
Monday, 4 November 2019

When Secular Koranism and I came up in the conversation

24:00  I am not standing in the way of Gandalf imposing his patriarchy, just saying that my way is quicker because the God whose authority the Koran is derived is more powerful than the Jen God.

31:00  Give an example of my gaslighting you.

32:00  Gandalf is not a library, you bibliophobe.

35:00  Is Irvine Welsh the only author Jen has ever read?

38:00  Niall prefers to talk to someone who is interested in theology even if we do not see eye to eye.

1:35:00  Elliott is quite right that I pride myself on my deductive intelligence.

1:38:00  Elliott seems to be saying that I am leading from behind because I am not Muslim. But I am already a Secular Koranist, and you don't have to be Muslim to be a Secular Koranist because Secular Koranism is a legal system guaranteeing freedom of belief with designed to accommodate atheists to polytheists while restoring and protecting the patriarchy. Nothing is required of you to become a Secular Koranist other than to agree to being known as such. What is the big deal?

1:39:00  I have not said anything explicitly erotic about Jen, have I? Is there any evidence of my having said anything inadvertently erotic? If so, please give examples, since I am unaware of them.

1:40:00  You could just adopt Secular Koranism without my becoming your dictatrix. For now, all you have to do is admit that there is no bigger better idea around, which is true anyway. Is QST better than Secular Koranism?

1:41:00  Elliott makes an excellent point. I really am not expecting to be your dictator.

1:44:00  The badges of identity

1:51:00  Multiple truth hypothesis  = how much you can get away with breaking the rules

1:52:00  My sociological and utilitarian approach to religion  - Surely you don't want me to go all spiritual on you?

1:54:00  I am already so happy to be here it just wouldn't occur to me to get any higher.

1:56:00  Gandalf's bust-up with Luke Ford

1:58:00  Aren't I a good interviewer too?

2:04:00  Luke is a sociopath and therefore sadistic.

2:20:00  You are all special! Who are the right kind of followers?

2:22:00  My patriarchy is better than your patriarchy.

2:27:00  "Claire is basically Jewish."  I suppose this means being able to put two and two together to make four.

2:28:00  I happen to know that if your streams are any good, more people will be watching it after the stream is over than when it is live. I  am reasonably pleased with the content I produced at The bummer was Donald Robertson doing his stream of consciousness complaining about Jews for about an hour which totally removed any will from anyone listening to interrupt and engage. Fortunately, Jon Vance turned up to argue with him and provoked him into making some Islamophobic comments.

2:34:00  There is the Abrahamic God known to Jews, Christians and Muslims who knows our hearts and minds and intervenes in human affairs, and the impersonal indifferent Jen God who causes nihilism in Jen. If you want to believe in God, why would you worship the less powerful deity? It is like carrying water into the desert and not drinking it when you are thirsty.

2:47:00  Making saving Western civilisation sexy

3:11:00  "He just makes me feel tee hee hoo hoo haha."

3:13:00  My voice is "like a mirage or a demon disguised as a beautiful woman".   Woo hoo!

3:21:00  Our "deep and compelling relationship"

4:09:00  Brundle wants to preserve the status quo.

4:14:00  Why is it being suggested that I am a psychopath?

4:16:00  Church of Entropy reads more of my messages to her.

4:26:00  The CQ = The Claire Question

4:29:00  Bust-up between Gandalf and Luke Ford over the 19th Amendment

4:39:00  Claire Khaw boycott

4:39:00  Claire Khaw boycott

Everyone is guest-dependent.

4:41:00  Leading and loaded question by Brundle to Elliott

4:54:00  Most people in the alt-right are mentally ill.

5:36:00  Church of Entropy reads yet another of  my messages to her.

5:37:00 "Claire does not care about the truth."

5:38:00  I was a big deal in the UK.

5:39:00  Which "bad ideas" are you referring to, Church of Entropy?

5:40:00  Am I really expected to prove the actual existence of the Abrahamic God? If the Jen God is better than the Abrahamic God then let Jen prove it better.

5:40:00  Secular Koranism is not just about lashing unmarried parents 100 times per bastard. There is much much more than that.

5:41:00  Jon Vance is a political activist in a known political party, not a mere larper like you, Gandalf.

5:42:00  What "abject disaster" for your people are you referring to, Gandalf?

5:44:00  I am a "bad actor" but the reasons are not clear. 

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