
Tuesday, 24 December 2019

9th Koraniyule 2019 with Doooovid and his "Multiple Opinion Hypothesis" ...

... which he calls his "Multiple Truth Hypothesis".

Doooovid confuses fact with opinion.

There can only be one truth but many people will have views on the same matter, claim or event.
There will be in fact as many views as there are people in existence to hold them on a particular fact, claim or event.

Doooovid is really being a moral relativist using a different label. Moral relativists basically believe that everyone's opinion is equally valid.

Would the Abrahamic God and His worshippers ever believe in moral relativism? Of course not.

Even moral relativists contradict themselves because what they are claiming amounts to "While everyone's opinion is equally valid, the opinions of moral relativists are more equal than non-moral relativists."

Does this remind you of Orwell's Animal Farm?


1) Jews practising Judaism are supposed to think they are God's Chosen People because Moses received the Torah from God on Mount Sinai.

2) Christians to be Christians must believe that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God to have one over the Jews. All Jewish prophets are mortals but the prophet for Christianity is the co-equal of God Himself, if you believe this unprovable absurdity.  In order to be Christian (and it was believed by Christians that only Christians get to heaven) you must believe or claim to believe in the idolatrous absurdity of the Trinity to be one of the Christian gang. This belief was clearly unprovable, but Christians maintained belief by their blasphemy laws to punish any dissenter who refused to affirm this absurdity. Michael Servetus was burned at the stake at the behest of John Calvin for denying the Trinity. William Tyndale was burned at the stake at the behest of the Catholic Church for daring to translate the New Testament into English because its corrupt priesthood did not want ploughboys asking Catholic priests if the Sermon on the Mount really was the distillation of Christian wisdom.

3) Muslims are supposed to believe that the Koran is the directly revealed Word of God through Muhammad.

It could be true that God first gave the Torah to Jews and then the Koran to Muslims, but not even Christians claim that the New Testament was written by Jesus. The closest Christian scripture got to Christ was through his disciples Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and they all gave differing accounts of Jesus. Also, the New Testament was not compiled until many decades after the crucifixion of Christ. It cannot be denied then that Christians have conceptually inferior scripture because Jews and Muslims have scripture said to come from God while Christians never could make this claim. The Doctrine of the Trinity was also cooked up by some bishops at the Councils of Nicea who were not by any stretch of the imagination divine since not everyone agreed that an executed revolutionary was the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God. The Arians thought Christ could be a little bit divine, but never of co-equal divinity of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God.

It seems undeniable that if you wanted to worship the Abrahamic God as a gentile, there is only one religion for you. Christians are clearly idolaters, and it cannot be denied that both Jews and Muslims are obliged to have this view though they have been historically too frightened of saying this because of the might of the British and American global empires and its capacity to inflict violence and suffering on peoples and nations inclined to question their religion.

Now that most Westerners are no longer Christian - and you can only be Christian if you confirm that do believe that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God - Jews and Muslims need not fear that they will be punished by Christians by being burned at the stake or being convicted of blasphemy since there are no such laws now in the West. They would be doing the Post-Christian Westerner a big favour because no society, nation or civilisation can survive without a religion that maintains minimum standards of sexual morality ie make it clear that unmarried parents are in fact committing what the Bible and Koran would consider the sexual offence of fornication. The golden thread that runs through all the world religions is patriarchy, and the indispensable ingredient of patriarchy is marriage and the rules of good parenting giving married fathers paternal masculine authority. This means married parents should be the norm while unmarried parents should be considered sex offenders to discourage the dysgenic behaviour that would threaten society's "human stock" as Keith Joseph (who was Jewish) said in 1974, when Britain became a matriarchy.

Christians who refuse to repent of their idolatry will of course be tolerated under the new regime of Secular Koranism. They will however be repeatedly invited to prove using Truth, Logic and Morality that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God. It would appear that Christians of this view are merely showing that they are more invested in the idolatry of Christ than the correct worship of the Abrahamic God despite having the knowledge that He has specifically and explicitly forbidden idolatry in the Ten Commandments.

The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.

Idolatrous Christians should fear God's wrath for 2000 years of idolatry, and repent.


  1. It is true that Jews believe that God handed the Torah to Moses on Mount Sinai with a large number of Jewish witnesses.
  2. It is true that not even Christians claim that their scripture - the New Testament - came from God.
  3. It is true that the New Testament was written by mortal men.  
  4. It is true that the Council Nicea consisted of mortal men.
  5. It is true that worshipping an executed revolutionary as the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God is ipso facto idolatrous.
  6. It is true that the Torah says that the penalty for idolatry is death for Jews. 
  7. It is true that Muslims consider Christians to be idolatrous.
  8. It is true that Christians practise the hypocrisy of simultaneously worshipping idols of Mary and Christ while condemning idolatry in others.  
  9. It is true that Christians have always used violence and state intimidation against their Jewish minorities whose very presence in Christian lands reminded them of their own idolatry.
  10. It is true that Christians who understood their own theology and that of Jews and Muslims would know that Christianity is in fact idolatrous. 
  11. It is true that Christians who have understood all the points I have made and who refuse to repent of their idolatry are more invested in their idolatry than the correct worship of God.
  12. It is true that Christians have always been reluctant to discuss the nature of idolatry in the way that a businessman fearful of his business collapsing would understandably be reluctant to discuss the state of his finances with his customers.
  13. It is true that Christ was crucified after being found guilty of blasphemy by the Sanhedrin. 
  14. It is true that blasphemy is encouraging idolatry.
  15. It is true that Christians claim that the father of Christ was indeed the Abrahamic God and have done so for 2000 years. 
  16. It is true that claiming to be the co-equal  of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God amounts to a demand to be worshipped.  
  17. It is true that idolatry is worshipping anything that is not God.
  18. It is true that Jews believe that God exists outside the Universe as pure spirit after having created it. 
  19. If it is true that God exists outside the Universe as pure spirit, then nothing material that ever existed in the Universe - and this would include the executed revolutionary that was Christ - should be worshipped because this would amount to idolatry. 
I wonder what hypothesis Doooovid would make out of these facts.  

Would he conclude that Secular Koranism would be best way forward for the West? 

Would any Jew be prepared to do this if Doooovid won't? Would any Jew be prepared to discuss what I propose honestly, rationally and honourably? Perhaps Rabbi Gavriel Krausz?  

Would any Muslim scholar pronounce on the idolatry of Christianity? What about Tim Winter AKA Abdal Hakim Murad of Cambridge?

Are there at least ten good men in the whole of the West who are even now campaigning to turn the global village into Sodom and Gomorrah under their agenda of Transnational Progressivism?

Why did Abraham stop at ten in Genesis 18:32?

If the world does become a global Sodom and Gomorrah and God exists, would we not be wise to fear His wrath?

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