
Monday, 4 May 2020

Church of Entropy solicits my views on China

Church of Entropy:
So do you think USA will declare war on China?

It is like asking me which way I think a rabid dog will turn.  

Church of Entropy:
easy enough questiondo you think a war between usa and china will happen
It depends how crazy the Americans are now. It seems they are getting crazier and crazier.  

Church of Entropy:
so you think: yes

In theory, anything is possible.  

Church of Entropy:
so you think: yesYou should seek to prevent it, if you care about the environment.  so you think: yes?

I am saying I don't know and hope not, obviously. 
I don't think they are crazy enough to drop bombs because they will destroy themselves in the process.   
China holds a lot of dollar debt.   
China could dump all their dollar holdings in one day and that would sucker punch the US.   
They are just hesitating because they are going to lose money in the process.   
But losing money  is cheap at twice the price.
The rest of the world would think China has done the world a favour because so many countries have been victims of US foreign policy, including NATO members. 
They might not trust the Chinese, but they sure as hell hate America and its crazed globohomo and its mad dog President.  
China will emerge from this crisis with its reputation enhanced. 
The only apology they could be making is "OMG. We're so sorry. We value our people which is why we pulled out all the stops to save them from the virus. You guys hate your people and don't care if they die because you regard them as not economically productive and a burden on the state. You only went through the motions of lockdown and now it seems you have destroyed yourselves over nothing. It is like a rich man saying he will get on a plane and fly first class, not knowing the people who try to follow him will end up being stowaways in the undercarriage and freeze to death before they get to the destination. We are the people who flew first class without even thinking about it, and you guys were the stowaways who should have stayed home." 
And all the West can say to the Chinese is "OMG! Look what you made us do! It's all your fault!"   
For geopolitical reasons, China will gain more influence in Australasia.  
When the American Empire implodes, ex-NATO members will move towards a rapprochement with Russia and China while the Americans lie in a darkened room nursing their hangover.
The people who see the light first will have the most prestige.  
I am moving towards that light, and invite you to follow me.  
Whatever you think of the Chinese, they live under a system and a tradition that sees the imperative of correcting their mistakes as soon as possible. 
China is the oldest empire in the world.  
What the West thinks it did as regards the separation of the church and state, the Chinese did centuries before them.  
Britain will be piggy in the middle because it is the country between America and the European continent.  
I suppose Canada will always be the backyard of America unless it finds a strong leader brave enough to defy America.  

Church of Entropy: this an exemplification of the correcting of mistakes the chinese are so well renowned for?

Hear the other side at
The West has been using Muslims to impose regime change.  Dumb Muslims are easily stirred up to fight by Western propaganda.  
The West wants to get Muslims to rebel against the Chinese, because that is just how the West rolls.  

Church of Entropy:
youre an idiot if you think thats truethe "west" is not a thing RETARD. you know who controls the muslims. and IT AINT THE WEST.the point im trying to make is that you're a hypocrite.
Define hypocrite. 

Church of Entropy:
china is persecuting muslimsimplying china thinks its too good for islambut you think islam is good enough for europeans even though you are clearly doing this for china and nothing elseyour little rant makes that abundantly clear

I want both China and Israel to adopt Secular Koranism.  

Church of Entropy:
then go push it on themchina is atheist, clearly less in conformity w noahide than the west which pays lip service to jewish noahide law endlessly

I don't live in China.  Because I don't live in China, what I say would have no influence at all.  

Church of Entropy:
lolyou dont live in israel eitheryet you want them to adopt your dumb idea

My Mandarin is not up to scratch.  

Church of Entropy:
since israel needs to adopt it first you should focus on thatand since china is so "glorious and powerful" you should be focused on that
I don't know enough Israelis.  

Church of Entropy:

I have no influence at all in China.  

Church of Entropy:
you can just aim your streams at themyou have no influence in the uk either imbecile

My Mandarin is not up to it.  

Church of Entroipy:
i dont speak hindi but i still have influence in india

I actually have been a member of political parties in the UK.  

Church of Entropy:
i guess youre a total failure
I like to think I have not yet succeeded.  

Church of Entropy:
probably bc youre nuts

CK: There is a kind comment here. 
How am I nuts?  

Church of Entropy:
you spoke ill of meand you did so repeatedly, so the only logical explanation for that is insanity or malign intent. i think you suffer from both.

Everyone knows I have a soft spot for you, including yourself. 

Church of Entropy:

you dont understand logic either
im going to focus on that, a lot
its definitely crazy to claim to care about logic yet not understand anything about formal logic
almost as crazy as an atheist promoting a theocracy.

Atheists can see the point of theocracy if they see it as a means to the end of restoring the patriarchy.  

Church of Entropy:
i stand by what i said

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