
Monday, 9 March 2020

Is increasing censorship linked to the increasing insecurity and neurosis of the matriarchy?

4:00  A sense of justice and fair play
5:00  Atheists hold their own views and beliefs sacred.
6:00  Week In Review
7:00  Morality, religion, integrity, correction
8:00  The purpose of morality
8:30  Church of Entropy's definition of morality which she refuses to discuss with me
9:00  The teleology of morality
10:00  Was the Abrahamic God a creation of Man?
10:30  Blasphemy laws in Christian Europe of the Middle Ages
11:00  How religion deals with changes
12:00  The law of the jungle
13:00  The morality of politics and law
14:00  The five world religions support patriarchy
15:00  Comparing idolatrous with non-idolatrous nations
16:00  The odd idolatrous one out of the Abrahamic faiths
17:00  The prohibition against idolatry is Semitic. Arabs are Semites too.
18:00  Jews would be victims of cultural appropriation if we all became Jews. 
19:00  Judaism is an exclusive club, Islam a political party in a one party state.
21:00  The censoriousness of Church of Entropy
24:00  Church of Entropy and her lack of a sense of honour

25:00  It seems to be a law of nature that antisemitism rises in proportion to how misgoverned the gentile feels. Jews therefore have no business trying to be good liberals when liberalism is now so discredited and hated by gentiles. It is actually dangerous for Jews to compete with gentiles in being liberal. Rather, responsible and wise Jews should be encouraging  gentiles to adopt Secular Koranism in a one party theocracy and light the way for gentiles globally towards that destination by adopting it in Israel by subjecting themselves to the pilot scheme of Secular Koranism in Israel first. This is in fact their divine mission which I feel I must light their way towards even if I have to incentivise rabbis with large cash prizes donated by Muslims to write essays about the idolatry of kaput Christianity, the Noahide-observance of Secular Koranism and how Secular Koranism would eventually light the way towards Israel peacefully becoming Greater Israel.

26:00 The draconian censorship of the matriarchy is the draconian censorship of Church of Entropy who has hidden me in her chat, born of intellectual insecurity and increasing neurosis.

Quantum Entanglement
​Yes Jen has banned me on all accounts categorically, without any clear reasoning, although not obligated to provide, it still stands as an unclear mystery...

27:00  The polarisation of political opinion. I fall between two stools.
29:00  The alt-right want to have their cake and eat it. 
32:00  Coronavirus and the bubonic plague
33:00  My soothing message about the coronavirus
34:00  Every cloud has a silver lining

36:00  Professor June Andrews on bedblockers being cleared out by the coronavirus

37:00  Looking on the bright side of the world coming to an end
38:00  A trick God could be playing on us
44:00  The causes of antisemitism
45:00  Should we be suspicious of people who are cleverer, higher status  and have more money than us? 

46:00  The failure of Christianity has resulted in ever greater sexual liberation which has dysgenic consequences.

48:00  People should be allowed to express hatred of things, individuals and groups as long as they are prepared to defend their views and engage in rational discussion. 

50:00  Why the rule of law is breaking down
51:00  Like most gentiles, most Jews are liberal.
55:00  Forbidding people to hate certain individuals or groups will only cause them to be hated more. 

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Jehovah's Witnesses on health and diet; SKP Registers of Race and Religion with Vincent Bruno #12

1:00  Carol Balizet 2:00  Jehovah's Witnesses attitude towards health and diet 3:00  Kambucha htt...