
Tuesday 21 April 2020

Understanding Jews and their relations with gentiles

1:00  JAY says he understands me a little more after so long.
8:00  Low status
10:00  "Gradually I began to hate them."
11:00  One party state
12:00  Confusing Noath with Moses
12:30  Moses in his basket, not casket
14:00  I am neither anti- nor pro-Jewish.
15:00  The narrative of the Abrahamic God
16:00  Impossible to conceive of a being more powerful than the Abrahamic God.
17:00  Zeus
17:30  Durga
Why even atheists need the Hypothetical Supreme Authority that is the Abrahamic God to settle their disputes
21:00  Jews are indestructible.

23:00  Freewill
23:30  Breaking our own rules
24:00  The concept of the Abrahamic God
25:00  Mandate of Heaven
28:00  The Old and New Testament
29:00  America is a Christian country, isn't it?
29:30  The New Testament is an antisemitic document.
31:00  Political ideologies have the effect of religion because they are both moral systems.
32:00  Changing the system is changing the political or religious ideology and this is logically and necessarily revolutionary. Revolutionary proposals would predictably encounter resistance from vested interests who regard the status quo as being in some way sacred.
33:00  Thoughtcrime legislation eg the     Act 2010
34:00  John Tyndall and Nick Griffin
34:30 - the basis of the First Amendment - would declare any thoughtcrime legislation to be unIslamic.
35:00  Liberalism should protect freedom of association, freedom of contract, freedom of worship, freedom of expression and the right to property.
36:00  Liberalism has no official handbook. The Torah is the official handbook for Jews and the Koran is the official handbook for gentiles.
38:00  Secular Koranism is a one-size-fits-all legal system designed to accommodate atheists to polytheists while guaranteeing their freedom of worship with and protecting/restoring/establishing the patriarchy.
39:00  Judaism and Islam are complementary: one is first and the latter final.
40:00  Only observant should be on the Register of Jews.
42:00  Chabad
44:00  Secular Koranism is based on the Koran.
44:30  Christianity is illegitimate because it idolatrous and blasphemy.
46:00  Islam is Monotheism III.
47:00  Judaism, Christianity and Islam are competing routes to the same destination ie God.
48:00  Cockroaches
49:00  Humanity is at the top of the food chain.
50:00  Cockroaches, crows, dolphins, elephants, whales
51:00  Civilisation comes from the idea of people living in cities.
52:00  Agricultural revolution
53:00  Crows
54:00  Jews are the world's most ancient and powerful tribe.
56:00  Crows
57:00  Crows are carrion eaters like hyenas.
58:00  Vultures also feed on carrion.
1:02:00  Noahide laws
1:03:00  Christians have been worshipping a Jew for 2000 years.
1:04:00  Jesus was Caesar.
1:08:00  Kaiser
1:10:00  The compassion of Julius Caesar?
1:13:00  Islam is a Noahide religion.
1:14:00  My road map to Secular Koranism.
1:15:00  How my rabbi-only essay writing competition on Secular Koranism would "Noahidise" the world quicker than Chabad
Noahide ranking of the other four world religions
1:16:00  Stick and carrot used to motivate donkeys.
1:19:00  Rabbi-only essay competition
1:20:00  My proposed Register of Jews
1:23:00  Jewish ethnostate
1:26:00  Political territorial dispute
1:27:00  Israel is not a Torah theocracy.
1:28:00  Even Jews in Israel would find a Torah theocracy too harsh.
1:31:00  Rabbi Mizrachi
1:32:00  Aaron Amihud wants Diaspora Jews to all come and live in Israel.
1:34:00  Covid-19 will change our behaviour permanently.
1:36:00  Covid-19 was sent by God to punish us for our sins.
1:38:00  You can tell an observant Jew from an unobservant Jew without being Jewish.
1:39:00  Christianity is kaput.
1:40:00  Noahide laws = patriarchy
1:41:00  India
1:42:00  The least your religion should be doing for you
1:43:00  The politics of the Delhi gang rape
1:44:00 Slut-shaming
1:46:00  MGTOW was invented by Western Man.
1:48:00  Unmarriageable Nazi larper
1:48:30  Doooovid
1:49:00  Having prospects
1:49:00  "My husband the Nazi larper"
1:50:00  Obsessed by status
1:51:00  Before the Equal Pay Act 1963 (US) and 1970 (UK)
1:54:00  Asking for a rise
1:59:00  Women will never be satisfied.
2:00:00  You can't shame sluts if you want to fuck them.
2:01:00  Complaining about Jews instead of proposing to shame sluts.
2:03:00  Domingo accuses
2:19:00  Adultery and fornication
2:20:00  ex post facto law and retrospective legislation
2:21:00  Publicity stunt
2:22:00  Martyr
2:28:00  The 613 laws for Jews and the 7 Noahide laws for gentiles.
2:29:00  Israel is an American Protectorate.
2:30:00  Israel is a status symbol for empires.
2:31:00  No point nuking the Middle East.
2:36:00  Children can sometimes control their parents. Wives can be the power behind the throne.
2:39:00  Israeli fears
2:40:00  Israel is an American colonial outpost in the Middle East.
2:42:00  Israelis are in a state of neurotic suspension.
2:43:00  Liberal Jews should be struck off the Register of Jews.
2:44:00  After the Secular Koranist Revolution
2:45:00  Putin said liberalism is now obsolete.
2:47:00  Why rabbis avoid me
2:48:00  Jews and Muslims in the West are frightened of provoking gentile non-Muslims.
2:49:00  Republican Jews in the US sucking up to Christian Zionists
2:50:00  AIPAC. A de jure one party state rather than merely a de facto one party state

2:53:00  Noahide ranking of the other four world religions
2:57:00  Idolatry
2:58:00  The Doctrine of the Trinity
3:02:00  Circumambulating is not worshipping the Kabah.
3:03:00  Sacred objects
3:04:00  Mary Mother of God
3:05:00  Wailing wall
3:07:00  Tisha B'Av
3:09:00  Hidden idolatry
3:13:00  Martin Luther
3:15:00  Does the truth have a liberal/antisemitic bias?
3:16:00  Antisemitism as a religion
3:20:00  The Torah say Jews are God's Chosen People.
3:23:00  Culture comes from law which comes from your moral system which comes from your religion/political ideology.kk3:24:00  Correlation does not mean causation.
3:24:00  Sheldon Adelson
3:27:00  Jewish identity

3:32:00  The Golden Calf
3:33:00  Jews, Christians and Muslims breaking their own rules.
3:35:00  The Jew and shiksa streaming partnership
3:38:00  Gandalf
3:41:00  Culture Bear and Kult Bear
3:42:00  Church of Entropy started streaming in 2015 while I started in 2017.
3:43:00  When Clairey met Jenny
3:45:00  Babylonian Hebrew
3:46:00  Halsey News Network
3:47:00  Conservative political philosopher Paul Gottfried labeled them “alternative right” in 2008.
3:54:00  The uncertain Jewishness of Halsey English
3:58:00  Hitler ordered Nazis to make sex dolls so soldiers wouldn't catch syphilis from prostitutes
3:59:00  Al Goldstein

Story of Jesus Christ was 'fabricated to pacify the poor', claims controversial Biblical scholar
Christianity was a sophisticated government propaganda exercise used to pacify the subjects of a the Roman Empire, claims scholar

4:12:00  Desmond Ford
4:15:00  Napoleon
4:21:00  Jewish emancipation
4:21:30  The Noahide laws
4:21:00  An identity as a Nazi larper
4:26:00  Why even atheists need the Hypothetical Supreme Authority that is the Abrahamic God to settle their disputes
4:27:00  Jews are analogous to being the first born.
4:35:00  Why did God choose Jews?
4:37:00  The self-hating Jew
4:38:00  Pogrom
4:39:00  Jewish privilege
4:46:00  Jewish privilege
4:48:00  Being Jewish is a protected characteristic in law.
4:50:00  CONOPS joins.
OV thinks Jews are over-represented in academia.
5:07:00  Liberal elite and Jews
5:09:00  Church of Entropy and Oedipus Rex
5:15:00  Entropism
5:17:00  Mark Collett
5:20:00  Bobby Fischer
5:21:00  AARON joins.
5:22:00  Self-hating Jew
5:24:00  Noam Chomsky
5:26:00  Jewish observance
5:27:00  Shellfish
5:29:00  I will only accept the views of Orthodox rabbis.
5:30:00  Male circumcision
5:34:00  Talmud
5:35:00  Noahide laws
5:35:00  Secular Koranism
5:39:00  The difference between a legal system and a belief system
5:42:00 = First Amendment
5:45:00  The Register of Jews
5:54:00  Jews begging to be struck off the Register to avoid being stoned to death.
5:55:00  Jews can become ex-Jews with the Register of Jews.
5:56:00  I am here to help Jews and gentiles.
5:57:00  Dead to Judaism
5:58:00  Hametz
5:59:00  The unrighteous gentile
6:00:00  The legality of the transaction
6:03:00  Consideration has to be passed between the parties
6:04:00  Vodka
6:05:00  Hametz
6:09:00  Gentiles in Jewish households are required to be circumcised over Passover.
6:12:00  The letter and spirit of the law
6:14:00  Why does God make Jews do their thing with the hametz every year?
6:17:00  Parasites in pork and shellfish poisoning
6:29:00  The eugenic filter of marriage

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