
Friday, 24 January 2020

Secular Koranism is Third Rung, says Church of Entropy and Just Another Gay Hindu

5:00  Noahide laws

6:00  Execution for sodomites under Judaism

6:30  Vincent says Secular Koranism is not Noahide-compliant because it does not execute sodomites.

7:00  Vincent complains that neither Doooovid nor John Gischala would declare Secular Koranism to be Noahide-compliant or not because they don't want to alienate me. Actually, Jews hate talking about the Noahide laws the way Christians hate talking about the Trinity the way Muslims hate talking about and about the fact that the Koran is Zionist.
8:00  The prestige of an established religion

8:30  Vincent insists that Secular Koranism is not Noahide-compliant.

9:00  My not being Muslim is neither here nor there. 

10:00  Noahidism according to Vincent which may or may not be harder to follow than Secular Koranism.

11:00  Vincent: "Secular Koranism is the trailer trash of the Abrahamic religions." What is wrong with choosing a legal system that is not to hard for the degenerate gentile of the West? It would be unrealistic to expect them to submit to the rigours of Orthodox Judaism, after all. 

11:30  Jen says Secular Koranism is a "grift" and a way of making money. Making money would be nice, but I have yet to see the shekels pouring in. 
The people in my chat included Jen, but she says "The people in Claire's chat are not good people."
Again, Jen talks about me making money. She seems more obsessed about money than I am, but if she can see a way of making money out of Secular Koranism, perhaps she would let me know.
12:00  Jen says "We're more interested in addressing the questions of meaning and existence and things like that." 
People like me are "rubbing their hands together hoping to get rich off it", Jen says, but I can't quite see that myself.

13:00  Jen was posting like a demon in my live chat, and it is a shame that she does not have a sense of fair play or reciprocity. In order to display my grace and magnanimity, I will not be hiding her from my chat, in contrast to her low-minded petty censoriousness and inability to deal with constructive criticism. In many ways, Jen saddens me. 

I do want the Israelis to adopt Secular Koranism which would put them in better standing with God who will perhaps allow them peaceful enjoyment of their territory once they implement sharia under Secular Koranism. If Islam is "Judaism Lite", then Secular Koranism is "Islam Lite".

14:00  I do say Secular Koranism is a new school of sharia and do predict that in a few generations people would naturally and willingly become Muslim.

15:00  I have no idea what Aaron Amihud's views has to do with Secular Koranism. He makes a point of pretending that every Muslim is a Secular Koranist even when he knows the overwhelming majority of Muslims have never heard of it.

16:00  Iran
17:00  Gradualism
17:30  My interpretation of that wife-beating verse
19:00  Jen thinks I think I am virtuous and thinks I am animalistic person who treats her like a sex object. 
20:00  Using the legal system to get rich. 
21:00  Motherhood and apple pie
22:00  My alleged narcissism
23:00  Third rung
24:00  Political and for money
25:00  I am Grade C, apparently.
26:00  Jen says I am false and want to be punished. 
28:00  Spiritual dimension
29:00  My "sick and twisted pathology"
30:00  Jen thinks I can't make friends. 
31:00  Jen calls me a "parasite". 
32:00  Jen seems to be saying that I am guilty of extortion and wants to ban me from promoting "false ideology" ie anything she dislikes.
33:00  Following rules
34:00  Jen glories in my desire for her that she so carefully provoked and stoked. 
35:00  Subverting Secular Koranism
36:00  Deconstructing Secular Koranism
37:00  Preventing others from falling under the spell of Secular Koranism
38:00  Demoralising me and my followers in Secular Koranism
39:00  Psychopathic animals and sexual tension between Jen and me
40:00 JOHN GISCHALA joins.

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AI fun with Secular Koranism with Vincent Bruno #11 Brian Thompson; socialised healthcare; idolatry

Healthcare under Secular Koranism mentioning Brian Thompson 7:00  [Reading begins.] 18:00  The harm of idolatry 25:00  [Reading begins.] 33:...