
Thursday, 2 January 2020

Claire Khaw explains Secular Koranism to Dr Kevin Barrett

1:00  Terrorism
2:00  The Ummah needs to protect to protect itself from the state intimidation Muslims suffer as citizens of non-Muslim nations. Jews managed to get back their homeland after WW2, but Muslims are left with the jihad of enjoining good and forbidding evil. How good are they at doing this? Have they been doing it at all as a collective?
2:30  Is terrorism a poor man's war?

4:00  I define terrorism as criminal acts committed by groups rather than states. It is of course possible to have state-sponsored terrorism and even false flag terrorism when a state sponsors acts of terrorism against its own citizens ie false flag attacks eg Operation Gladio and possibly 9/11.
"In what became known as the Boston Tea Party, a party of men dressed as Native Americans dumped the tea chest’s contents into Boston Harbor, after the governor, Thomas Hutchinson, refused colonists’ demands for the ships to depart peacefully with their cargo unloaded."

5:00  Clausewitz: "War is a continuation of politics by military means."
If this is so and there are such things as just wars, can there be just acts of terrorism? Nelson Mandela, the South African Nationalist  was imprisoned for terrorist offences but died a world statesman.

6:00  Defensive wars are just wars, aggressive wars are not.
6:30  The Koran could be said to incentivise war with the jizya, a conditional tribute which could be avoided by becoming a Muslim nation and then joining forces with your aggressor to attack a neighbouring non-Muslim nation. This was presumably what happened until the Middle East became Muslim in about a century after Muhammad's death.
7:00  Muhammad was known to attack caravans heading to Mecca to disrupt its trade and presumably eke a living after he and his followers were expelled from Mecca. This would arguably have been regarded as terrorism.
8:00  Jizya is the incentive for Muslim nations to spread Islam and the incentive for conquered non-Muslim nations to convert to Islam as a means of avoiding the jizya.
11:00  No compulsion in religion.
13:00  The Koran is a Book of Bargains and Rules.
13:30  Not all empires are evil.
14:00  All great civilisations are empires.
15:00  Alexander the Great
16:00  Violence in the Koran  Muslims prosperered when they were relatively just and did not when they were not eg Islamic Spain.
17:00  Jews invited Muslims into Spain because they were thought they would be fairer to them than the Visigoths.
18:00  The rot sets in when you break your own rules.
19:00  Ethical government
20:00  Americans routinely flout their own constitution. Europeans who claimed to non-Europeans they were civilising the world with their high ideals did not live up to their high ideals in their dealings with non-Europeans. If the British had been Muslim, they would not have declared war on Germany in two World Wars. If the British had been Muslim, they could easily have replenished their populace with their own race after two ruinous World Wars with the practice of polygamy, rather than condemn so many women who longed to be wives and mothers to die as as spinsters.
21:00  Neocon wars
22:00  Mandate of Heaven. Confucius and his idea of a just ruler automatically giving his rule legitimacy because of the voluntary submission of his subjects
24:00  "The notion of legitimacy is a figment of our imagination."
25:00  Nation states unchecked by the rule of law contained in the Koran would behave like gangsters.
26:00  One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.
27:00  Muslim Brotherhood
28:00  Nelson Mandela
29:00  Murder can be justified on grounds of necessity ie self-defence.
30:00  Hitler
31:00  The EU empire
32:00  What now frightens the matriarchy (Dr Barrett is very complimentary!)
33:00  Perhaps people don't really care about who governs them as long as they are governed well.
34:00  Islam is common sense and human nature.
35:00  Men will only protect women and children if they feel some kind of ownership over them and their children. Otherwise, they would prefer to rape and pillage. The Koran allows them to do this in a way that seems fair enough to both sexes.
36:00  If you want to live in an advanced civilisation, which society would you have to choose to sustain your advanced civilisation - patriarchy or matriarchy? "This is so simple, obvious and enlightened."
37:00  Educated Muslim women are horrified at the plight of Western women who are obliged to give Western men free sex with virtually no prospect of marriage.
38:00  Neanderthals were probably matriarchal because marriage had not yet been invented, homo sapiens patriarchal because they were probably the ones who invented marriage, which made their societies more efficient.  All civilisations rise in patriarchy and decline in matriarchy.
41:00  Why Secular Koranism rather than proper sharia?
42:00  Secular Koranism is a legal system guaranteeing freedom of belief with, not a belief system.
46:00  Slut-shaming in Judaism and Christianity until they liberalised and feminised.
47:00 clearly forbids fornication.
48:00  The Hadith is not the Word of God, but the Koran is.
51:00  Clinging to the Hadith and following it more than the Koran is a kind of shirk ie idolatry.
52:00  The New Testament and its extremism
54:00  The Koran is intended to make good the omissions of the New Testament.
56:00  Islamophobes who don't want to give up hating Muslims and Islam because they don't want to give up their Islamophobic identity and associates
57:00  Tertullian: "I believe [the Trinity] because it is absurd."  My low-maintenance faith as an agnostic
58:00  The attributes of God
59:00  Plagiarising the Koran
1:02:00  My theocratic utilitarianism
1:03:00  Jews worship the most powerful deity conceivable - the Abrahamic God - and they are the world's most ancient and powerful tribe.
1:04:00  To ensure for longer greater likelihood of the populace complying with certain universal and eternal laws eg marriage and family values, theocracy is the obvious choice, because God will be assumed to survive the fall of civilisations, empires, nations and governments.
1:05:00  Revealed religions as a heuristic device
1:06:00  A heuristic device is a shortcut that works and this includes religious traditions and possibly superstition.
1:08:00  I am not setting myself above other people because once Secular Koranism is adopted, I too would be subject to its laws.  I believe I arrived at Secular Koranism through sound reasoning based on undisputed fact and do not require anyone to make a leap of faith to follow me.  I am merely a political activist pointing out what is obvious. As I see it, spirituality is the reward you get when you believe that you are following God's laws correctly.
1:09:00  Jews as God's Chosen People and how it might affect their behaviour eg being prepared to take more risks if they believe this.
1:10:00  Could I end up being a Straussian-Neocon?
1:11:00  Leo Strauss, Carl Schmitt, Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz
1:12:00  Should bad Jews be identified with Judaism?
1:13:00  Could these neocon Jews arguably be the recruited servants of the American Empire rather than its puppeteers?
1:14:00  Karl Rove, satanic atheists
1:15:00 The excommunication of Spinoza and my proposal of a Register for Jews to protect Judaism from being brought into disrepute - Chillul Hashem - by heretical members of the tribe
1:16:00  My heresy and breaching of the taboos that have courted controversy. Dr Barrett refers to my genius. Doooovid
1:17:00 Jews should want to be on the Register of Jews as much as non-truanting children would want to be on the attendance register if they have attended school. The perceived problem with Jews is really a problem of Liberalism whose principles are always being diluted or changed by unprincipled Liberal/Conservative leaders eg David Cameron saying Conservatism includes gay marriage.
1:18:00  Gay marriage can never be equal to a husband and a wife struggling to provide for and parent properly the legitimate children of their marriage.
1:19:00 I sort of say the Shahada.
1:20:00  Jews are culturally, sociologically and genetically advantaged if they follow their religion properly.
1:21:00 Is America really a Noahide nation when it is responsible for the moral sewage of globohomo AKA Transnational Progressivism ie turning our global village into Sodom and Gomorrah and attracting the same punishment?
1:22:00  The minimum moral standards of civilisation for righteous gentile nations
"In view of the strict monotheism of Islam, Muslims were considered as Noachides whereas the status of Christians was a matter of debate."
1:23:00  Christianity
1:24:00  Hypocrisy
1:26:00  The Doctrine of the Trinity is beyond absurd, it is "nuts".
1:27:00  Islam clarifies and corrects.
1:28:00  The corrupting bargain of the Catholic Church: you pretend to believe that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God and maybe buy a few Indulgences from us, and we pretend to forgive you your sins on behalf of God.
1:29:00  Pope Benedict's Islamophobia
1:30:00  Christianity was a necessary bridge between Judaism and Islam.
1:31:00  Now is the time for senior rabbis to declare that Islam is more in conformity with the Noahide laws while Christianity clearly falls below it because the Doctrine of the Trinity is ipso facto idolatrous. The Noahide laws forbid blasphemy and idolatry, and worshipping an executed revolutionary as the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God is clearly both idolatrous and blasphemous.
1:33:00 Before Christians prayed to Jesus on a cross, they preferred prayed to Mary. Presumably this was facilitated by the Catholic Church to christianise the pagans of Europe after the bargain of the Catholic Church was accepted by European monarchs eg that the Catholic priesthood would guide them in affairs of state while giving them the civilisational prestige of Rome.  This preference for female deities has resulted in the re-infantilisation of adults who have chosen this form of idolatry in preference to correctly worshipping the Abrahamic God ie reflecting on His attributes of supremacy, uniqueness, omnipotence, omniscience and being perfectly moral. Worshipping  Jesus as their friend instead of God has a similarly stupefying effect. This may explain why Christians have been generally seen to be either cunning and unprincipled if they are Christian leaders or naive and fanatical if they are the laity.
1:35:00  Child sacrifice
1:36:00  God's love for His creation is arguably both maternal and paternal.
1:37:00  The Koran is "a divinely-inspired corrective to previous mistakes and a confirmer of previous truths."
1:38:00  The Koran is clear, brief, unifying and in harmony with human nature while being fair enough.
1:40:00  The Torah is written in the third person while the Koran is written in the vocative.
1:41:00  Dialogism and Bakhtin
1:43:00  Dua
1:45:00  The Jefferson Bible and a Jefferson Koran?
1:50:00  The God of the Old Testament sounds like He does not reward good or punish evil.
1:52:00  Israel means "wrestling with God".
1:53:00  Prophets are not morally perfect.
1:55:00  Aesop's Fables. The suspension of disbelief
1:56:00  Israel declined after Solomon's death because he may have spent too much time with his too many wives and concubines rather than being a good father to his nogoodnik son who caused his kingdom to divide.
1:57:00  Imelda Marcos
1:58:00  Solomon's repentance over Bathsheba? I thought it was David.
2:00:00  The prophets who promoted some aspect of God's law
2:01:00  The Axial Age
2:02:00  The Bahais
2:03:00  The rule of law can only come from divine scripture which only Jews and Muslims can claim to have been revealed through their religion.
2:06:00  Pragmatism, legitimacy and a good bargain
2:08:00  Arguments for a theocracy instilling a general belief in God. The legal draughtsmanship of the Koran - a contract between God and Man?
2:09:00  God is the policeman in our head we call our conscience.
2:10:00  Sociopaths and psychopaths. The Skull and Bones Society at Yale
2:11:00  The benefits of theocracy for the atheist
2:12:00  How a general belief in God would eventually be instilled under Secular Koranism after two generations
2:12:00  Extramarital sex is the opium of the people.

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