritime law
2:10:00  JON VANCE joins.

2:20:00  Jon Vance joined just to vote for me - how sweet!
2:21:00  Jon wants something "structured and on topic, not Jen-tier pilpul nonsense". Jen is Queen of Muddying Waters.
2:23:00  I explain the Conclave Contest rules. 
2:25:00  Gandalf says he won't participate because he thinks these rules are too unstructured. 
2:29:00  Taqiyya
2:30:00  Peter denying Christ
2:31:00  Double standards, Dhimmi
2:32:00  Gandalf wants Jon banished. 
2:35:00  I offer to eject Church of Entropy and Gandalf. Church of Entropy is very offended. 
2:36:00  Church of Entropy and Gandalf depart.
2:37:00  Jon Vance tells us about his mosque visit and his interaction with Muslims.
2:45:00  The first Islamic State was a welfare state, apparently.


10:00  "[Claire Khaw] is out of her mind."  "Jon Vance shits on her." Brundle proposes to "subvert" Secular Koranism and turn it into something else.

13:00  "Now I'm addicted to the Claire Khaw/Jen Scharf soap opera."

23:00  "I care about the issues more than the teams."

25:00  "The Cathedral"
It is just a weasel word used by cucked Christians too afraid to openly challenge the matriarchy and discuss the issues that need to be addressed to solve problems ie what should replace Christianity and Liberal Democracy if both are kaput.

26:00  Ecce joins and says Kyle condones genocide.

33:00  Ecce was baptised.

37:00  "You can't build a religion out of scratch." Christianity is now Liberalism.  Therefore it is kaput.

49:00  Slavery can be avoided if you avoid irresponsible borrowing and lending by individuals and government. would ban usury.

51:00  Jews who know less about Judaism than Ecce.

1:00:00  Otto Pohl: "Christianity developed as a Greek strategy to protect Europeans from a certain people in the Middle East."

1:01:00  Ecce actually says he doesn't think Jesus ever existed. Therefore why he larps as Christian is a mystery to me.

Ecce then goes on to say he is "happy that Christ does not exist so Ecce can use blind faith alone, and I love it. Once you  use blind faith, it's much easier because then all charges that will be levelled against you, you get to say 'No, no, no, I have faith and I reject all your charges. It washes off me like water off a duck's back, I don't care.'

1:04:00 Ecce who larps as a Christian, says he doesn't think "Jesus was an actual dude".

1:05:00  Walrus: "I'm not a committed Christian, but I am on board with most of it."

1:05:00  Nonsensically, Ecce says after denying Christ's existence "I am on board with 95% of it and that's the only reason why I like it. It's cos I kinda get it.  I was raised in the middle of it, so whatever. There's that looking back on your childhood nostalgically, I get it.

1:01:00  Ecce actually says he doesn't think Jesus ever existed. Therefore why he larps as Christian is a mystery to me.

Ecce then goes on to say he is "happy that Christ does not exist so Ecce can use blind faith alone, and I love it. Once you  use blind faith, it's much easier because then all charges that will be levelled against you, you get to say 'No, no, no, I have faith and I reject all your charges. It washes off me like water off a duck's back, I don't care.'

1:04:00 Ecce who larps as a Christian, says he doesn't think "Jesus was an actual dude".

1:06:00  Ecce has never heard of the European Wars of Religion or the Christian on Christian religious persecution that took place when European and American Christians took their religion seriously.

1:34:00  The important and best bits of the Bible are in the Old Testament. The New Testament is poor fare indeed. The former is from Judaism, the latter is from idolatrous Christianity. The New Testament is conceptually inferior because its sources are not even divine being mere mortal men talking about their different versions of Christ's ministry as well as their letters advising Christians in different localities. The Koran is the directly revealed Word of God to all mankind, not just Jews while the Torah is just for Jews.  Are people having difficulty coming to terms with the obvious truths I have pointed out?

Otto: "Islam is much closer to Judaism." Yes, in the sense that it is rule-based and not the corrupt bargain Christianity is.

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