
Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Would Jews decrease antisemitism if they were more critical of liberalism and feminism?

2:00  Meta-analysis  Jay talks about principles and Church of Entropy making everything about her.
3:00  Aaron Amihud doesn't think OV reads enough. Subjective Absolutism
4:00  Australians
5:00  My Australian joke.  WLL2PWR
6:00  Mr & Mrs Amihud of Jerusalem on OV's channel giving White Nationalists advice
10:00  Church of Entropy is not serious about her ideas.
11:00  Church of Entropy is not hypergamous
12:00  Church of Entropy refuses to read.
14:00  Church of Entropy going against her own principles eg idolatry.
15:00  How Church of Entropy derailed the theological discussions at
16:00  Church of Entropy worships herself.
17:00  Self-esteem is not self-worship.
18:00  Church of Entropy's position on usury
20:00  Church of Entropy has declared the intention of opposing me for the sake of opposing me.
21:00  Slut-shaming, principled agreement and principled disagreement
22:00  Time to shame unprincipled people?
23:00  I might have misheard what Will was saying at 37:00
24:00  Leadership election which OV won
25:00  Advised Church of Entropy to stay out of the fray
26:00  Gandalf had the fewest votes.
27:00  Ideological ordering for my voting priorities
28:00  Clubbabilitiy
29:00  Alpha male and leadership qualities
30:00  The wise leader
32:00  Nick Griffin
33:00  Jonathan Bowden and Nick Griffin's speech to the EU Parliament
34:00  The BNP will not defend you even when the position you take is morally and intellectually defensible or even support you when you attempt to defend yourself because they want to kill the story like the cowards that they are.
35:00  Nick Griffin followed OV on Twitter before his account was suspended.
36:00  John Tyndale
37:00  The expulsion of Nick Griffin from the BNP.  Nigel Farage
38:00  The people you have to most watch out for in politics is the people supposedly on your own side.
39:00  OV's bad experience with the wignats
40:00  The gas station
41:00  Bateman not liked by the gas station.
42:00  The conversation between Bateman and Rory
43:00  Your rivals jockeying for your position
44:00  Kyle Rowland
45:00  Petty personal politics
46:00  Wrenching Brundle and status
47:00  Compromise
48:00  Talking about ideas rather than hating certain groups
49:00  Putin saying liberalism obsolete
51:00  How WLL2PWR was so abusive to OV over nothing from 1:56:00
53:00  Forbidden words and the desire to offend certain groups for political reasons
54:00  Why can white heterosexual male Western gentile non-Muslims be offended but not other groups? Because they have no religion.
56:00  Repeal affirmative action/anti-discrimination legislation.
57:00  Sheldon Adelson
58:00  Liberalism has no agreed principles.
58:00  Is liberalism sacred and have liberals done no wrong?
59:00  Pogroms
1:00:00  Liberal Jews
1:01:00  Neoconservatism = American or Jewish imperialism
1:02:00  Are neocons neocons because they are imperialists or because they are Jews?
1:04:00  Are Jews genetically predisposed to globohomo?
1:05:00  Not following our religious principles
1:06:00  Do you know the way to San Jose?
1:07:00  Theological discussions
1:08:00  Scripture
1:09:00  Only divine civic nationalism can fight divine ethno-nationalism.
1:10:00  Treating women and minorities fairly
1:11:00  Pogroms
1:12:00  Civic nationalism
1:13:00  The rules have to be fair enough.
1:14:00  Defining the nation
1:16:00  Feminism is not "Jewish".
1:17:00  The most marginalised group is the white heterosexual male.
1:19:00  Mark Collett
1:20:00  Environmentalism causes white people to have fewer babies
1:24:00  Sluts are the soldiers of feminism.
1:25:00  The price of sex
1:26:00  Men would have to fight to restore the patriarchy and solve problems.
1:27:00  Men need to talk about restoring the patriarchy.
1:28:00  Men need to propose a change of laws to restore the patriarchy.
1:29:00  Illegitimacy/Matriarchy v Legitimacy/Patriarchy
1:30:00  Morally compromised antisemites who would rather talk about kicking Jews out than restoring the patriarchy
1:31:00  Noahide laws
1:32:00  Repealing pro-matriarchy legislation
1:33:00  Christianity falls below the minimum moral standards of the Noahide laws.
1:34:00  Sex Revolution, sluts and dysgenic widespread bastardy
1:35:00  No fault divorce
1:36:00  Adherents of the Abrahamic faiths no longer follow their own principles and this leads to a race to the bottom in moral standards in even non-religious institutions.
1:37:00  If you didn't follow instructions properly and things ended badly for you, then the solution is to follow them properly next time.
1:38:00  Secular Koranism is the one-size fits all legal system that would accommodate atheists to polytheists while restoring the patriarchy.
1:39:00  Jews and Muslims are frightened of pointing out the idolatry of Christianity because of the violence Christians traditionally committed against them.
1:40:00  The Doctrine of the Trinity
1:41:00  Christians Evangelicals of America are Zionists.
1:42:00  Israel should be a theocracy.
1:43:00  American and Israel are husband and wife.
1:44:00  The Virtue of [Israeli] Nationalism by Yoram Hazony
1:45:00  Israel is the only liberal democracy in the Middle East.
1:46:00  Rabbi Mizrachi complains about liberalism in Israel.
1:47:00  Jews and gentiles have similar political divisions in the West.
1:48:00  Gantz and Netanyahu in the Israeli elections
1:50:00  One party state
1:51:00  Getting the roof fixed instead of blaming the occupants for causing the roof to leak.
1:53:00  Barbara Spectre
1:54:00  Political influence
1:55:00  Personal responsibility
1:59:00  The perceived problem with Jews is really a problem with Liberalism.

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AI with Secular Koranism II with Vincent Bruno #7

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