
Sunday, 8 March 2020

Kol Nidre with Vincent Bruno, accusations by Church of Entropy, Peloponnesian War with Conops

Being a good liberal is inconsistent with being a good parent/Jew/Christian/Jew.

4:00  VINCENT BRUNO joins. basically sums up his position on the Noahide laws. 
5:00  "Noahide laws are a conspiracy."
6:00  If you have a problem with the Noahide laws, you are an antisemite.
7:00  The problem with Jews is that they do not promote the Noahide laws.
7:30  The Noahide laws are motherhood and apple pie.
8:00  Rabbi Asher Meza

10:00  Jews, especially Israeli Jews, prefer gentiles want to have weak watered down Noahidism whose interpretation is rabbinically-guided rather than full-blown Islam which would allow them to think independently.

11:00  Noahidism is not enough to satisfy the religious needs of the religious-inclined gentile because a weekly bible study class is not enough. However, rabbis have the spiritual needs of their own Jewish congregation to attend to and therefore have no time for spiritually needy gentiles. Therefore gentiles who become Noahides will always be treated as second class by Jews and know themselves to be second class.

11:30  If Jews were at all serious about Noahidising gentiles, they would be earnestly discussing Secular Koranism.

12:00  Chabad rabbis would not be giving Secular Koranism their seal of approval because they want to push their rabbinically-guided Noahidism on gentiles and see me as as a competitor. In fact, Secular Koranism would accommodate Noahidism in that it guarantees freedom of belief with

12:30  Some non-Chabad rabbis may want to promote rabbinically-guided Judaism. This is because they don't want ex-Christians to become Muslims because they find Muslims scary. 

13:00  The Israeli government understandably endorses the Noahidising of the gentile because they acknowledge that it is the duty of Jews to Noahidise  gentiles.  However, it is in doubt that Israel Jews themselves are even Noahide because Israel now recognises same-sex marriages that take place in other countries and Israel is now just an American colonial outpost. This is what sends most of its Muslims neighbours into a murderous exterminatory rage. 

Israeli Government/ Netanyahu officially support Zionist Noahide evangelism

14:00  Gentiles who are prepared to undergo the self-abnegation of having their religion run by Jews are probably dim Islamophobic ex-Christians who hate Muslims more than they hate Jews.

17:00  My view is that the Noahide laws are a minimum and universal standard, not a religion.

18:00  Muslim antisemites don't accept the authority of the Noahide laws or Jews to tell them what to do. I have the limited goal of getting rabbis to declare Secular Koranism more Noahide-observant than blasphemous idolatrous Christianity. There is plenty of Jewish authority for Islam being Noahide-observant implicit in the prohibition against Jews entering churches which are places of abomination where idolaters worship an executed revolutionary as the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God. It is even more blasphemous that they once worshipped an undeniably mortal female as the Mother of God herself.

A pornography of blasphemy

19:00  Vincent believes Jews intend to rope Muslims into Noahidising other gentiles before eventually telling them that Islam is not Noahide and demand that Muslims convert to rabbinically-guided Noahidism or else.  

I point out that there are not enough Jews to do this globally. Jews currently make up only 0.02% of the world population. There are about 14 million Jews and 1.2 billion Muslims.  

20:00  The Trinity
22:00  Unprincipled Jews and gentiles
23:00  Most Jews are liberal and no liberal wants to live in a theocracy.

24:00  Kohl Nidre
29:00  Reform Judaism wanted the Kol Nidre abolished.

30:00  Reform Judaism provoked German gentiles by their assimilation into German life. They didn't want Jews being more Liberal and more Communist than gentiles when they were already having a problem with their own people being Liberal and Communist.  Germans didn't want Jews participating in their democracy because the operation of democracy means pandering to powerful minorities at the expense of the dominant race. 

31:00  By not being observant Jews, Jews assimilate. 
32:00  Taqiya. Neither Jews nor gentiles need a special religious dispensation to rat on each other. 
33:00  The nature and purpose of Kohl Nidre
34:00  Babylonian Talmud
35:00  Text of Kol Nidrei
37:00  Karaite Jews
40:00  White lies about dinner invitations and Kohl Nidre
42:00  Gentiles crossing their fingers when telling a lie or making a promise one does not intend to keep
43:00  King John repudiated the Magna Carta because he was made to sign it under duress.
44:00  Undue influence
45:00  Denial of Peter
46:00  A purpose of the Kohl Nidre was to allow Jews who had been forcibly converted to Christianity and Islam to worship with Jews in the synagogue on Yom Kippur. However, it this ritual existed before the Spanish Inquisition. Presumably, other nations with other religions must also have forcibly converted them. Maybe it is just a general kiruv to ex-Jews. 

The real reason for Kol Nidre 

47:00 The Inquisition
48:00  Kol Nidre dates back to the Geonic period.
49:00  Breach of promise
50:00  Taqiya
51:00  "Doctrine of lying"
1:00:00  Michael Servetus
1:01:00  The Noahide laws are seven tick boxes.
1:03:00  The harm of idolatry
1:05:00  Idolatry leads to self-worship and self-destructive narcissism.
1:06:00  The Koran is more morally authoritative than Maimonides.
1:09:00  Is the observant Jew or liberal Jew more morally authoritative?
1:10:00  The late Rabbi Schneerson is the Holy Rabbi of Chabad
1:11:00  Church of Entropy
1:15:00  The Jewish understanding of idolatry 
Idol Worship In Chabad-Lubavitch

The Lubavitcher Rebbe as a God




1:18:00  The evil inclination
1:19:00  Great civilisations are great empires, and great empires adhered to the rule of law, a civilising influence. 
1:20:00  Roman Civil Law
1:22:00  The Twelve of Rome
1:23:00  The Code of Hammurabi
1:24:00  The Ten Commandments
1:25:00  Jews are evidence of God.

1:27:00  God can easily keep you in existence while making you suffer eg Prometheus.
1:31:00  Democracy
1:32:00  Is Islam Noahide?
1:34:00  Secular Koranism is undeniably more Noahide than Christianity.
1:35:00  Secular Koranism gives people more freedoms than Muslim-interpreted sharia. 
1:37:00  Secular Koranism is for restoring the patriarchy while guaranteeing freedom of belief with

1:44:00  Blasphemy and idolatry

1:46:00  Hidden idolatry
1:47:00  The arrival of the 
1:48 :00  Messiah
1:49:00  Atenism and Tutankhamun
1:50:00  Jews are allowed to enter mosques but forbidden to enter churches. 

1:51:00  Jews are religiously obliged to the gentle and promote the Noahide laws amongst them. They are not supposed to be competing against them to be good liberals when so much of liberalism clearly goes against the Noahide laws.  

1:52:00  Western idolatry and Western idols
1:53:00  Vincent makes a terrible noise. 
1:55:00  God > Maimonides
1:56:00  Rabbi-only essay competition with cash prizes donated by Muslims  

1:59:00  CHURCH OF ENTROPY joins.

2:06:00  CONOPS joins.
2:07:00  Idolatry

3:43:00  Oceanic Development

3:45:00 Vincent explains Jen's ideas.

3:50:00  Vincent has heard that theory before.

4:35:00  I never doubted Church of Entropy on this theory and have spoken to her about this before.

4:37:00  Church of Entropy:

"The default position should be that I am right about everything."

Truth, Logic and Morality.

4:38:00  Church of Entropy, like Curt Doolittle, cannot explain her own ideas properly. 
4:39:00  I have lost the privilege of accessing Church of Entropy's "teachings".
4:40:00  Church of Entropy accuses me of promoting "toxic filth". Is she the archetype of Western Woman?
4:41:00  Conops sees that there may be something in my argument that Church of Entropy is the archetype of Western Woman.  
4:42:00  Church of Entropy seeks spirituality in the Orient.  
4:43:00  Church of Entropy is white middle class and college-educated - demographically the most powerful female group. 
4:44:00  Is Church of Entropy the incarnation of Dayananda Saraswati? 
4:45:00  Mitchell Porter
4:46:00  Church of Entropy's claim is not falsifiable. 
4:53:00  Church of Entropy has admitted that she is deliberately obscure to stop people understanding her ideas.  
4:59:00  Why is the water molecule bent?
5:05:00  I do say that gentiles who reject the Noahide laws are antisemites and gentiles who complain about feminism and globohomo but still reject Secular Koranism are Islamophobes.  
5:06:00  Church of Entropy cannot explain the link between physical and moral laws. 
5:07:00  Church of Entropy says she has contempt for me because I am a bad person. Jon Vance
5:08:00  The law of causality
5:09:00  Church of Entropy says physicists should be in charge of government. 
5:11:00  Lack of religion/moral education is the cause of incompetent and corrupt politicians. 
5:12:00  Church of Entropy is a charlatan.  
5:15:00  Church of Entropy cannot demonstrate how cause and effect in physics is linked to cause and effect in politics, religion, morality, history and political ideology. 
5:16:00  Church of Entropy claims that the Noahide laws came from Hinduism. 
5:17:00  Hindu Flood Legend of Manu and the Biblical Account of Noah
5:37:00  Church of Entropy rage quits.
5:38:00  We complain about Church of Entropy and analyse her methods.
5:42:00  The deliberate opacity of Church of Entropy's prose
5:45:00  Have I ever lied about Church of Entropy?
5:46:00  Church of Entropy is like a scammer.
5:47:00  The difference between science and philosophy
5:48:00  The bargain Church of Entropy makes
5:49:00  "Cult prestige"
5:50:00  Church of Entropy lowers us in status, subjects us to public humiliation and sics her mods on us at Week in Review. 
5:51:00  Church of Entropy has an army of beta males to do her bidding. 
5:54:00  Disgusting Things from my theology degree
5:55:00  Summa Theologica by Thomas Aquinas
5:56:00  Aquinas

On 6 December 1273, another mystical experience took place. While he was celebrating Mass, he experienced an unusually long ecstasy. Because of what he saw, he abandoned his routine and refused to dictate to his socius Reginald of Piperno. When Reginald begged him to get back to work, Thomas replied: "Reginald, I cannot, because all that I have written seems like straw to me" (mihi videtur ut palea).

6:00:00  Unfalsifiable hypothesis. The orbiting teapot of Bertrand Russell
6:01:00  The Abrahamic God is also unfalsifiable proposition.
6:03:00  Aztecs
6:04:00  The motivation and morals of the person making a claim
6:05:00  Confirmation bias
6:07:00  Shellfish poisoning
6:08:00  Jews are evidence of God's existence.
6:09:00  Facts about tsunamis

Witnesses have reported that an approaching tsunami is sometimes preceded by a noticeable fall or rise in the water level. If you see the ocean receding unusually rapidly or far it's a good sign that a big wave is on its way. Go to high ground immediately.
6:12:00  Adam and Eve
6:13:00  The Fisherman and His Wife
6:14:00  Marriage is biting off more than you can chew. 
6:15:00  Nuclear weapons are useless against illegal immigrants. 
6:18:00  The cosmopolitan elite
6:20:00  The role of the working class in neoliberalism
6:21:00  The forgotten and redundant formerly working classes
6:22:00  The plebs of Rome were displaced by slave labour.
6:23:00  Bread and circuses and the welfare state of Rome. Demographics is destiny. Mercenaries
6:25:00  Selling off the family silver
6:26:00  Protectionism
6:27:00  Westland and Trident
6:29:00  The buffer class of the middle class
6:30:00  The national interest
6:31:00  Solon
6:32:00  Cleisthenes
6:33:00  French Revolution
6:34:00  Dutch Patriotic War 1786
6:37:00  The rule of law
6:38:00  Religion is the opium of the people.
6:39:00  The Russian Revolution, Kronstadt Mutiny
6:40:00  Emancipation of the Serfs
6:41:00  Russo-Japanese War 1904
6:42:00  The Last Samurai
6:44:00  Neo-feudalism
6:46:00  Technocrats
6:47:00  One party state
6:48:00  The Middle Ages
6:50:00  The European Wars of Religion
6:51:00  German Unification
6:54:00  Nationalism
6:55:00  Military organisation
6:56:00  Two apparently Muslim practices are really Roman practices?
6:59:00  War and empire
7:01:00  The last emperor of Rome
7:02:00  Romulus Augustus  and Oderic
7:04:00  Youth bulge
7:06:00  The working class
7:08:00  Athens and Sparta
7:09:00  Helots
7:10:00  Thucydides Trap
7:11:00  Corinth
7:12:00  Leo Strauss
7:13:00  Comparing America and the Soviet Union with Athens and Sparta
7:17:00  Pericles
7:20:00  Rome and Carthage
7:21:00  Dido, Queen of Carthage
7:22:00  Dido and Aeneas by Purcell

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What would Jews prefer, Secular Koranism or Noahide Hinduism? — Real Vincent Bruno (@RealVinBruno)  January 23, 2025 1:00  Secular Koranism 3:00  Referendum in Israel 4:00  Jews ...