
Thursday 19 March 2020

What Vincent Bruno likes about Claire Khaw

After Church of Entropy said that there is no point arguing with people because they never concede when they have lost the argument just as she has never conceded that I won any argument with her. However, the fact that she won't allow me on Week In Review any more and hiding me in her live chat and siccing all her mods on me and my associates is her indirect way of acknowledging that she is sick and tired of losing all her arguments with me.

1:27:34 Vincent Bruno:

"[Arguing] is good practice for my arguments. Claire is very annoying, but the thing I like about Claire and the reason I continue to talk to her is because she forces me ... she is very good at coming up with all these itty bitty annoying little questions and assertions and I have to disprove them all. It gives me a lot of practice and once I have done it with her I don't have to do it with anyone else."

2:12:00  Church of Entropy likens me to Covid19 and calls it "Clarological".

2:23:00  Church of Entropy claims rather speculatively that the Cov19 is like me, "delighting in the suffering of others". Does this mean she has suffered because of words used by me? Was anything I said about her and her ideas untrue, illogical or immoral? My solution of Secular Koranismn is intended minimise the suffering of the human race, which is why I propose Global Secular Koranism.

2:40:00  Church of Entropy compares me to a meat grinder.

This is hurtful because I have shown nothing but care and concern as well as love and affection for her. I have also vowed to give her unconditional love as I understand it in order to reassure her and entice her and Westerners to Secular Koranism.  I suspect the reason for her visceral hatred of me is that she cannot win a single argument against me and is left with trying to destroy my reputation by making up increasingly unbelievable lies about me. With my help, I trust and hope that Church of Entropy and Western civilisation can pull themselves from the brink of disaster by submitting to the power and glory of Secular Koranism.

2:48:00  Is Church of Entropy referring to me?

A playlist of the history of our brief and intense relationship can be found at

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