
Monday, 10 February 2020

Vincent Bruno the Gay Hindu complains about me and Secular Koranism

20:00  Secular Koranism and its Noahide-compliance
21:00  Ask Noah
22:00  Chabad
23:00  Chabad are pushing their Jew-administered Noahidism on gentiles so they would say no gentile religion is Noahide-compliant other than their own Jew-administered Noahidism
24:00  Talking about Chabad on Luke Ford

Claire Khaw talking about rabbis and Chabad auditioning to be co-host on Luke Ford

I announce my cunning plan to get Muslims to incentivise rabbis to declare Secular Koranism Noahide-compliant


25:00  Secular Koranism is more Noahide-compliant than Christianity, isn't it?
26:00  If you know Western civilisation is in trouble and won't accept Secular Koranism knowing that there is nothing better around, you can only be an Islamophobe, can't you?

28:00  Doooovid weighs in on Secular Koranism.
29:00  Getting bigger rabbis to comment on Secular Koranism.

4:34:00  When Conops said he would become a National Socialist

4:55:00  You could enslave criminals to make them pay their debt to society.

Jen, what "horrible things" have I ever said I wanted to do to you?

I have never said I wanted to tie you up. You must be confusing me with another of your many admirers. I would like to have a sensible conversation with you one day.

"It should be the other way round"? 

Would you like to tie me up?  I could be eased gently into that idea with a little persuasion, probably.

5:49:00  "Claire Khaw's outside of what is tolerable."  Are you saying you find me intolerable, Jen?

5:50:00  "Philosophical discussions" sounds so better than "intellectual wank web"
5:52:00  "Libertarians are degenerates."  Discuss.
5:53:00  Religion dictates morality. The state should impose religion and state religion must be legally enforceable and in the national interest.  

5:54:00  Spacepan says "It's the moderates I can't stand. Extremists are always more virtuous than moderates in every way."

Jen: "It's because they are principled. The mere fact of sticking to principles is a  more coherent persona [like me!] than someone who is unprincipled .... like Conops." I love you too, Jen.  xx

6:04:00 CONOPS joins.
Why do you like bloodsports so much, Jen? This is such a low taste.  

6:06:00  GANDALF joins.

6:15:00  In fairness to the CIA, every government needs a secret police.

6:22:00  It is not that the CIA is bad, but that the government policy that they promote is bad. They are just an arm of the state and if your government is bad, then everything else will be mad.  The CIA is not the only arm of the state that is bad. We are all agreed that government policy is misguided, are we not?

6:31:00  NSDAP 

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AI fun with Secular Koranism with Vincent Bruno #11 Brian Thompson; socialised healthcare; idolatry

Healthcare under Secular Koranism mentioning Brian Thompson 7:00  [Reading begins.] 18:00  The harm of idolatry 25:00  [Reading begins.] 33:...