
Thursday, 2 April 2020

Developing the narrative of my Covid-19 Chinese conspiracy theory

Chinese conspiracy theory begins from 37:00 for 5 minutes

Actually, this whole thing coming from China was all performed by Chinese crisis actors. Their objective was to make Western nations correct themselves after suffering from the consequences of an unforced error.  

The Conspiracy

"What we'll do is pretend we have some sort of pestilential disease and that we're dealing with it and that we took all these measures and we locked everything down. When somebody dies of flu in the West, they'll just go into this huge panic and destroy themselves because the men are so cucked and the leaders are really led by those they lead in their stupid liberal democracy which is the stupidest thing on earth. They will end up destroying their economies after locking everything down. They will borrow money they could never hope to pay back when they already over the heads in debt. We'll just watch them destroy themselves while all the news coming from China about Covid-19 is being made by Chinese crisis actors.

Because Westerners have always been sneering at China for our human rights record and not caring about our people, they will feel they have to pull out all the stops to show they care about theirs in their stupid democracy crap, but they can't because their people are degenerate, disorganised, disobedient and stupid. What they will end up doing would be like Modi announcing a lockdown without giving anyone notice so the poor who only live hand to mouth will starve or riot.

After their mass hysteria, Westerners will hate their governments so much they will overthrow them and become a one party state like us. Then, finally, there will be someone in charge of their stupid degenerate Western countries that we can deal with, not some stupid slut or slut-fuckers who says 'Yeah, but no, but yeah, but no" like that Vicky Pollard in Little Britain.  


We have dropped little hints to them about how they could improve their government, but they are basically too far gone in their matriarchal dementia to take gentle hints, even after we have taken the trouble address them in their own language using cartoons and catchy songs. 

The world is sick and tired of risk-averse dowager empress-like Western leaders who cannot make up their minds on anything whose promises cannot be relied on. In fact, the declining British still have their stupid principle of Parliamentary Sovereignty, which is basically a woman's prerogative.

Even this Huffington Post article about a woman's prerogative say it is expensive, and, of course, stupid.

China now has very talented propagandists, and China will do everything in its power to peacefully correct the behaviour of heedless Western nations it is trying to do business with but cannot get any sense out of. 

Let us hope Boris Johnson and his American masters will be more inclined to listen to Claire Khaw, a very rational, kind and impartial woman known for her honesty and principled convictions of how the world should be run whose love and affection and care and concern for white people is already well-known in White Nationalist circles and all through the Anglosphere extending even to New Zealand, encompassing the entire Anglosphere as well as Europe. If Western governments listen to her, it is just possible that China too will consider adopting Secular Koranism too. The world is fortunate indeed to have Claire Khaw and Claire Khaw Thought!" 

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