
Saturday, 14 March 2020

Can Atheism Justify Human Rights? | Subboor Ahmad & CosmicSkeptic (Alex J. O'Connor)

A Muslim would say that all the human rights you need are already in the Koran.

The idea of human rights comes from humanism which is a form of idolatry. Humanism comes from Liberalism.

Human rights is minimising suffering says Alex O'Connor. This makes me think of Church of Entropy because she also says morality is minimising suffering, but is morality just an analgesic?
I define morality as a system of rules designed to keep the group together and apart from others. She disagrees but refuses to discuss it further. If this is true, then Judaism is obviously the most effective religion because Jews are the world's most ancient and powerful tribe and their success can only be attributed to their religion following the laws of the most powerful entity conceivable, the Abrahamic God.

Christianity and Islam are derived from Judaism and the two world empires were run by WASPs (White Anglo Saxon Protestants) who could technically be called a tribe, since the Anglo Saxons were a Teutonic tribe.

The competing Russian Empire is Orthodox.

The world's most powerful gentile but non-Abrahamic empire is China followed by Iran which is Muslim. After Iran comes Turkey which is a NATO member and secular though most Turks are Muslim. The Ottoman Empire - the last Caliphate - ended in 1923.

Hinduism and Buddhism are nowhere in this ranking and can be safely dismissed. This I attribute to their inferior scripture which did not bring with them the rule of law, only a corrupt and parasitic priesthood which is what Christianity also suffers from.

23:00 Alex O'Connor on Islam

28:00 Atheism leads to nihilism which would undermine human rights.

The most powerful rights are legal rights, the most powerful legal rights are those that are regarded as divinely-sourced. The rights given to Man contained in the Koran will exist for longer than the list of human rights cooked up by now discredited liberals.

29:00 Gaily married Yuval Harari, author of Sapiens, is mentioned.

30:00 Core morality - Noahide laws?

33:00 Rape is wrong. Young men are incentivised to join the army for opportunities to rape and murder as conquering soldiers. That is a Darwinian rule.

34:00  Human exceptionalism and veganism

37:00 What can you do with people who don't value Truth, Logic and Morality? You are left with using force if the other side simply doesn't care about your legal rights. The option of crime, violence, war and revolution remains and what is a just war is an eternal question because history is always written by the victor.

41:00 Truth is not generally regarded as intrinsically valuable.

42:00 China's atheism undermines human rights. The Chinese government would no doubt argue that might is right and/or that it is necessary for the government to do what it does to protect itself. What is necessary is therefore moral. But is what the Chinese government doing necessary? Why does the Chinese government feel it necessary to protect itself from Islam when previously it did not?

45:00 Pretending to believe in God to maximise pleasure

57:00 Sentience is the ability to feel pleasure and pain.

1:07:00 Atheists tend not to support the death penalty.

1:35:00 Moral nihilism

1:38:00 Alex O'Connor hesitated when asked if rape is objectively wrong.

He was probably wrestling with these questions when he was hesitating:

1. Is all war wrong?
2. Doesn't rape occur in all wars?
3. If all rape is wrong, then are all wars wrong?
4. If all wars are wrong then does that mean there are no just wars?
5. If there are no just wars and all rape is wrong, then what about defensive wars?
6. Rape will occur in all successful wars of conquest.
7. If rape will occur in all successful wars of conquest, this means all imperial wars are wrong.
8. If all imperial wars are wrong, then why does the Koran condone the exacting of the jizya?
9. If all imperial wars are wrong, was Britain and America wrong for acquiring its world empire?
10. If the exacting of the jizya is allowed, then Islamic imperialistic wars are allowed.
11. If the Koran allowed jizya-exacting Islamic imperialistic wars and the taking of slave girls, does this not amount to legalised rape?
12. Don't soldiers rape the local women after a successful conquest?

Hmmm, this is a bit complicated.

The motion was passed.

Liberals are humanists and atheists. Humanism is the source of human rights. Liberals are the Western political establishment. Human rights are legal rights. Legal rights can be created or destroyed by a change of government. Governments can be overthrown. Man-made political ideologies tend not to last quite as long as religions. There are two revealed religions with divine scripture said to be from the most powerful entity conceivable: the Abrahamic God. One of them is the Torah which is for Jews while the Koran is for gentiles. Alex O'Connor is a gentile.

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