
Wednesday 25 March 2020

Another Coronavirus Special [starts 5:00]

Once the government works out how to dispose of the extra corpses quickly and discreetly, America and Europe will be open for business again, I imagine.

BBC Radio 4 More or Less Coronavirus Special

How would you prioritise medical care if you were in charge?

The U.K. backed off on herd immunity. To beat COVID-19, we’ll ultimately need it.
Widespread immunity is essential for a successful vaccine, but establishing it could be difficult for the new coronavirus.


RW said...

I think it will come in three waves like the Spanish flu and will burn itself out in about two years by which time fifty million around the world will have died of it.

Claire Khaw said...

That would please the environmentalists.

RW said...

It is about the same number that died in the second world war.