
Monday, 13 January 2020

Church of Entropy and Gandalf find an objective measure of good karma through market value in some way deeply offensive

6:00  The doxxing and threatening of Brundle after his stream with Adam Green
14:00 More about Brundle giving into threats.
15:00  Brundle = Ricardo
15:00  Differential equations
33:00  Calculus
35:00  I think I hear Jen saying "orgasm".

My message to Jen:

Did you just say "orgasm"?

41:00  Doooovid wants to check the understanding of the morons and vegetables in the chat about being unexpectedly treated to an unexpected and badly presented maths lesson. 

43:00  Church of Entropy: "We just have to tell people what it is, and people will get it. There's nothing to get, there's no comparative study to do what I can do which is to complete the pulveriser ..."

46:00  Jen gets snippy with Doooovid: "Don't I get to pronounce on the value of my revelations?" when he questions the utility of her ideas.

47:00  Differential equations and Doooovidism. Ways of understanding politics and competing group interests.

48:00  Conservations laws are differential equations.

51:00  All equations are differential equations.

52:00  Jen gets snippy with Doooovid again.

1:04:00  Jen gets snippy again and asks him a puzzling question about how he feels about a maths answer.

1:12:00  Doooovid points out that Jen grilling him on maths is of dubious utility or entertainment value. Its utility is of course to demonstrate Jen's superior knowledge. 

1:15:00  GANDALF joins. 

 1:17:00 Jews, German and electricity

1:20:00  The German character, according to Gandalf.

1:28:00  Jen raises her voice at Doooovid to interrupt him.

1:30:00  Jen mocks Doooovid when he asks if Vincent the gay Hindu is coming on.

1:34:00  Jen practically forbids Doooovid from asserting free will. 

1:35:00  "moral fable", "karmic chain"

1:36:00  Gandalf starts debunking free will. 

1:38:00  Ted Bundy's free will

1:40:00  Brundle says he will not be appearing after all.

1:42:00  Personality and Eigen states

1:50:00  Common Core long division

2:06:00  Jen plays a clip of my voice talking about doxxing.

2:07:00  Twoofer

2:10:00  Neologisms contain new ideas which will change beliefs, behaviour and culture. 
2:11:00  Socialising
2:12:00  Technology
2:13:00  Customers are not friends, but they are still valuable.
2:14:00  Spouse, friends, network
2:15:00  Transactional exchange, spirituality, integrating with technology
2:16:00  Spiritual attainment
2:17:00  Money
2:18:00  Success, technology and happiness. Jen seems triggered, probably because she has not reached success and happiness because of her mental illness.
2:25:00  Net positive karma, transactional nature of a person's karma
2:27:00  Good karma is net positive interaction with your human beings often demonstrated in accumulation of wealth. Jen says "That's funny," sarcastically. 
2:32:00  Poverty and bad karma
2:34:00  Defence is moral and therefore allowed.
2:39:00  Jen's "dharmic wars"
2:40:00  Jen: "My friends are the coolest." Who are her friends?
2:42:00  Predator - the movie

2:43:00  Jen talks about larping again. Doooovid wonders how the conversation degenerated into talking about old movies one saw as an adolescent. He tries to bring the subject from the larping of Gandalf and Jen to the original topic of discussion: money and good karma. Jen's anguished cry of "No!" is the response. Jen wants to continue larping and the rest of her sad life away. Doooovid persists:

"You accumulate wealth because of a value proposition."

There is another anguished cry of "No!" from Jen.

"You offer value to your customers. In exchange for that, they give you [dramatic pause] money. Karma is therefore good value that you offer to others. If you translate good karma as value you give to others, money is a correlation of the value you provide for other people."

"So how much are my teachings worth?"


"Whatever you get paid." 
Gandalf [loyally]:


2:46:00  Global karma
2:47:00  Racial determinism and the utility of an idea
2:48:00  Who are the true elites?
2:49:00  Jen accuses Doooovid of pilpul.
2:50:00  Judges should be independently wealthy people.
2:51:00  Trump and Sheldon Adelson
2:52:00  Michael Bloomberg
2:53:00  Could donors' money dictate US foreign policy?
2:54:00  Casino and high-tech convention centres
2:55:00  Jen laughs hysterically and claims that her karma is better than that of Republican donors.
2:56:00  Jen talks over Doooovid in an attempt to silence his truth. 
2:58:00  Gandalf claims that he is more virtuous than Adelson, but Doooovid points out that he has not shown value to anyone, which is why he is poor and ignored.
2:59:00  The good karma of facilitating human interaction and providing value is mentioned by Doooovid but Jen merely dismisses as "an abstract nonsensical thing".
3:00:00  Doooovid is incredulous that Jen cannot see that it is good karma to provide value for other people and seems to be saying that as long as it is spiritual - whatever that means - it is also meritorious. She talks nonsense about "vector fields of will".
3:01:00  Gandalf says he hates money.
3:02:00  Gandalf talks about suicide rates and order and says he is better because he cares.
3:03:00  Doooovid points out that they are just another goy complaining. Jen actually says linking karma to wealth is "an absurd idea".
3:04:00  Cause and effect and the origin of wealth
3:05:00  Nonsensically and crazily, Jen insists that good karma comes from "enlightenment values not money".
3:06:00  A son who inherits his wealthy father's business clearly has an accumulation of good karma, says Doooovid, but Jen and Gandalf disagree, presumably thinking that there is some virtue in being poor and that they are therefore virtuous.
3:07:00  Virtue signalling, spoilt nepotistic brat
3:08:00  Soup kitchen
3:09:00  Gandalf talks about caring for veterans.
3:11:00  Economic footprint of various acts of charity
3:12:00  Fair market value
3:17:00  Doooovid's definition of karma
3:18:00  Jen clearly disapproves of Doooovid's objective and materialist measure of good karma. 
3:22:00  Who has the best karma?
3:23:00  Jen says Doooovid was using "the Claire Khaw argument".


AW said...

Jen Scharf says she doesn't have a problem with the deceitful, secretive idea of freemasonry that has started many wars plus most atrocities in the British empire. Yet she criticises christianity even though christianity up until recent subversion supported white nationalism in Europe until end of ww2 before subversion. She does weekly chats with a jewish liberal who contradicts himself, plus she claims Hitler was a jewish agent even though has no proof and that claim is f*cking b*llocks. To top it off she claims she is reincarnated from an old Indian man the other side of the world. As if the energy of an Indian man would travel all the way to Canada to go into a woman, what nonsense when that energy would be easier attracted to men hindu priests far closer in India with more similar genetics to Saraswati or whatever his name was. She also goes mad with anyone who disagrees with her.

Claire Khaw said...

It took me a while to stop laughing after reading your superb analysis. It is possible Jen regularly says things that cannot possibly be true because of a combination of mental illness exacerbated by preexisting character defects that went uncorrected because of liberal parenting. I fear this problem is not just confined to Jen.

AW said...

True it is definitely not just confined to Jen, billions of others in the world are confined to the same type of behaviour, just maybe not quite as passionate as Jen's behaviour but similar nonetheless.

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