
Saturday, 9 May 2020

Kaput Christianity means kaput White Identity

If any part of that video does not make sense, you can ask me questions at

6:00  Descent
7:00  Christianity
8:00  Jews and Muslims
9:00  When Christians took Christianity so seriously they would burn each other as heretics.
10:00  People suffering from dementia and amnesia
11:00  People who are supposed to have had an education but have no counter-arguments boycotting my channel leaving me to bump along at the bottom with antisemites, Islamophobes, racists,  the under-educated, mentally-deficient and mentally ill
12:00  Post-Christian non-Muslim Westerners always complaining about Jews and Muslims not getting it that the reason why they are in the state they're in is because Christianity is kaput and people with a religion that works better than theirs who practise marriage and family values will always get ahead of them.
13:00  The dishonest, the irrational, the immoral and the wilfully blind
14:00  No accountability and no one in charge
15:00  Saying the same old shit again and again is like a mantra to some people

17:00  If Jay had anything to say he could reduce it to a post in the live chat of 200 characters, but it is impossible to explain nonsense.

18:00  Jay could ask me his killer questions from his account at but he has no point to make other than say "yeah but no but yeah but no" when asked if Christianity is kaput. He doesn't like using that because his answers when read without his bluff confident manner will be seen for the nonsense that they are.

19:00  No religion, no identity.

20:00  What WASPs did to each other when they were English-speaking and Christian

22:00  You cannot deny that Christianity is kaput. Pogroms against Jewish

23:00  The antisemitic narrative of blaming Jews for everything is their Theory of Everything. Nothing more is required because, for them, it does explain everything.

24:00  The narrative of the Abrahamic God about the three Abrahamic faiths

25:00  John Wycliffe and the Lollards

27:00  What is religion for?

28:00  God divided humanity between Jew and gentile.

29:00  God's Chosen People

30:00  Christianity is kaput.

31:00  John Calvin approved usury.


33:00  If Europe had already been Muslim before the Reformation, there would have been no need for a Reformation.

34:00  Henry VIII

35:00  The narrative of the Abrahamic God

36:00  Jews are supposed thank God for misfortunes they suffer.

37:00  Job

38:00  The purpose of Jews for gentiles and the purpose of gentiles for Jews

39:00  Breaking our own rules

40:00  Taking the long and God-like view on the basis that it takes a civilisation centuries to fall.

41:00  The moral to be extracted from the bloody and burned story of Christianity: nobody would believe any of that shit unless they were forced to, which they were, because Christians would burn each other as heretics. Once Western governments lost the will to enforce belief in stupid shit, Christianity began to die after the Doctrine of the Trinity Act 1813 and after the Americans quarantined the church from their state. Now, the West is as Christian as a skeleton used to be human.

42:00  The purpose of dying a martyr's death: to be remembered by posterity.

43:00  Secular Koranism is for everyone.

44:00  A Register of Jews to tackle antisemitism. Hatred for Jews is directly linked to how little they promote the Noahide laws to gentiles. These days, they are not even Noahide and won't discuss the Noahide laws with me because this would draw attention to centuries of dereliction. This began when rabbis declared that Christianity to be Noahide in the late Middle Ages.

45:00  "We don't like it, we don't wanna and you can't make us."

46:00  Church of Entropy

My Theory of Jen entirely based on speculation 

Jen larps as a reincarnated Hindu sage because, having rejected her mother's Catholic identity, her father's was a blank since he is a boomer shitlib who didn't believe in anything. This means she didn't have an alternative - possibly Jewish - identity for her to slip into. This is the root of her daddy issues and her rage is that her father of all people failed to give her an intellectually respectable religious identity. Being intelligent and intellectually creative, she invented one for herself. Because she is white middle class, college-educated and passably attractive, she is able to command enough beta male attention to keep her narcissism going. Since one of the major defects of character is pride, she can never admit that she is wrong. Because she thinks degenerates are easy to control, she defers to men with channels bigger than hers eg Luke Ford, Christopher Cantwell and JF even when they mock her, but the fact remains is that they are degenerates who will never amount to anything. She is comfortable in low company because it is easy for her to dominate low status low education people. Jay, the archetype of Western Man, also shares this trait. The trouble with low company is that they drag you down and embarrass you with their unseemly behaviour getting you into trouble and will never have the contacts or inclination to advance you. 

At the very least, even if she accomplishes nothing, she will have fun "larping". Since she admits to being a nihilist, she has already admitted her atheism which is in harmony with her belief that God is impersonal. Why worship a deity that is indifferent to you when you can worship the Abrahamic God that created the Universe, knows your heart and mind and occasionally answers prayers? She cannot answer this question though I have asked her this many times. I can only conclude it is because an impersonal god is easier to believe than the Abrahamic God which she calls "the African tribal god" to show her contempt for the Abrahamic faiths.  

The alt-right are known for their antisemitism, Islamophobia and racism. To curry favour with her alt-right associates, she also takes this position while denying her antisemitism and Islamophobia. Her position is that Christianity and Islam are religions created by Jews and antisemites would be foolish indeed to try either of these gentile religions as a means of moral regeneration because, according to her, they have already been primed for failure by cunning Jews. She offers the alt-right Entropism as a means of salvation whose practices require you to see her as theocratic dictator, an incarnation of a Hindu sage in return for a place in her priesthood - consisting of thirsty and submissive beta males - which "worships" an indifferent and impersonal god. She has never explained why anyone would worship an impersonal and indifferent god, however.  

It is possible that her antisemitism is subconsciously linked to her daddy issues. If her father is indeed Jewish, then she wishes to confront him with her deliberately cultivated antisemitism. It is a kind of poetic justice. "Daddy, since you never admitted your Jewishness, you must hate yourself. Since you hate your own Jewishness by never acknowledging it, why should you be surprised if I hate it too?" seems to be her message to her father. "And this is what you get for abandoning me to the absurdity of my mother's Catholicism."

47:00  Chinese ancestor worship

49:00  The Abrahamic God divided humanity between Jew and gentile, deceased Chinese people are divided between Worshipped Ancestor and Hungry Ghost.

50:00  Cannon-fodder and empire

51:00  Short-term thinking of Western politicians

52:00  Church of Entropy's created identity

53:00  Islam rejected by white middle class women because it is perceived as low status immigrant culture

54:00  Unacknowledged snobbery

55:00  Secular Koranism

56:00  Independent thought

57:00  Talking to cattle and low status men

58:00  Christianity is kaput.

59:00  Talal Asad

1:02:00  Tom Holland conflating Christianity with Liberalism

1:03:00  Category error

1:04:00  Secularism is our operating system.


William E. Connolly attempts to summarize Asad's theoretical contributions on secularism as follows:

1.  Secularism is not merely the division between public and private realms that allows religious diversity to flourish in the latter. It can itself be a carrier of harsh exclusions. And it secretes a new definition of "religion" that conceals some of its most problematic practices from itself.

2.  In creating its characteristic division between secular public space and religious private space, European secularism sought to shuffle ritual and discipline into the private realm. In doing so, however, it loses touch with the ways in which embodied practices of conduct help to constitute culture, including European culture.

3.  The constitution of modern Europe, as a continent and a secular civilization, makes it incumbent to treat Muslims in its midst on the one hand as abstract citizens and on the other as a distinctive minority either to be tolerated (the liberal orientation) or restricted (the national orientation), depending on the politics of the day.

4.  European, modern, secular constitutions of Islam, in cumulative effect, converge upon a series of simple contrasts between themselves and Islamic practices. These terms of contrast falsify the deep grammar of European secularism and contribute to the culture wars some bearers of these very definitions seek to ameliorate.

1:08:00  No, the culture of the West is not the high culture of opera, chamber music and Shakespeare, but that of slut-fucking and bastard-breeding. Degenerate Westerner sees Muslims as threatening their sexual liberation and Jews as being so cunning as to avoid the harm of sexual liberation.

1:09:00  Jewish festivals and Christian festivals

1:11:00  JF and racial hygiene

1:13:00  William E Connolly


1:16:00  War and terrorism

1:17:00  Jizya

1:18:00  Tribal wars, Roman Civil War, Peloponnesian War

1:19:00  One man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist.

1:20:00  The British Empire

1:21:00  The American Empire

1:24:00  What about the Noahide laws is "secular"? Does it matter?


2:00:00  White Identity

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What would Jews prefer, Secular Koranism or Noahide Hinduism? — Real Vincent Bruno (@RealVinBruno)  January 23, 2025 1:00  Secular Koranism 3:00  Referendum in Israel 4:00  Jews ...