
Sunday, 5 January 2020

Islamophobes react with shock and horror at being told that US Supreme Court frieze honours Muhammad

The Koran tolerates polygamy but monogamy is the ideal.

The peace and war of empires: Pax Romana, Pax Britannia, Pax Americana

Failing empires and their Thucydides Trap

The balance of terror of nuclear weapons

Western men are not tribally organised.

Jews are also a tribe.

Nations are unions of tribes eg the UK

Islam is about abolishing amoral tribalism and advancing the civilisation through forming tribes into nations.

Jews, Christians and Muslims cherry pick the bits of the religious principles they want to follow and which they want to ignore.

Islam has a system of rules designed to minimise conflict.

People ignoring their own rules.

Morality keeps the group together and apart from others and is designed to minimise conflict through regulating our behaviour.

A category error is being made when Islamophobes confuse a book they will never read with a people they hate and fear.

OV uses the fact that he won't learn Classical Arabic to not read the Koran in English, ever.

42:00  Circuitry system, legal system organising information and people.

Muslims in Morocco and Pakistan and their different problems

To have a tribe, you have to have clans, to have clans you must have extended families, to have extended families you must have stable nuclear families, to have stable nuclear families, you must have stable marriages, to have stable marriage, you must abolish no fault divorce.

1:02:00  Divorce in the time of the first emperor of Rome Augustus

1:05:00  The Koran has a chapter on divorce.

1:16:00  I am accused of ignoring facts.

1:17:00  The dysfunctional debating tactics being employed by Conops and OV of misrepresenting, smearing, ignoring clarifications and deliberately misunderstanding.

1:26:00  Conops wants a guarantee that Secular Koranism would work and says Islam has failed. For Islam to fail, Muslims have to be extinct, or at the very least to be ignoring their own rules.

1:27:00  Conops and OV can't get their heads round the fact that the US Supreme Court has a frieze of Muhammad holding the Koran and become abusive before OV boots Zero.
1:35:00  Conops and OV accuse Zero of wanting to have sex with me to discredit him. 

1:36:00  OV calls Zero "stupid".

1:37:00  OV and Conops didn't want to Zero to present his evidence and facts and agree to close the stream down.

1:38:00  Conops calls Zero "dumb" and "worse than Claire".

1:42:00  Out-of-Wedlock Births Rise Worldwide

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