
Sunday, 9 February 2020

Should gentiles apologise to Jews for corrupting their morals with liberalism?

With the new rules, liability now lies with tech giants to ensure their platforms aren’t open to copyright breaches. Detractors have said this would lead to controversial pre-filter systems, where everything from memes to GIFs are blocked from online platforms.
3:00  Brutalised 9, Daughter of Albion, Nietzsche
8:00  Church of Entropy and I were not to be.
9:00  Some people enjoy being frightened.
10:00  Necrotising fasciitis
11:00  The Bubonic Plague
12:00  Kevin Grace
15:00  Thai gunman
16:00  Running amok
17:00  Bad government leads to spree killing by Muslims and non-Muslims
18:00  Buddhism
19:00  Christianity is kaput.
20:00  Should gentiles apologise to Jews for corrupting their morals with liberalism?
21:00  The Liberal Gentile is responsible for the Liberal Jew.
23:00  There are far more Liberal Gentiles than Liberal Jews.
24:00  Yin and Yang
25:00  Religion, patriarchy, good parenting, the prevention of degeneracy and the enemy within
26:00  Should kaput Christianity be replaced with Secular Koranism?
27:00  Corruption has spread to all major institutions of state.
28:00  Christianity cannot be fixed because no rational and moral person can be made to believe in the absurdity of worshipping an executed revolutionary as the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God without state intimidation. Western governments no longer have the stomach to conduct another Inquisition, Crusade or burn heretics at the stake, which was was what Westerns governments used to do to keep Westerners Christian. If they tried to fix Christianity by removing the requirement to affirm the Trinity, they would actually find themselves Muslim.
32:00  White people are like sick children who won't take their medicine.
33:00  Historia Civilis
34:00  It was Kevin Grace who convinced me how Catholicism is definitely kaput.
35:00  No point talking to degenerates who don't know their own minds from one moment to the next.  They do this because they are neurotic or intoxicated, but it doesn't matter because the result is the same: confusion, neurosis, psychosis, dementia, catatonia.
38:00  Philip Schofield
38:30  Gay idolater Vincent Bruno wants me to say Secular Koranism would execute sodomites and idolaters, but I refuse.
39:00 If Islam based on the Koran is Noahide-compliant, then so should Secular Koranism be regarded as Noahide-compliant because it is also based on the Koran. Chabad do not regard even Islam as Noahide-compliant, but this explains why they are pushing their Jew-administered Noahide religion for gentiles.
40:00  The percentage of the population in the world that is Jewish is 0.02%.  Even with Greater Israel which is estimated to have a population of 100 million in 2050, it cannot be governed as a Torah theocracy, only a Koran-based theocracy ie sharia.
41:00  Greater Israel
42:00  Al Aqsa Mosque and the Third Temple
43:00  Temple Judaism didn't do the Jews much good.  Were the Sadducees God-fearing priests or were they rather like the hopelessly corrupt sodomidical Catholic catamites that now constitute Catholic clergy having sex parties in the Vatican?

45:00  The Al Aqsa Mosque is there to remind Jews that they should at least live as Noahides in Israel and it would only be possible to do so in Israel if it followed sharia.  The most Noahide-compliant religion currently available is Islam which is based on the Koran. If Jews disagree that the Koran is Noahide-compliant, then they are obliged to cite which verse in the Koran offends against the Noahide laws.

47:00  It has been suggested that the reason their exile was as long as 2000 years was because of the terrible terrible sin of Lashon Hara which they were guilty of against each other.


49:00  Racist white people

50:00  The bloody disgraceful shameful history of Christianity

52:00  Why the church had to be quarantined from the American State

53:00  Religion

54:00  Why Islam is the moral and rational choice

55:00  The really shocking thing about Philip Schofield is not that he had sex with a man while being a married father

56:00  The Ummah

57:00  Skin colour is not enough to bind a group.

58:00  Khavian accelerationism from feminism to theocracy for a smoother transition from degeneracy to the moral regeneration of the West and the world

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What is Claire Khaw's position on the Noahide laws?

Claire Khaw, a British blogger and YouTuber known for promoting her ideology called "Secular Koranism," has expressed a complex st...