The HardKhaw Prawn
If you want to preserve your race and practice eugenics, you can't be tolerating extramarital sex.
The HardKhaw Prawn
Christianity is kaput because it is idolatrous and idolatry leads to self-destructive narcissistic self-worship. Jews and Muslims would agree with me on this.
Jer Szak
I imagine Greg Johnson is a submissive bottom.
The HardKhaw Prawn
You should side with the patriarchy. We live in a matriarchy. Only under a patriarchy would enough good strong men be produced to defend the national interest.
The HardKhaw Prawn
To be liberal is to be sexually liberated from the rules of marriage & good parenting. Liberalism just means sexual liberation in the late 20th and early 21ste century. Sexual liberation: DEGENERACY.
jon Vance III
is any women actually marriageable in the 21st century in the west?
Spiritual Mamzer
Lmao these homosexuals in the Altright attacking degeneracy, Millennial Woes, gryndr Greb and also our own Non practicing lesbian mrs @Claire Khaw
The HardKhaw Prawn
@jon Vance III No woman is marriageable if she has the option of no fault divorce.
jon Vance III
it's one thing to get cheap sex it's another thing to find a long term partner.
The HardKhaw Prawn
@Spiritual Mamzer I would be interested to see any evidence you have that I am a practising lesbian.
Spiritual Mamzer
I sad were a NON practicing lesbian @Claire Khaw
The HardKhaw Prawn
Nationalism is impossible without patriarchy and patriarchy is impossible without most parents in your society being married. Unmarried parents should be treated as sex offenders.
jon Vance III
single parent kids are more likely to be destructive than constructive to a civilized society. Unless you want to go back to hunter gathers. it's more likely to be taken over by immigrants with
Reee Monro
adultery should be punisjable
jon Vance III
traditional values
Reee Monro
by law
jon Vance III
divorce is disgenic
The HardKhaw Prawn
Nobody is interested in restoring the patriarchy because white men are not interested in marrying white women and staying with them as well as paying for their children.
Reee Monro
porn is a culprit. people imitate porn when having sex
Spiritual Mamzer
You guys forget the invention of the pill! Sexual promiscuity wasn’t just a consequence of ideological change. It was technology driving cultural change!
Reee Monro
birth control destroys a woman's hormonal system
The HardKhaw Prawn
IN A PATRIARCHY, BACHELORS WOULD BE INCELS UNLESS THEY HIRE PROSTITUTES. This is the sacrifice you must make for nationalism. In a patriarchy, most men could have a VIRGIN BRIDE, woo hoo!
Reee Monro
no ovulation, no sex drive
SpiritualVapor DIY Ormus elements
ban'i brit'h control
Reee Monro
meeting people in seedy bars sounds pretty gay
jon Vance III
I know a women who is on birth control to regulate her hormone system she has graves disease which is a rare degenerate disease.
The HardKhaw Prawn
You're all hooked on the idea of fornication as your human right. That is why you all going grey in the face at the idea of having to give it up.
The HardKhaw Prawn
To restore the patriarchy, you need a revolution, because we live in a matriarchy.
The HardKhaw Prawn
To restore the patriarchy, you need to shame sluts.
The HardKhaw Prawn
It is interesting that it is @Church of Entropy chases me all the way here and then complains about harassment. She has blocked me on Facebook, Twitter, Hangouts weeks ago.
The HardKhaw Prawn
@Church of Entropy I love the way you miss me so much you actually seek me out here and play endless clips of me in your streams.
[Church of Entropy posted numerous comments in the chat but was so annoying and irrelevant to the topics being discussed that she was hidden by Brutus. She has very little self-awareness and is believed to be mentally ill with her delusions that she is the incarnation of Dayananda Saraswati, the Hindu sage who argued against idolatry. I see her as an archetype of Western Woman and offer her what I understand to be unconditional love. It is possible that I may have a carnal desire for her, but I hope that my political activism and sticking to my principles will cause any eros that I feel for her to be ennobled and sublimated into agape thereby gaining the trust and confidence of white people and making them more likely to adopt the Secular Koranism that I commend to them. I trust that my unconditional love for Church of Entropy and my patience and perseverance with her will help her to seek help and get better. If I can fix Church of Entropy - who is the archetype of narcissistic entitled white middle class Western Woman suffering from a range of neuroses, then I can fix Western civilisation! This framing of redemption narrative of degenerate Westerners through my seeking female validation even from a woman I believe to be delusional and suffering from narcissistic personality disorder is what I hope will help me save Western civilisation from a tsunami of sluts and feminazis that Western Man is now too degenerate to resist and protest against.]
jon Vance III
claire and coe sitting in the tree k I s s I n g
The HardKhaw Prawn
@Brutus the Saxon You should know that @Church of Entropy is only here because I am. She loves me and misses me but is too proud to admit it.
The HardKhaw Prawn
@Brutus the Saxon The situation here is that @Church of Entropy is a gay for me because she has stalked me all the way here two days consecutively.
Spiritual Mamzer
Claire Khaw we all know that’s not true.
The HardKhaw Prawn
@Spiritual Mamzer It is true that @Church of Entropy has followed me here two days in a row.
The HardKhaw Prawn
@Spiritual Mamzer It is true that @Church of Entropy announced that I loved her in a stream. She flirted with me and wanted me to join her sex cult but I have my principles.
Spiritual Mamzer
Claire if you want to attack Jenny. Please come up with something that not pure projection it makes you look bad
The HardKhaw Prawn
@Spiritual Mamzer It is true that @Church of Entropy did follow me here two days in a row and it is true she did tell people that I loved her.
Spiritual Mamzer
You send bathtub pictures to Jenny
Spiritual Mamzer
The HardKhaw Prawn
Men have a G spot too, don't you, guys?
Spiritual Mamzer
And love letters
The HardKhaw Prawn
@Spiritual Mamzer I sent one of me to Jay who is my Chosen Man and so as my Chosen Woman, I felt @Church of Entropy should have one too. Then I accidentally sent the one of Jay he sent me.
The HardKhaw Prawn
@Brutus the Saxon I just want Church of Entro PEEEE!
The HardKhaw Prawn
@Spiritual Mamzer I have never sent @Church of Entropy a letter.
The HardKhaw Prawn
@Brutus the Saxon I can't even get people to appear regularly on my show!
Spiritual Mamzer
I saw your text to Jenny. It was sort of a love letter. walking hand in hand on a beach lmao
The HardKhaw Prawn
@Spiritual Mamzer I have made no secret of the fact that I do care about @Church of Entropy and want to help her to get better. I am trying to get her to like and trust me. Is this so wrong?
The HardKhaw Prawn
@Brutus the Saxon The word you are looking for is DEMURE.
The HardKhaw Prawn
@Church of Entropy I know you long to talk to me again so just unblock me on Hangouts, dammit, woman!
jon Vance III
it goes to show material wealth give u a higher quality of life
The HardKhaw Prawn
@jon Vance III Man cannot live on bread alone.
The HardKhaw Prawn
It is true about anal sex and IRANIAN girls.
The HardKhaw Prawn
@Spiritual Mamzer I need white people to trust me so they will adopt Secular Kopranism sooner rather than later. They will be impressed that I have such endless patience for @Church of Entropy
Spiritual Mamzer
Claire your delusional
The HardKhaw Prawn
@Spiritual Mamzer It is through @Church of Entropy that eros becomes ennobled and sublimated into agape!
jon Vance III
I'm converting to Islam this week and I'm a whyte westerner so u want to talk to me
The HardKhaw Prawn
I need to be where the problem is worst to demonstrate the efficacy of Secular Koranism. I will live here and also be subject to SK and supervise its implementation and interpretation. Deal?
The HardKhaw Prawn
@Brutus the Saxon You really should ask @jon Vance III about his proposed conversion to Islam while he is still non-Muslim!
The HardKhaw Prawn
@Church of Entropy @Church of Entropy @Church of Entropy @Church of Entropy @Church of Entropy @Church of Entropy @Church of Entropy @Church of Entropy Unblock me on Hangouts NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW!
The HardKhaw Prawn
Oh, this reminds me. There is one stream of @Church of Entropy doing something similar!
The HardKhaw Prawn
I have seen cuter girls doing ASMR.
Spiritual Mamzer
What is ASMR Claire? And is there a lesbian Niche market for it?
The HardKhaw Prawn
I have seen better, that's all.
The HardKhaw Prawn
That one was very much the girl next door.
Spiritual Mamzer
I would not piss on her if she was on fire
The HardKhaw Prawn
That blond is definitely not my type.
The HardKhaw Prawn
@Spiritual Mamzer I know you would find me irresistible if I made a move on you.
Spiritual Mamzer
She was ugly as Fuck Claire your right
The HardKhaw Prawn
@Brutus the Saxon Invite @jon Vance III to talk about his proposed conversion to Islam!
Spiritual Mamzer
Claire perhaps if you were still 25
The HardKhaw Prawn
@Spiritual Mamzer You were inviting me to go on holiday with you to the Maldives!
Spiritual Mamzer
True Claire a one way ticket
The HardKhaw Prawn
@Spiritual Mamzer Cheapskate!
The HardKhaw Prawn
@Brutus the Saxon Why are you afraid to let @jon Vance III on to talk about his proposed conversion to Islam?
Spiritual Mamzer
Invite Jen on and have a shoutout @Brutus the Saxon
The HardKhaw Prawn
@Spiritual Mamzer Tell me honestly, how is @Church of Entropy these days? She has cut her own nose off to spite her face by depriving herself of my communications her only link to sanity, poor thing!
Spiritual Mamzer
No idea! It’s to much of a hugbox for me. When I see her chat I see only message deleted
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