
Saturday, 2 May 2020

Does Jay really think religion is important to society or care that Christianity is kaput?

1:00  Could I be the Messiah?
2:00  I am the mind of a man happily inhabiting the body of a woman conscious of my feminine privilege.
3:00  Fasting
6:00  Millennial Woes, Judge Kavanaugh and Mark Collett
7:00  MW's message
8:00  Are men the best people to say what women should be? Are women the best people for saying what men should be?
10:00  Mark Collett virtue signalling
10:30  Ego Dik
In defence of Ego Dik's comments on how virtue-signalling Western men fail to protect their women from predatory foreign men
14:00  I make a point of supporting intellectually defensible but unpopular opinions.
15:00  Do these voices reflect the crisis of masculinity in Britain?
16:00  Apple News supports Meghan Markle
19:00  Mark Collett
20:00  Lara Towler, Yorkshire lass debating the Yorkshire Tea with Mark Collett.
21:00  OV
26:00  Emmet Fox
27:00  Parable
28:00  Scientific Christian
30:00  Religion has a dual purpose.
31:00  The Mandy Rice-Davies Argument: "He would say that, wouldn't he?"
33:00  Racism
34:00  alt-right
47:00  The status of the white man
48:00  The wrench and status people will argue over
49:00  High status musical instruments
51:00  Tim Mallett
58:00  Narcissism or self-belief?
1:02:00  Right Reaction
1:03:00  BNP London Mayoral Candidate - their first choice
1:03:30  BNP London Mayoral Candidate - their second and final choice
1:05:00  The Trinity

1:07:00  The public face of religion is law, politics and government. Your chosen moral system should enforce by law the rules of your chosen moral system. Because a Christian is defined as someone who worships an executed revolutionary as the co-equal of the supreme and Abrahamic God with only hearsay as evidence that Christ is indeed God, its scripture is not rule-based, but rather a miscellaneous collection of writings by different people. In short, it has no unity of authorship and no scripture believed to be divine giving gentiles clear directions, unlike the Koran. Christians were kept Christian through state intimidation and violence eg the Inquisition, the burning of heretics.What the Post-Christian does not know is that his ancestors were forcibly converted. After the Doctrine of the Trinity Act 1813 was passed, the state no longer had the power to compel Christians to stay Christian using state intimidation. The Americans dealt it another death blow when it formally separated the church from their state n 1892.

1:09:00  Bishops in the House of Lords
1:10:00  Cardinals and Archbishops were the conscience of the English monarch
Salem Witch Trials
1:11:00  The First Amendment
1:13:00  Emmet Fox is not enough.
1:14:00  The role of government
1:15:00  The welfare state destroyed the Protestant work ethic.
1:17:00  Social parasites
1:18:00  I see Jews as part of the solution as well as the problem.
1:19:00  Quarterback
1:20:00  The status of the Chosen People

1:24:00  Secular Koranism is a legal system, not a belief system.
1:25:00  After three years, the penny finally drops.
1:26:00  My mind is like a cave where the sea comes in.
1:27:00  Definition of cult
1:31:00  How are Jews God's Chosen People? Because their scripture says so!

1:58:00  New Culture Forum is fronted by a gay man for Christians unable to defend the Trinity and know they cannot convincingly win the argument against me when I say Christianity is kaput.

1:59:00  Peter Whittle is a gay man fronting the Dissident Right benefiting from tokenism
2:02:00  Why I promote Secular Koranism
2:03:00  Whether I am a political activist
2:04:00  Getting the message of Secular Koranism through is more important than being an elected politician, for me.

2:05:00  Jay isn't interested in solutions because he doesn't think it is his place to propose solutions and he knows no one would take his solution seriously even if he had one, because he is not part of the liberal establishment and these people only listen to each other. 

2:11:00  Spirituality

2:13:00  Patriarchy is a society that prioritises the preferences of married fathers. Matriarchy is a society that prioritises the preferences of unmarried mothers and morally compromised slut fuckers. This is the status quo. Jay does not think it is possible to change the status quo, so he like Conops, prefers to mock people who try.

2:16:00  "What good does caring for your country do [if no one will listen to you but instead call you names for daring to question the system]?" 

Jay laughs at the idea that he would ever fight or die for his country.  

2:18:00  Jay denies that his question is "What's in it for me?"

Even gay men would have to agree that is better for children to be brought up by two married parents living together in a loving relationship. Some of them even say so.

Dolce & Gabbana aren’t backing down from pro-family stand

2:20:00  Jay would get rid of the Armed Forces.

2:23:00  Narcissism means suffering from the self-centredness that assumes everyone is you and you are everyone. Jay being a narcissist, assumes that what he doesn't want to do no one else should do. If they try, he will mock them.

2:27:00  The system has turned to shit, the lunatics are in charge of the asylum, and Jay is laughing at the situation.

2:28:00  Jay represents nihilists.

2:30:00  "Jews are part of the problem and the solution."

2:32:00  The majority of gentile non-Muslims are in fact Islamophobes.

2:33:00  "Why can't we go back to a time before Jews and Muslims arrived to make everything go wrong?

2:34:00  Ramadan

2:39:00  Jay says man has moved away from God.

2:40:00  Jay then says he is not sure if he believes in God. Therefore Jay acknowledges that "moving away from God" means disobeying God's Commandments. 

2:43:00  There are more people like Jay than there are people like me.

2:44:00  Ideas can come and go or they can be acted upon.

2:45:00  Jay concedes that religion is important.

2:46:00  Scientific Christianity

2:47:00  Muslims

2:48:00  The short-term thinking of an atheist and nihilist

2:49:00  Why the alt-right won't talk to me

2:51:00  Stefan Molyneux

2:54:00  Brutus wants to restore the patriarchy

Stefan Molyneux would rather debate with this libtard than me because he prefers to be seen to win the debate rather than to have an honest discussion with me about the moral imperative of restoring the patriarchy with a one party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism.

2:55:00  Cotto-Gottfried don't want to upset the alt-right who would hate them for giving Secular Koranism the oxygen of publicity. They are OK with Roosh and his Orthodox Christianity which they know will go nowhere, but not with my Secular Koranism.

2:56:00  Jay claims "politics does not exist" yet endlessly debates it with me and others. It is probably like atheists endlessly insisting on God's non-existence. By even denying His existence, they are implicitly acknowledging the concept of God, which most definitely exists.

2:57:00  Tony Blair

2:58:00  The more the political establishment fuck things up, the closer we are to Secular Koranism.

2:59:00  Usury

The difference between Christians and Muslims is how they define themselves and what their religion tells them to do

3:06:00  Where the problem is worst



Group solidarity and religion

3:12:00  Islam > Hinduism

3:14:00  Jews, Christians and Muslims and their respective status

3:16:00  Society P -v- Society M

3:17:00  Loss of status, academia and dime a dozen academics

3:18:00  Academics who prostitute their intellect to whoever pays them

3:20:00  Obama got a Nobel Peace Prize.

3:21:00  The malign encouragement of Stephen James in trying to get me to waste my time writing  a book that will never be published because publishers would be too afraid to publish it.  

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