
Sunday, 29 December 2019

Millenniyule 2019: Libertas Metapolitics

Used to be "heavily involved" in Conservative Future.

6:00  Cohorts of MPs who were students in 1968

12:00  I have always rejected the right/left classification of politics. It should be Natural Law v Legal Positivism. "Pathological inclusivity"

13:00  Love. There is more than one kind of love. 

15:00  The Voice of Reason

17:00  Lying to people, forcing them to accept and repeat lies the way Christianity forced people to become Christian through state intimidation and forced them to repeat lies to others and also make them commit atrocities in the name of Jesus. 

22:00  The Cameron Delusion by Peter Hitchens

23:00  Referendums v General Elections

24:00  Why the working class voter rejected Labour

24:30  Labour stratagem is to appeal to women and minorities, Tories to those sick of pandering to women and minorities.

27:00  Immigrants reduce social cohesion in the host community because a faction of the host community will be seeking to be collaborate with immigrants against other members of the host community.

29:00  Betrayal

33:00  Traditions and game theory

34:00  Civic nationalism is not enough, according to Millennial Woes and LM.  Too bad MW won't debate with it me. LM seems to think that we have now is civic nationalism. I challenge this assumption and have easily defeated it many times. 

36:00  Identity is based on shared values. Even racists like Brutus the British the Saxon know this. 

37:00  The values of valuelessness

37:30  Civic nationalists and their constitutionalist view of the world ie everything has to come from the top down.

38:00  Not about rules, MW says. 

39:00  Libertarians and civic nationalists who don't see themselves as nationalists with an economist's view of the world with models ... while the reality is much more organic

39:30  "Install trust, install fair play" - they think only talking about their magic white skin can restore these things, it seems. 

40:00  MW expresses contempt for Douglas Murray whom he sees as a shill and traitor.

41:00  Strange Death of Europe a red-pilling book

43:00  Brett Weinstein 

45:00  Jordan Peterson preaching weakness

46:00  Stefan Molyneux and his analogy of a football team that only passes the ball to its own team members and a team that passes the ball to anybody. 

48:00  Millennial Woes smiles, nods and winks at the camera saying "I can see this getting very very ugly" hinting at pogrom when he and like-minded white men like him get to kill and kick people out.  He is certainly not interested in honest and rational debate, only in avoiding any engagement with me at all. He certainly won't debate anything with me because he doesn't think my ideas should be discussed by white men like him. What is he so afraid of? Surely if you think the final solution can only be violence, don't you think you owe it to yourself and other side to explore all peaceful methods first? By refusing to engage with me at all, he is certainly indicating that he is only interested in waiting to engage in violence at the first available opportunity, not in any honest, rational or honourable discussion.

49:00  Libertas talks about "going postal". I wonder if he is prepared to engage with me on the issue of civic nationalism or refuse to discuss any of these issues on grounds of my race and sex. Perhaps he will be more reasonable than Millennial Woes. 

49:00  Conservatives haven't conserved anything. They don't even know what the hell it is that they are supposed to conserve. 

50:00  G K Chesterton. Conservatism is only interested in conserving the status quo and always on the back foot. 

51:00  "We need to have something we can have confidence in and fanaticism for."
"We need a positive [all white] vision [after we have killed and kicked people out?]."

52:00  "Our culture is American or immigrant."

53:00  No religion, no identity. 

This Coca Cola song is the musical expression of neoliberalism.

This corrupting mish-mash of Bangla and Western and black dance styles is homogenised world culture. 

1:01:00  "This is not multiculturalism going wrong, this is just multiculturalism. This is the best you can hope for, and it is going to get worse. This is the best multiculturalism can be and the effects can only be catastrophic [for the white man so white men must use the only means available to fight back, violence?]."

1:09:00  The Straight White Male is being specifically targeted and attacked by the matriarchy. 

1:11:00  Game theory

1:12:00  Intersectionality. If the matriarchy is going to play the ethnic game, then white men have no choice but to respond as a racial group, says Libertas.

1:13:00  He talks about his mother's fiance.

1:15:00  Everyone will soon be a nationalist, says Libertas. MW: "Because we're not afraid." But he is afraid of me. If he won't answer my question then perhaps some white man can ask my questions on my behalf, if he is going to be racist and sexist like that, but it is not just my sex and race, is it? MW doesn't want to answer my questions and any white man asking the questions I ask will also be ignored and smeared. 

1:25:00  Neoconservatism is about surrendering to the left on domestic policy so neocons can focus on invading and bombing foreign countries. 

1:27:00  Political Darwinism

1:28:00  Existential politics - the politics of remaining in existence

1:31:00  A more nationalist Labour Party?

1:32:00  The purity spiralling of the left and a circular firing squad where they all shoot at each other

1:33:00  Keir Starmer will be the next Labour leader.

1:34:00  Labour's role is to hold the Conservatives to account. Labour are in denial about the reality of their policies and their political environment. Denial is a feminine vice.

1:35:00  Labour activists will join the Conservatives if they know Labour has no chance of being voted into office.

1:36:00  Will Labour just turn into BAME party? 

1:38:00  Robert Putnam

1:40:00  British cities are looking noticeably different to what they were the last time you visited them, and this arouses fear and hatred. 

1:43:00  Book recommendations

1:44:00  The non-whites are now Labour's new working class supporters because the white working classes no longer work?

1:45:00  Jordan Peterson offers no political solutions other than individual self-help.  

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