
Saturday, 23 November 2019

I continue to defend the right to hold unpopular opinions about virtue-signalling liberal men

3:00  What is your evidence that Jon Vance and Ego Dik "advocated for war crimes"? As I understand it, rape is a convention of war and women are part of booty. Even Western tradition affirms this convention if you are familiar with the narrative of the Trojan War and have read Trojan Women by Euripides. "Lock up your wives and daughters" is not exactly an exclusively Islamic saying, is it?

4:00  How have I expressed "tacit approval" of the sexual offences you were referring to?

5:00  I am quite happy to display the exchange we had in Hangouts, Walrus.

9:00  This is really about your reaction to Jon Vance, a campaigning member of the Canadian Nationalist Party - a white non-Muslim man - saying that Islam might have the answer to so many problems of the West. You have chosen the route of self-induced hysteria to hold on to your identity as haters of Islam and Muslims. It is not even an attractive identity so it is a mystery why you hold on to it so fiercely, unless the answer is your collective denial that Christianity is kaput and democracy is dementia. You already know this anyway, so why do you still insist on shooting the messenger?

10:00  Tariq Ramadan  has not been found guilty of a crime, but why does Amanda assume that he is? Because she is Shia and he is Sunni?  Why are you taking seriously any claims made by this silly and hysterical woman who does not even believe that any accused should be treated as innocent till proven guilty? is my stream on the subject that Amanda finds so objectionable. Would you like Amanda or me to be the judge if you were ever accused of rape, Walrus?

18:00  What was the advice to Muslims on how to live Jon Vance gave to Muslims that Jay claimed he gave? Can we have the stream and time stamp, please? Or is Jay lying again?

19:00  Did Jon Vance really give advice to lesbians on how to masturbate as Jay claims? Can we have the steam and time-stamp, please? Or is Jay lying again?

20:00  The offensive comments which have been repeatedly clarified can be found at

Your deliberate refusal to acknowledge these clarifications speaks volumes about your state of mind, which is presumably to start a race war so you can kill and kick out the Muslim immigrants whom you hate and fear.

21:00 What is there to disavow? I am saying his comments do not constitute an incitement to rape or constitute any public order offence.

At the most, he is saying he wouldn't be sorry for Western men if their women got raped because of the degenerate behaviour of Conops who represents virtue-signalling liberal men virtue-signalling to feminists - which is overwhelming majority of Western women -  in order to gain sexual access to them. This behaviour also signals to men of other races and nations that Western men are basically helpless in their matriarchy to do anything to reverse the tide of immigration who will therefore interpret this as a sign to keep coming. To be seen as weak and stupid invites attack.

While this is undeniably offensive, there is at present no law against having offensive opinions.

I notice you are pretending that it was Jon Vance who made these comments rather than Ego Dik, which suggests that the person whose reputation you want to destroy is really Jon Vance, a Secular Koranist.

Secular Koranism is my solution to the social and political problems of the West you are always complaining about.

My diagnosis is that both your religion and political system have failed and that Secular Koranism - which guarantees freedom of belief with -  should be the replacement. Your reaction seems to be to shoot the messenger.

23:00  I am defending the principle of free speech and the right to hold unpopular opinions. Surely those in the alt-right would support me. Isn't the right of others to have unpopular opinions your right to hold unpopular opinions too?

24:00  What is Jay's evidence that Jon Vance thinks it is "funny to talk about raping women"?

25:00  Why is it "really gross" to defend the principle of free speech and the right of people to hold unpopular opinions that are not even untrue, illogical or immoral? As I understood it, Ego Dik was just saying he wouldn't be sorry for Western men if their women got raped because of the degenerate behaviour of Conops who represents virtue-signalling liberal men virtue-signalling to feminists - which is overwhelming majority of Western women -  in order to gain sexual access to them. This behaviour also signals to men of other races and nations that Western men are basically helpless in their matriarchy to do anything to reverse the tide of immigration and for this reason they will interpret this as a sign to keep coming.

What Ego Dik said is in fact morally and intellectually defensible. It is your position of shooting the messenger that is both morally and intellectually indefensible.

26:00 In what way are Muslims "not on your team"?

What are the values that your team represents? Sex and drugs and rock and roll? Feminism, gay marriage and transgenderism?

27:00  Who are these Muslims you have been talking to who believe that at the end of times all the Jews are getting killed?

33:00  Walrus actually admits that Christianity is kaput. Jay says "gentle" Christianity is "a difficult religion for men to get passionate about"  and is "cringey".  Yet he refuses to admit that Christianity is kaput. 

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