
Friday, 22 November 2019

Gender equality, feminism and the rape fantasy

1:00  The rape fantasy
6:00  The right to hold unpopular opinions should be defended if you believe in free speech.
8:00  Women now more prepared to admit to having rape fantasies.
9:00  In our age of gender equality, if women are allowed to have rape fantasies, why not men?
10:00  Rape jokes at dinner parties where your wife is present
11:00  The practice of ladies withdrawing after dinner
12:00  Offensive things one sex might say about the other
13:00  Women talking about their periods in front of men.
14:00  Mo Mowlam
15:00  Women were part of war booty
19:00  The English and French and their colonies
20:00  The Roman Empire and its inevitable multiculturalism and multiracialism
22:00  Making America Great Again = American isolationism
23:00  US Presidents always campaign in peace and promote American imperialism in office.
24:00  Mercenaries
25:00  Christianity is kaput.
26:00  Sick children who won't take their medicine
27:00  Managing the transition from matriarchy to patriarchy
28:00  The EU
29:00  UK politicians have no idea how to govern the country which is why they want to remain in the EU and be told how to do it by EU directives.
30:00  Israel elections
31:00  No solutions, only complaints.
32:00  Immigrants from a patriarchal culture have a cultural and psychological advantage over the locals.
33:00  Western Man is now so degenerate he cannot even form the intention to have legitimate offspring with a woman of his own race in sufficient numbers.
34:00  Social parasites having consumed the host are now devouring themselves.
35:00  Insane neoliberal policies
36:00  Really US slow workers
37:00  Calculators in maths tests
39:00  Secular Koranism
40:00  Radical and public slut-shaming
41:00 from 1:39:00
43:00  Manchester Liberalism has ended in gay marriage and transgenderism.
44:00  E Michael Jones
45:00  Incest now legalised. Extramarital sex is now the opium of the people.
46:00  The sexually sated male is politically useless.
47:00  There is now nothing to motivate gentile non-Muslim men into becoming married fathers.
49:00  NEETs and men who live in mum's basement
50:00  Why would any rational white working class woman marry a white working male?
51:00  Why white working class women convert to Islam
53:00  Illegitimacy rates in the West
54:00  Keith Joseph
55:00  The complaining woman
56:00  Feminism bribes men with fornication.
57:00  Feminism is the last taboo.
58:00  Feminism = the working mother and the pill in Japan
59:00  Herbivore men
1:00:00  Yukio Mishima
1:02:00  Brazil
1:03:00  Working conditions for the status conscious family man
1:05:00  Transgenderism would not be tolerated in schools in Brazil.
1:06:00  Alex Woodrow
1:09:00  The hatred of the alt-right is their identity.
1:10:00  The alt-right hate themselves.
1:12:00  Islamophobes who fail to follow their own Islamophobic principles because they too easily distracted by their rage and hate.
1:16:00  The Tragedy of Oedipus Rex
1:18:00  The generation gap
1:19:00  Brundlefly
1:20:00  Church of Entropy
1:21:00  Secular Koranism and my wild bunch
1:24:00  John Gischala's YouTube objectives
1:27:00  YouTube are probably shadow banning me.
1:31:00  Grammar is the logic of language.
1:32:00  Patriarchy is the more rational and moral choice.
1:33:00  Repentance
1:32:00  The Twilight Zone. Pigs telling us we aren't kosher
1:36:00  The punishments of Secular Koranism will not be applied retrospectively.
1:37:00  No khalwat laws being proposed.
1:38:00  Elton John: boycott Dolce & Gabbana over 'synthetic' IVF babies comment
1:40:00  The prophets of Judaism were sinning mortals.
1:41:00  King David
1:43:00  Ghet
1:48:00  King Solomon
1:51:00  Richard Gere in King David
1:52:00  Ego Dik 's comments on virtue-signalling liberal men
1:57:00  Irish potato famine - John thought the English poisoned the crop!
2:00:00  MEME LOOK joins.
2:08:00  Proselytising
2:11:00  Would Meme like to be Jewish?
2:13:00  I remind them that Secular Koranism is a legal system, not a religion.
2:15:00 John admits to burning the Koran.
2:16:00  How would I would promote Secular Koranism
2:17:00  Women as war booty
2:20:00  The hypothetical supreme being
2:21:00  My faith is like a traffic light.
2:22:00  Morality should not be optional.
2:23:00  No fault divorce
2:25:00  Monogamy
2:26:00  Polygamy
2:27:00  Tariq Ramadan
2:29:00  Deuteronomy 19:15
2:32:00  The matriarchy is dangerous to itself.
2:34:00  Patriarchy v Matriarchy
2:35:00  The most powerful women in a matriarchy.
2:36:00  The cult of beauty and the cult of youth
2:38:00  Reconsecrating the institution of marriage
2:42:00  When Church of Entropy talking about the rape fantasy and Brundle (who is now her Manager) popped up to make rape jokes about her.
2:43:00  Wignats fantasise about raping and pillaging their way around America
2:44:00  The Koran regards women as booty and part of the spoils of war.
2:45:00  Forced marriage is dysgenic.

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