
Wednesday 22 April 2020

Unlike the others, Joel Davis is prepared to venture forth in discussing morality in the context of religion

6:00  "Bold, creative, intellectually curious people" would be prepared to engage with me.

14:00  What "temperamental difference"? The "right" is basically male, the "left" basically female.

18:00  Religion has had an impact in the organisation of society. The alt-right never discusses religion because they are militant atheists who despise those who believe in God and obey His laws. But it is from religion that the moral system of patriarchy is derived.

18:30  "Satanic" is defined as rebellion from God. God has already forbidden usury at Hitler in fact wanted to abolish usury.

19:00  It was a Christian who said usury was OK, but then Christianity is kaput and Western Man is suffering from the consequences of a kaput illegitimate idolatrous and blasphemous religion that is now on its death bed. It will properly be dead to all intents and purposes when the West adopts Secular Koranism, as it logically and necessarily must do if the West wishes to correct itself. However, the capacity of the degenerates in the political establishment and those who oppose it to acknowledge this correction is in doubt.

20:00  Even scapegoating is a Jewish idea.

23:00  Matriarchy is stagnation and degeneracy. Matriarchy was established by the sexual liberation decades of liberal policies promoted. Feminism destroys patriarchy by bribing and distracting men with extramarital sex to get them hooked on it. The West is suffering from the double whammy of a failed religion and a failed political system. Denial is a feminine vice and Western men now think, speak and behave like the immoral women who casually conceived and parented them. The shape of patriarchy is a pyramid resting on its base. The shape of our unstable intersectional matriarchy is an upturned pyramid spinning on its apex like a top. Secular Koranism - which would restore the patriarchy - is the new political mentality Western Man who cares about posterity should be seeking, but it seems most of them are metrosexual, bisexual, gay or transgender these days.

26:00  "The sacred narrative" to which Joel Davis refers to is the narrative of the struggle - or jihad, if you prefer - of changing from worse to better, which is not made without inconvenience. The journey of a thousand miles begins with the decision to make it. Are Western men now up to making that journey, or will they deny even the need to change their current trajectory? Do my questions in fact disturb the peace of what is in fact an elephants' graveyard? The Sinophobic noises now emanting from the West is merely Western Man's awareness that the West's position as top dog is not forever. Unlike the Japanese that they nuked twice with impunity, Western Man cannot do the same thing to the Chinese - a people Western men are pleased to consider an inferior race - and this is what makes them gnash their teeth, tear their hair and rend their garments. How are the mighty fallen after half a century of dysgenic feminism.

27:00  "Something greater, something higher" - is Joel perchance referring to the Abrahamic God without daring to say so?  He talks of "coordinating power with some elite factions". I am attempting to sell Secular Koranism to the Western political establishment and the Israelis too and that politically-focused person that the alt-right hate and fear so much the mainstream alt-right actually make a point of not giving my ideas the oxygen of publicity. Mark Collett once told me he had put the idea of Secular Koranism to bed, but when I asked to see the stream, it was clear that he had deleted it.

31:00  Humility can only come through submitting to Truth, Logic and Morality. Most Western men have spent their entire lives avoiding this.

34:00  The Chinese think in centuries and govern in the national interest. They may get things wrong, but they have at least stated their objectives correctly.

37:00  Risk-aversion is a sign of degenerate effeminacy. In a matriarchy, all men are lower than the unmarried mother. Therefore, to get by in this kind of society, Western Man has to think like immoral and irresponsible women to anticipate their preferences in order to compete with each other to submit himself to them. This is of course dishonourable and degenerate provoking the hatred, ridicule and contempt of men of other nations, races and religions. It is undeniably degenerate for the stronger, cleverer and wealthier to submit to the weaker, stupider and poorer just because he desires ease of sexual access to stupid, irresponsible and immoral women to the exclusion of the national interest and posterity. However, since most Western men have no intention or prospect of becoming married fathers, they would not care about the opinion of future generations, for he who does not intend to make any biological investment in the next generation does not care what becomes of it. Over the decades, Western Man has come to think of extramarital sex as his inalienable human right and is indeed now a porn-addicted degenerate who has no desire to marry a woman of his own race and pay for her children even if one could be found prepared to marry him because he is now MGTOW, gay, bisexual or transgender.  It was Livy who said: "We can no longer bear our vices nor their cure." The Romans had the excuse of not having Islam to convert to before the fall of Rome. Western Man does not.

42:00  If important laws cannot be changed under the current system, then it is time to change the current political system and the moral system it relies on.

43:00  The learned helplessness was caused by the welfare state, so abolish it. To be an imperial nation, its people need to see themselves as imperialists. The kind of people in charge are those who pander to the matriarchy who are by definition moral degenerates.

45:00  Degenerates orphaned from their traditions who have never met their fathers will have no desire to perpetuate an empire they have been taught at school to be ashamed of.

49:00  The American Empire has come to the end of the road of usury. The Chinese were the first to use paper money as a store of currency. Eventually, the idea that they could create money by printing money did not end well for them. There is now another credit bubble building up in China fuelled by the desire to worship Mammon that lurks in the breasts of all humanity. I suspect it will not end for them again this time either. Usury is but a drug for a universal behavioural addiction.

52:00  "The parasitism of capital" and the matriarchy  - the matriarchy is a danger to itself because a matriarchy is by definition a society of sluts, slut-fuckers and their bastards. If people deserve the government they get, what kind of government does a society of sex offenders and their illegitimate offspring deserve? Extramarital sex would be treated as a sexual offence by, and

The perfect patriarchy - 100% married parents
The perfect matriarchy - 100% unmarried parents

What is the illegitimacy rate of your Western nation?

The entire West is a matriarchy. All civilisations rise in patriarchy and decline in matriarchy. Western Man is now so effeminate he cannot discuss the fact that most Western men are in fact unmarriageable, particularly men of the alt-right. The trouble is that the unmarriageable men of the alt-right are now more interested in blaming Jews, Muslims, non-whites and now China than in thinking through their problems properly and solving problems using Truth, Logic and Morality. Indeed, their hatred for particular groups is the only thing that unites them now and the fact they share the same shade of skin complexion known as "white". The "religion" of the alt-right is hatred and their congregations consist of them flying like crows to one live chat to another, where they are pandered to by YouTuber concerned. Only the same old antisemitic/Islamophobic/racist/Sinophobic shit is repeated ad nauseam because these degenerates think complaining about a problem and never proposing a solution is the way to their longed for race war and ethnostate where all problems will magically disappear even if they are never addressed. When no problem is ever solved, they can always blame it on the Jews. Joel actually utters the word "religion", to my surprise.

1:02:00  "No moral language" - Can we have moral language without moral education? Can we have moral education without religion? Joel seems to be the first man in the alt-right prepared to discuss religion in a serious way, unlike many whose names I could mention such as Mark Collett and Millennial Woes.

1:10:00  Keith Woods never says anything, does he? If he has nothing that he dares to say, why does he pretend to say it?

1:13:00  Fuentes is Catholic and Christianity is kaput.


Ugly hunchback said...

Secular Koranism? Huh? We had a working system for more than a millennia: Christendom.

Secularism does not even answer the basic question of why we are alive and what the point of all this is, which only Christ answers. If there were no life after death, if I were not a Christian, I would have committed suicide a long time ago. In fact, I hanged myself at age 23, almost ten years ago.

I do agree with your criticism of the West's awful, vulgar sexual immorality, but completely disagree about the solution. (In the Koran, all muslims go to hell, and it is up to Allah's capricious grace who of the believers gets to heaven.)

As Vox Day wrote: Either the West returns to Christianity or we will be ruled by demons. There is no Plan B.

Claire Khaw said...

But Christianity is kaput.

Where does it say all Muslims go to hell?