
Sunday, 29 December 2019

Millenniyule 2019: The Franklin

The Franklin was formerly Reactionary Expat basically complaining about the Chinese while married to a Taiwanese wife living in Taiwan. He is now back in Australia and treading more carefully, clearly.

5:00  Davis Aurini

12:00  The idea of producing our own culture is asinine. Culture happens organically, and culture is what our religion, political ideology, law and practice allow. If we have the right religion, we will have the right moral system. What is Western culture? Sex and shopping. Dips, fatso, bingo, ASBO, bingo, paedo because of Slut Single Mummy O. Too bad neither Millennial Woes and his sanctimonious Australian friend quite dare discuss this or add their voices to mine. Western culture is a culture of fornication, and fornication is a deadly sin. If you are still Christian you would know this, but the West is now Post-Christian. The Post-Christian Westerner has the greatest contempt for Christians and Christianity because they hate the idea of their ancestors being tricked into worshipping a Jew on a stick as the co-equal of God. They can't even blame Jews for this since Jews have been trying to these Christians for centuries directly and indirectly why Christianity is idolatry.

21:00  Crazily, The Franklin thinks that producing nice music and books is enough to get people over from the nastiness of free porn online for all to something rather better without addressing directly and calling out the culture of sex and shopping. Talk about putting the carriage before the horse. The trouble with Western men is that they have now become the irrational Western women they are always complaining about. Denial is a feminine trait. Will Millennial Woes ever discuss with any of his guests the failure of Christianity? Is he aware that the question has to be asked and is only just avoiding it? Is that not cowardly and dishonourable that I of all people have to do this while Western men cower in corners afraid to ask this question because they already know the answer? The answer is of course Christianity is kaput and must be replaced as soon as possible.

Instead, they talk about writing novels. Incredible, really. 

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