
Saturday, 4 January 2020

Millenniyule 2019: Morgoth

They complain about Star Wars.

49:00  Maurice Glasman and Blue Labour
55:00  All politics is identity politics in the sense that we are the beliefs we believe and what our beliefs impel us to do.\In other words, ideological determinism explains our actions. 
56:00  Zoe Williams
58:00  Jeremy Corbyn a latter day Michael Foot succeeded by Neil Kinnock
59:00  Identity politics = racial politics
1:09:00  Does having more subscribers mean you have greater moral authority? Is popularity a measure of wisdom?
1:12:00  Stephen Fry, Douglas Murray, Noam Chomsky type.
1:18:00  "Western civilisation and post-enlightenment liberalism are one and the same." True or false.
1:21:00  High culture
1:24:00  Not a bloodbath but a blood shower taking centuries. 
1:27:00  "Stern taskmaster" - does Morgoth mean a dictator? Nihilism, the end of history, the abyss ...
1:29:00  "The hyper-rational universe", Western Man, Christianity not an authentic manifestation of European spirituality,
1:30:00  Renewed interest in Catholicism, can't turn back time, "you can destroy modernity [feminism] trying to do that"
1:32:00  White girls being groomed as they were in Rotherham, Tommy Robinson
1:33:00  Tommy Robinson stitched up by Ezra Levant and endlessly moaning about Islam
1:34:00  Hegelian dialectic and sharia law
1:35:00  What shall we use to fight transgender kids? Islam or Catholicism or fascism? America Alone by neocon Mark Steyn
1:37:00  Steyn predicts Europeans living under sharia. Really?
1:39:00  Muslims being liberalised.
1:40:00  The imprint of Western liberalism would be carried back to Muslim lands by Muslims from the West, the West castrating Islam
1:44:00  Neither of them can bring themselves to believe in God. Morgoth cannot embrace the Catholicism of E Michael Jones.
1:45:00  "An objective good or evil" and moral absolutes
1:47:00  "Islam as being a manifestation of evil"
1:48:00  "evil as coming into view now" Lord of the Rings
1:49:00  Game of Thrones. " Will to power. This is not about money or DNA but something more abstract."
1:51:00  Belief in a higher power.  IQ nationalism.
1:52:00  Finding a narrative
1:53:00  A return to religion? An idealised form
1:54:00  "Nothing is good or evil, thinking makes it so."
1:55:00  Morality. Without religion it is difficult to say whether anything is right or wrong.
1:56:00  The will to power is the law of the jungle.
2:00:00  Billy Bragg and Morrissey
2:07:00  Shawl - I thought they were only women.
2:13:00  Bitchute
2:34:00  "Spiritual epiphany" or financial collapse?
2:35:00  Government by referenda
2:43:00  They complain about the gherkin in London.
2:44:00  Would Morgoth participate in a debate with me?
2:50:00  If Boris Johnson abolished democracy
2:51:00  "A privilege to be at the forefront of all this."

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