
Saturday 25 April 2020

Is Millennial Woes thinking of inviting me on his channel to discuss religion, nation and nihilism?

Nazism is the "religion" of antisemites.

Political ideology has the effect of religion. The distinction between religion and politics is a distinction without a difference.

Atheists are  more afraid to die than people who believe in an afterlife. Atheists who do not believe in an afterlife will be more inclined to hedonism and be reluctant to make the sacrifices required to defend their group.

If you adopt materialism as a means of keeping the hedonists quiescent, what will happen when the money runs out?

Nihilism is a product of atheism. Atheists believe that we have been brought into being for no particular reason other than an accident of nature.

Which is best?

a) Believing in nothing
b) Believing in something that is untrue
c) Believing in something that is illogical
d) Believing in something that is immoral
e) Believing in obeying the laws of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God

When are you going to have me on your channel?

a)  When Mark Collett allows you to
b)  When enough people ask you to
c)  When you work up the courage to do so
d)  Never

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