
Thursday, 12 March 2020

Claire Khaw and Spacepan & Co on the Coronavirus and our Libertarian ethics stream to come

1:00  What Spacepan likes talking about
2:00  The Coronavirus
6:00  Male and female attitudes to the Coronavirus
7:00  Performative hysteria
8:00  You're not dressed without your mask.
13:00  Gay men are the ultimate MGTOW.
17:00  American Chinese food in Hongkong
18:00  Middle Eastern food in Hongkong
19:00  Keto diet
20:00  Dance Revolution
22:00 Men's Issues Conference
26:00  Libertarian Ethics and the distinction between ethics and morality according to Spacepan

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Messiah Substitute being light unto nations lighting their way towards Theocratic Nationalism

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